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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Slide Presentation of the 2007 Annual Meeting of AHRQ

Geriatric Patient Perspective on e-Rx

Text Description is below the image.

The slide presents a bar chart with geriatric patients preferences for paper or electronic prescriptions. Preference for paper declines while preference for E-Rx rises on the chart. However, the measurement on the horizontal axis is not stated. The first set of bars shows 18% prefer E-Rx and 60% prefer paper. The final set of bars shows 42% prefer E-Rx and 8% prefer paper.

Results are approximate values.

Text reads to the right of the chart: Notes of caution Q&A:

  • When do you expect your Rx to be ready?
    • 18% IMMEDIATELY!
  • Paper RX helps me remember to pick up my RX?
    • 57%—74% agree!

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