Table 2-26 ,,,,,,,,, Number of States with Different Types of Anti-DUI/DWI Legislation in Effect ,,,,,,,,, as of January 1 of the Listed Year,,,,,,,,, ,1986,1990,1992,1994,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 BAC = 0.08 per se lawsa,2,4,5,10,13,13,15,16,c18 ,,,,,,,,, BAC level 0.02 or less for persons ,,,,,,,,, younger than 21 years,0,0,3,12,c28,c38,c51,c51,c51 ,,,,,,,,, Administrative license revocation (ALR),,,,,,,,, for DUI/DWI offendersb,c21,c27,c30,c33,c38,c40,c41,c41,c41 a Per se law makes it illegal in and of itself to drive with an alcohol concentration measured at or above a certain level.,,,,,,,,, b States that impose additional thresholds for ALR beyond those imposed for DUI/DWI are not included in these figures.,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, c Includes the District of Columbia.,,,,,,,,, KEY: BAC = blood alcohol concentration; DUI = driving under the influence; DWI = driving while intoxicated.,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, "NOTE: National Uniform Minimum Drinking Age Act, which standardized the minimum drinking age at 21, was enacted in 1984.",,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, SOURCES: ,,,,,,,, 0.02 BAC and Administrative license revocation:,,,,,,,, "1986-98: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Traffic Safety ",,,,,,,, "Programs, Research and Evaluation Division, personal communications, Apr. 9 1999 and Oct. 4, 1999.",,,,,,,, "1999-2000: Ibid. Impaired Driving Division, personal communications, May 22, 2000.",,,,,,,, "0.08 BAC: Ibid. Presidential Initiative for Making 0.08 BAC the National Legal Limit, A Progress Report, Internet site",,,,,,,, ", as of May 19, 2000.",,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,