U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
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Senate Commerce Committee Approves Security Bills, Nominations
Legislation Would Secure Transportation, Critical Infrastructure
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation today unanimously approved six bills, three of which will make significant improvements to our nation’s security. The Committee also approved three nominations to the Coast Guard.
“These bills have bipartisan support and reflect this Committee’s continued commitment to securing our transportation and critical infrastructure,” said Chairman Daniel K. Inouye, D-Hawaii.
The Committee approved an amendment in the nature of a substitute to S. 184, the Surface Transportation and Rail Security (STARS) Act of 2007. The bill authorizes new surface transportation and rail security assessments, grant programs, research and development initiatives, and security measures for the nation’s major surface transportation modes.  The bill proposes new programs to address known risks and authorizes ongoing efforts already underway at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).  The STARS Act will provide a statutory framework for TSA’s surface transportation and rail security efforts, with Congress, for the first time, setting specific goals, tasks, and timelines for security improvements in these critical areas.
“We must address the risks facing our essential surface and rail transportation systems here at home in a comprehensive and coordinated way before we become the next victim of a successful attack,” Senator Inouye said.
The Aviation Security Improvement Act, S. 509 was approved with two amendments.
The bill addresses the aviation security recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission in the areas of cargo and baggage screening, explosive detection at airport checkpoints, passenger pre-screening and general aviation security.
One amendment increases the size of the national explosives detection and canine teams and the other requires the TSA to report on progress in developing a passenger pre-screening program.
“My colleagues and I used the 9/11 Commission Report as a guideline in drafting this legislation and we believe that once this bill is enacted, it will significantly improve aviation security. We have had five years to consider what does and does not work. Now it is time to implement what we have learned,” Senator Inouye said.
The Committee approved a manager’s package amending the Interoperable Emergency Communications Act, S. 385. The bill gives the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) greater direction regarding how to use the $1 billion interoperability fund created by the Committee in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005.
“The inability of our first responders to communicate with one another during an emergency is an especially troubling problem when the ability to quickly and effectively communicate saves lives,” Senator Inouye said.
S. 93, the 911 Modernization Act, would facilitate 911 grants to public safety answering points by authorizing the NTIA to borrow against anticipated receipts from the auction revenues.
The Professional Boxing Amendments Act of 2007, S. 84, would establish a commission to protect the healthy, safety and general interests of boxers. It creates minimum public safety standards that all state boxing commissions must enforce, and provides authority to both suspend and revoke boxing licenses.
The Ocean and Coastal Exploration and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Act (NOAA), S. 39, would authorize coordinated ocean exploration and mapping programs and an undersea research program within NOAA.
The Committee also approved the nominations of Teresa K. Peace,  Edward Mosely and Thomas Denucci to be lieutenants in the U.S. Coast Guard.
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