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Standard Reference
Standard Interpretations referencing 1910.304
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# Title
 1  2003 - 11/26/2003 - Electrical equipment grounding requirements on concrete floors.
 2  2002 - 11/18/2002 - Compliance requirements for relocatable power taps or "power strips."
 3  1997 - 12/18/1997 - Electrical Conductor Identification.
 4  1996 - 03/12/1996 - Grounding requirements with respect to a battery charger used with rechargeable power tools.
 5  1993 - 04/08/1993 - Extension cord equipped with a built-in "continuity tester".
 6  1992 - 01/13/1992 - Electrical safety related work practices applicable to employees operating or working on or nearby, motor control centers in the workplace.
 7  1988 - 02/24/1988 - Review of Electrical Utilities Procedures for Compliance with Subpart K of Part 1926.
 8  1986 - 10/29/1986 - Testing equipment for use in potentially hazardous environments.
 9  1986 - 02/19/1986 - Double Insulated vs. Electrically Grounded Sewing Machines for Schooling Use.
 10  1981 - 06/22/1981 - Electrical Standards.

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