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Creative Services Center

About the Design Branch

Good Design is essential to effective communication. A successful design will:

  • Attract an audience,
  • Convey a message effectively,
  • Enhance retention of information, and
  • Encourage action

We work with you at each stage of development-from planning to final delivery-to meet your specific needs. Our designers apply the highest levels of art, science, and technical expertise to ensure a successful project.

Good Value demands the best price as well as first-rate quality and service. The Design Branch charges approximately 20 percent less than comparable local or governmental design firms, according to recent benchmarking studies.

The most cost-effective solutions are achieved when designers are involved at the earliest planning stages. We help you define your message, analyze your audience, and determine the most effective approach. With the diverse array of media available today, a well-planned strategy will ensure the most "bang for the buck."

Outstanding Service extends beyond graphic design.

The Design Branch coordinates with USDA's Photography, Editorial, Printing, Broadcast Media, and other areas to provide a comprehensive, one-stop communication service.

All communication projects-large and small-are governed by numerous regulations, directives, and procurement policies. The Design Branch offers a central resource for coordinating complex projects and handling the necessary red tape.

Our Graphics Library includes extensive archives of Departmental and agency logos, symbols, and theme art, as well as standards and guides to their use.

The Design Branch offers a full spectrum of communication services to USDA and other Federal agencies through Interagency Agreements, Blank Purchase Agreements, and other arrangements.

We specialize in:

View our Portfolio


Issac Evans
Design Branch Chief
Creative Services Center
U.S. Department of Agriculture
518A Whitten
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250
(202) 720-6641