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Central African Republic - Complex Emergency

Map of Central African Republic
Map of Central African

Regional Team: ECA

Humanitarian Emergency Declared:

Brief Description:
Since December 2005, clashes between armed insurgent groups and government forces in the Central African Republic (CAR) have gradually escalated, resulting in the displacement of an estimated 150,000 people in the northwestern provinces of Ouham-Pendé and Ouham.  The fighting, compounded by rampant banditry in the area, has prompted people to flee their villages and take refuge in nearby forests.  Furthermore, ongoing insecurity prevented many subsistence farmers from planting crops during the May 2006 agricultural season, leading to predictions of a poor October harvest.  The government Ministry of Social Affairs appealed to the U.S. Embassy in Bangui for support in providing assistance to the affected communities.

On September 8, 2006, U.S. Chargé D’Affaires A. James Panos declared a disaster in response to the increasing humanitarian needs in the country.  A OFDA regional advisor is currently in CAR to assess humanitarian conditions.  In response to the declaration, OFDA plans to provide $120,000 to two humanitarian organizations to carry out nutrition assessments and emergency water interventions in the most affected areas.  OFDA will continue to monitor the evolving situation and provide additional assistance as appropriate.

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Wed, 30 May 2007 08:05:48 -0500