Fermilab TodayTuesday, January 20, 2004  
Tuesday, January 20
1:30 p.m. Special Theoretical Astrophysics Seminar - (NOTE DATE and TIME) - Curia II
Speaker: J. Mould, National Optical Astronomical Observatory
Title: New Large Telescopes: Complementing JWST and Opening the Time Domain
2:30 p.m. Special Theoretical Physics Seminar - (NOTE DATE and LOCATION) - Theory Conf Rm (WH 3NE)
Speaker: T. Becher, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Title: Factorization in Effective Field Theory
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK 2nd Flr X-Over

Wednesday, January 21
4:00 p.m. Fermilab Colloquium - One West
Speaker: G. Gollin, University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
Title: Buying a PhD From a University That Doesn't Exist

Tuesday, January 20
Smoked Ham with Brown Sugar Glaze and Honey Mustard Sauce Served with Two Market Sides $4.75
Stuffed Baked Potato Bar $3.50
Oven Roasted Roma Tomato with Fresh Mozzarella, Basil and Balsamic Vinaigrette on Tomato Herb Foccaccia w/ Side Salad $4.75
Philly Style Cheese Steak Sandwich with Peppers and Onions $4.75

Eurest Dining Center Weekly Menu
Chez Leon
Weather Mostly Cloudy 20º/10º

Extended Forecast

Weather at Fermilab


Secon Level 3

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In the News
FYI: AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News, January 14, 2004
Leftovers: Energy Policy Bill and FY 2004 Appropriations Bills
Washington DC When Congress returns to work next week it will immediately confront legislation left over from last year. Seven major appropriations bills remain stuck in the Senate that would provide FY 2004 funding for science-related programs such as the National Science Foundation, NASA, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Department of Education's Math-Science Partnership Program. The energy policy bill, which contains strong authorization numbers for the DOE Office of Science, is bogged down. Despite one-party control of the House, Senate, and White House, finding the votes to pass these bills has been difficult, and the prognosis is very unclear.
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Neal Lane to Chair the Fermilab Director Search Committee
We wish to announce today the formation of the URA Search Committee for the next Fermilab
Neal Lane
Neal Lane, Chair,
Search Committee
Director. The new Director would succeed Michael Witherell, who announced last fall that he will step down on June 30, 2005, after concluding six years of service as Director.

We are especially pleased that Neal Lane, University Professor at Rice University, has agreed to chair the Search Committee. Dr. Lane
Fred Bernthal
Fred Bernthal,
URA President
was Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and prior to that, Director of the National Science Foundation in the previous Administration in Washington.

The membership of the Search Committee, as approved by the Fermilab Board of Overseers, includes individuals from the high energy physics,
Don Hartill
Don Hartill, Chair,
Fermilab Board of
astrophysics, information technology, and management sectors. The eighteen-member Committee also includes six Fermilab scientific staff members. The Committee will be asked to report its recommendations to the Fermilab Board of Overseers by September 2004. A link to information about the Director Search will soon be set up on the Fermilab website.
read more, including the list of Search Committee members

Fermilab Gallery Chamber Series
Mary Stolper Sold Out; Tickets Still Available for Baroque Trio Sonatas and Steven Lubin
Art Gallery
All concerts take place in the Fermilab Art Gallery on the second floor of Wilson Hall.
Three years ago, the Auditorium Committee created the Gallery Chamber Series, a winter event consisting of three Sunday afternoon concerts. Every year the series has sold out, and this year appears to be no exception. Tickets are still available for the Baroque Trio Sonatas on February 29 and Steven Lubin on April 4, but Mary Stolper's performance on January 29 has already sold out.

"The series was designed to fulfill several needs," said Janet Mackay Galbraith, Fermilab Arts Coordinator. "The three concerts showcase Chicago area musicians. The series also offers chamber music at a very affordable price and highlights the Fermilab Second Floor gallery, which has been less accessible to the general public since the 9/11 security restrictions." Past performances have included world-renowned musicians from The Chicago Symphony, Chicago's Music of the Baroque, the Grant Park Symphony, the Lyric Opera Orchestra and solo/recording artists such as David Schrader and Steven Lubin, founding member of the Mozartean Players. Each concert is followed by an informal reception.
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Director's Corner
Good Morning!
Mike Witherell
On this cold January morning, I want to recognize and thank the people who keep the laboratory going through the depths of a Midwestern winter. With a few thousand employees and users, 6,800 acres, and miles of roads and walkways, Fermilab is the size of a small town, although a rather specialized one. Keeping the heat, water, and power flowing to the labs, offices, control rooms and shops of this unique community is a challenge, especially when the temperature drops toward zero as it has in recent days.

Aging water pipes and other systems feel the cold. When it snows--usually at night or on weekends, it seems--Roads and Grounds staff come in at all hours to keep roads and walkways clear so that the rest of us can get to work in the morning. It is true that physics research is an intellectual and technological challenge of the highest order, but it would be difficult to carry out without the heat on and the roads plowed. My thanks, and the thanks of all of us at Fermilab, to all of those who are keeping us warm and safe this winter.

Accelerator Update
January 14 - January 16
- Tevatron quenched
- Operations established 1 store during the last forty-eight hours. They delivered approximately seventeen hours and forty-five minutes of luminosity to the experiments.

View the current accelerator update
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts

New Office Location
The Training and Development Department has moved its offices from the Training Center on Road A-1 to the 15th floor of Wilson Hall. The new mail station is 107. All training classes will continue to be delivered at the Training Center.

Upcoming Training and Development Classes
January 21 - Excel Intro
January 27 - Editing HTML for Admin. Profs.
January 29 - Access 2000 Intermediate
February 5 - Word 2000 Intermediate
February 10 - HTML, Level 1
February 17 - HTML, Level 2
February 19 & 20 Oracle Database 10g: New Features Overview
February 24 - Access 2000 Advanced
March 2 - Excel 2000 Intermediate
March 16 - Cascading Style Sheets
March 17 & 18 - Dreamweaver MX
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O'Reilly's Safari Bookshelf
There are still two weeks left on the Fermilab Library's trial of O'Reilly's Safari Bookshelf. This tool is the premier electronic reference library for programmers and IT professionals. Unlike an online bookstore, with Safari you can search the electronic versions of a broad range of the best technical books from leading publishers simultaneously, online. Plus, Safari lets you download chapters for convenient offline viewing. Search for an answer online to solve an immediate problem, or print out a chapter to read on the run.

Scottish Country Dancing
Scottish Country Dancing will be held at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 20, at the Geneva American Legion Post. Newcomers are always welcome. Info at 630-584-0825 or 630-840-8194 or folkdance@fnal.gov.

Fermilab Association of Rocketry Monthly Meeting
The Fermilab Association of Rocketry will have its monthly club meeting on January 21, 2004 at 5:00 p.m. in the lower level of the village barn. We will also have one of our winter building sessions after the meeting. If you have something you want to build, bring it with you. Or just come, hang out and talk about rockets!
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Recreation Adult Outing
There will be a recreation adult outing on Saturday, February 21, 2003 at the Pheasant Run Resort & Spa. A buffet dinner will be followed by the play, "The Underpants," by Carl Sternheim; adaptation by Steve Martin; directed by Karen Kessler. The deadline to order tickets is January 26. Call or stop by the Recreation Office x5427, x2548 to pick up a brochure and registration form.
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Fermilab Today