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Uncertainty Quantification
J. Glimm and Y. Yu

Quantification of Uncertainty and Computer Assisted Decision Making

The need for computer assisted decision making is driven by two related factors. The first is the importance of complex scientific/technical decisions, such as those related to global warming, for which controlled experiments are not feasible. The second is the need for rapid or timely decisions, using incomplete information, such as in shortening the time to market of a product design cycle, mandating a reduction of the role of the human in the loop.

A key issue, and the central one considered here, is an accurate assessment of errors in numerical simulations. Uncertainty quantification (UQ) can be viewed as the process of adding error bars to a simulation prediction. The error bars refer to all sources of uncertainty in the prediction, including data, physics and numerical modeling error. Our approach to uncertainty quantification uses a Bayesian framework. Specifically the Bayesian likelihood is (up to normalization) a probability, which specifies the probability of occurrence of an error of any given size. Our approach is to use solution error models as defining one contribution to this likelihood. We provide a scientific basis for the probabilities associated with numerical solution errors.

We have studied UQ for shock physics simulations [1,2,3], with a focus on statistical analysis of errors in numerical solutions. We decomposed the total simulation error into components attributed to various subproblems, using wave filters to locate significant shock and contact waves. In 1D, a simple error model described the errors introduced at each wave interaction, and (for a spherical geometry) the power law growth or decay of the errors propagated between interactions. A scattering type formula was derived to allow summation of errors propagated through individual interactions to a final error after many interactions [1,2].

The 2D shock interaction problem leads to chaotic interfacial mixing; the central UQ problem here is to define a methodology to describe solution errors for chaotic flow regimes. The challenge is to establish a reliable error analysis for chaotic simulations that do not converge in a pointwise sense, but rather add new complexity with each new level of mesh refinement (see Figure 1). The solution to this conundrum is to look for convergence in averaged quantities, i.e., the statistical moments, and the spatial, temporal, and ensemble averages that will define them. 2D wave filters are used to obtain flow regions having a comparable flow history. Within a single homogeneous flow region, we find that a modest amount of averaging leads to convergent flow quantities under mesh refinement [3].

Figure 2.  Density plot for a spherical implosion simulation with a perturbed interface.  Click to enlarge image. Figure 1. Density plot for a spherical implosion simulation with a perturbed interface. The outer orange-blue boundary is the edge of the computational domain. The red-orange circular boundary is an outgoing reflected shock, and the chaotic inner interface is the object of study. The grid size is 800 x 1600.


  • [1] Glimm, J., Grove, J.W., Kang, Y., Lee, T.W., Li, X., Sharp, D.H., Yu, Y., Ye, K., and Zhao, M. Statistical Riemann problems and a composition law for errors in numerical solutions of shock physics problems. SISC 26: 666-697 (2004). University at Stony Brook preprint number SB-AMS-03-11 and LANL report number LA-UR-03-2921.
  • [2] Glimm, J., Grove, J.W., Kang, Y., Lee, T., Li, X., Sharp, D.H., Yu, Y., and Zhao, M. Errors in numerical solutions of spherically symmetric shock physics problems. Contemporary Mathematics 371: 173-179 (2005). University at Stony Brook preprint number SB-AMS-04-03 and LANL report number LA-UR-04-0713.
  • [3] Yu, Y., Zhao, M., Lee, T., Pestieau, M.N., Bo, W., Glimm, J., and Grove, J.W. Uncertainty quantification for chaotic computational fluid dynamics. J. Comp. Phys. 217: 200-216, 2006. Stony Brook Preprint number SB-AMS-05-16 and LANL preprint number LA-UR-05-6212.



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