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Malawi - Food Insecurity

Map of Malawi
Map of Malawi

Regional Team: SWAN

Disaster Declared:

Brief Description:
Poor rainfall across Malawi’s Southern, Central, and Northern regions in February and March 2005, combined with inadequate supplies of fertilizer and seeds, adversely affected the country’s maize crop, the primary staple food. As a result, during the 2004/2005 agricultural season, Malawi produced approximately 36 percent less than the recent 5-year production average. In November 2005, the revised Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (VAC) analysis determined that nearly 5.1 million people would require food assistance. Other factors—such as endemic poverty, the impact of HIV/AIDS, and price increases in petrol and diesel—exacerbated food insecurity in Malawi. On October 15, 2005, President Bingu wa Mutharika declared a food crisis across all 28 districts.

On October 19, 2005, U.S. Ambassador Alan W. Eastham redeclared a disaster in Malawi due to ongoing food insecurity. OFDA’s assistance focused on the areas of food security, agriculture, and nutrition. Since FY 2001, OFDA has provided more than $7 million in humanitarian assistance to Malawi.


  • 02-03-2006 Southern Africa Situation Report #1(88kb PDF)(map)
  • 11-14-2005 Malawi Situation Report #1 (87kb PDF)(map)


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Wed, 07 May 2008 13:10:34 -0500