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Senators Introduce Bill To Improve Aviation Security
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Commerce Committee Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Vice Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) introduced legislation late Tuesday that would improve aviation security by enhancing passenger and cargo screening processes. Senators Jay Rockefeller, (D-WV), Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) cosponsored the Aviation Security Improvement Act.
“The government must remain vigilant in its effort to provide security for our nation, and the steps proposed in this bill will both improve our existing security system and give the Transportation Security Administration the flexibility to combat new and emerging threats,” Sen. Inouye said.
“New security technologies will continue to play a vital role in our overall aviation security,” said Senator Stevens. “This bill will provide the Transportation Security Administration with new and innovative security tools to improve the safety of our air passengers and cargo.”
“Improving our nation’s aviation security system is a continuous process,” Rockefeller said. “Today’s legislation will go a long way toward making air travel even safer by requiring the TSA to implement the outstanding 9-11 recommendations regarding the screening of 100 percent of cargo shipped on passenger aircraft, and addressing the unique security needs of the general aviation industry.  Terrorists will always seek to exploit the weakest links of our transportation infrastructure – and we have a responsibility to close the remaining gaps in aviation security.”
The bill would require the screening of all cargo on passenger airplanes within three years. The cargo screening program strikes a balance between ensuring all cargo on passenger aircraft is secure and ensuring the movement of commerce. The legislation also extends the Aviation Security Capital Fund so airports can purchase advanced baggage screening systems that can be integrated into current screening systems.
Airline passenger prescreening remains a primary concern of air travelers and the Congress, because too many passengers are inconvenienced by false positives when matched against passenger watchlists. These errors also take valuable attention and resources away from those passengers who do pose a threat to security.
This bill would ensure a system is in place to handle passenger redress issues and requires the TSA to move rapidly to develop a strategic plan to test and implement an advanced passenger prescreening system.
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Public Information Office: 508 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
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