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The Health Consequences of Smoking on the Human Body

Effects on Pregnancy

Surgeon General’s 2004 Report: The Health Consequences of Smoking on the Human Body
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An estimated 6 million women become pregnant each year in the United States, and more than 11,000 give birth every day. Between 12 and 22% of these women will smoke during pregnancy. Smoking has a negative impact on the health of both unborn and newborn children. Only 18 to 25% of women quit smoking once they become pregnant.


Nonsmokers have fewer complications with pregnancy and have healthier babies than smokers.

The cervix is the lower third portion of the uterus. The baby passes through the cervix when it is born. Smoking can cause cervical cancer. Tobacco use increases the risk of pre-cancerous changes as well as cancer of the cervix.

In 2003, an estimated 12,200 new cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed, and an estimated 4,100 women died of cervical cancer.

Smoking can cause infertility in women, making it more difficult to start a family.

Smoking is harmful during every part of the development of the baby, and continues to be harmful after a baby is born.

Smoking can cause babies to be born prematurely, and to have low birth weight, respiratory diseases, and other illnesses. Low birth weight is the leading cause of infant deaths.

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of placenta previa and placental abruption.

Nicotine in cigarettes may cause the blood vessels to constrict in the umbilical cord and uterus, decreasing the amount of oxygen the unborn baby receives. Nicotine may also reduce the amount of blood in the baby’s bloodstream, which can contribute to low birth weight.

Women who smoke while pregnant have a higher risk of premature rupture of membranes before labor begins. This can lead to premature birth and possibly infant death.

Secondhand smoke may have terrible effects on a newborn baby. Smoking by mothers causes sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Infants exposed to secondhand smoke are at twice the risk of SIDS than unexposed infants.

If a nursing mother smokes, her breast milk may contain nicotine, which may be harmful if a baby drinks it.


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Disclaimer: Data and findings provided on this page reflect the content of this particular Surgeon General's Report. More recent information may exist elsewhere on the Smoking & Tobacco Use Web site (for example, in fact sheets, frequently asked questions, or other materials that are reviewed on a regular basis and updated accordingly).


Page last updated May 27, 2004