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Design Center -  How to Begin
Creative Services Center

Design Center: How to Begin

In planning any project, be sure to consult with the Design Branch at the earliest possible stage. We will help you develop the most successful and cost-effective approach, based on your objectives, your audience, your message, and your budget.

Contracting with the Design Branch

The following forms will formally initiate a project with the Design Branch. Please make an appointment with us in advance of sending the form to discuss your project and determine an estimate.

Form AD-652
For USDA use.
(PDF file, Adobe Acrobat Reader needed to view this file.)

Form 6500-46
Forest Service Authorization for In-Service Expenditures.

Interagency Agreement
For Federal agencies other than USDA. Contact your financial officer for the appropriate form or contact the Design Branch for assistance.

To set up an appointment, discuss a project, or purpose a new idea, contact:

Issac Evans
Design Branch Chief
Creative Services Center
U.S. Department of Agriculture
518A Whitten
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250
(202) 720-6641

Financial Management Representatives

Financial Management Representatives provide resource management, budget, and accounting services relating to the working capital fund and reimbursable activities relating to design.

Please contact your agency's financial staff to set up funding in USDA's financial system to support the estimated cost of your project request. Please forward a copy of the funding document and reimbursable agreement or request form via fax to 202-720-8170. These documents can also be e-mailed to Mary Hill (

If you have any questions regarding funding requirements and/or the financial status of project funds, please contact Joslyn Marshall,, 202-720-5984.