Fermilab TodayFriday, January 30, 2004  
Friday, January 30
3:30 p.m. Wine & Cheese - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. Joint Experimental Theoretical Physics Seminar - 1 West
Speaker: A. de Gouvea, Northwestern University
Title: What Have We REALLY Learned from Neutrino Oscillation Experiments? 8:00 p.m. Fermilab Lecture Series - Auditorium
Title: The Physics of the Blues
Speaker: J. Murray Gibson, Argonne National Laboratory

Monday, February 2
3:30 Director's Coffee Break - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 All Experimenters' Meeting
Special Topic: Linear Collider at Fermilab

Thursday, January 29
Split Pea w/Ham Soup
Stadium style nachos w/all the fixin's $3.50
Chicken breast served "Coq au Vin" style over orzo pasta w/choice of vegetable $4.75
Shrimp salad sandwich on your choice of bread served w/side salad $4.75
Bratwurst simmered in beer w/bag of chips and 16 oz. fountain drink $4.00

Eurest Dining Center Weekly Menu
Chez Leon
Weather Dangerously Cold 3º/-9º

Extended Forecast

Weather at Fermilab


Secon Level 3

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Fermilab Playgroup Invites Parents and Children to Join
Fermilab Play Group
Fermilab Playgroup members: Mizuho and Shun Yonehara, Kristina and Jonas Huening, Sasha and Vanaia Valisheva, Jennifer and Noah Jansson, Gabriella and Louise Lima, and Masako and Hibiki Fuji. (Click photo for larger version)
Twice a week the sounds of small children laughing and playing can be heard coming from the Users' Center. The children, along with their parents, are members of the Fermilab Playgroup. The group, which gives kids a chance to play and parents a chance to socialize, meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in the Music Room. A big bin of toys is available at the Users' Center, and parents provide craft activities on a rotating basis. During the warmer months, the group takes advantage of good weather and meets outside.

The current group has been meeting regularly since the spring of 2003, and they are looking for more parents and children to join in the fun. Children from 6 months to 5 years of age and parents of all ages are welcome. For more information, contact Jennifer Jansson at (630) 879-0172 or jansson_jennifer@hotmail.com.

Fermilab Lecture Series Presents Tonight
The Physics of the Blues, Dr. J. Murray Gibson, Argonne
Art and Science are intimately connected. Even if we are not conscious of it, physical principles underlie our appreciation of music. This lecture reviews the development of Western Music, up to the introduction of the Blues and Jazz. Dr. Gibson will use live musical examples to illustrate the physics behind musical scales and harmonic relationships, which are the palette with which musicians create. He will also reveal how the physics of music can give insights into other areas of science such as quantum mechanics and the molecular basis of life. Don't miss this lecture that moves the physics lab to a blues club when Dr. J. Murray Gibson presents "The Physics of the Blues" on Friday, January 30, 2004 at 8 p.m. in Fermilab's Ramsey Auditorium.
More information

Farewell to Theo Gordon
Theo Gordon
Theo Gordon
Theo Gordon joined Fermilab in 1969 with the Beams Transfer Group. He recalls the people-first outlook of founding director Robert Wilson, and how he made Fermilab feel like "one big happy family." Now, 35 years later, Gordon is retiring from the lab.

Over the years, Gordon has given on-the-job training to the likes of Gene Fisk, Roger Dixon, and Jeff Appel. He joined the Accelerator Division about 20 years ago. He's worked on the switchyard, the Booster, the Main Ring, and the Tevatron. Greg Lawrence, Gordon's supervisor of 20 years, said the great thing about Gordon was that "he could do anything, vacuum work, brazing, etc." Lawrence also commented that Gordon's "specialty" is RF cavities.

Before Gordon's celebration lunch on Thursday, Lawrence said: "Over a hundred people are coming to this lunch. That tells you something." Gordon plans to remain in Aurora, and hopes to spend more time with his parents, his three children, and his granddaughter.

In the News
From Timberjay Newspapers Online, January 29, 2004
Meeting to share details on physics lab
By Tom Klein
Bring your curiosity and your questions.
That's the advice for those who plan to attend a meeting to discuss construction of a new $150 million physics lab. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 5, at Orr City Hall where scientists from the University of Minnesota, state Sen. Tom Bakk and state Rep. David Dill are expected to attend.
Read more

Vacation Center Presentation
On Wednesday, February 4 at noon in 1 North, there will be a presentation on the next two vacations planned by the Recreation Office through Collette Vacations. They will be for the "American Rockies by Rail" trip scheduled for June 5, and "Discover Tuscany" scheduled for October 18. We are stll taking reservations for the New Orleans getaway scheduled for May 17. Brochures for all the vacation packages are available in the Recreation Office or call us and we will mail them to you.

Brown Bag Seminar
The next Brown Bag Seminar is on Feb. 3 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in One West. The title of the talk is "Heart Healthy Eating."

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