VR Featured Practices: State Employment Specialists in Vocational Education

VR Featured Practices

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The goal of State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies is to assist individuals with disabilities to become employed. To that end, VR agencies (with the support of their federal partners) stand ready to provide employers with qualified job candidates with disabilities to meet the workforce needs of American business. Click on a state below to connect to the person in a given state whose job it is to build and maintain employer relationships. In addition, you can also find examples of how some state VR agencies approach their relationship with business.


The Web sites listed provide additional information of particular use to state vocational rehabilitation agencies and employers. Please note that the inclusion of any Web site does not mean, and should not be construed as, promotion or endorsement of that organization by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services or the U.S. Department of Education. For more information, please see Disclaimer of Endorsement.

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Alabama | Alaska | American Samoa | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Northern Mariana Islands | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virgin Islands | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | West Virginia | Wyoming

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Department of Rehabilitation Services
Peggy Anderson
Employer Development Coordinator
Phone: (205) 290-4457
E-mail: panderso@rehab.state.al.us
Web site: vrregion4.org

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Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Gloria Lewellyn
VR Evaluator II
Phone: (907) 269-2071
E-mail: Gloria_Lewellyn@labor.state.ak.us
Web site: www.labor.state.ak.us/dvr/home.htm

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American Samoa

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Pete Galea'I
Chief Administrator
Phone: 011-684-699-1371
E-mail: voc.rehab@samoatelco.com

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Rehabilitation Services Administration
William Hafner
Employer Development Coordinator
Phone: (602) 542-3793
E-mail: whafner@azdes.gov
Web site: http://www.azdes.gov/rsa/

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Division of Services for the Blind
Lyndel Lybarger
Chief of Field Services
Phone: (501) 682-0324
E-mail: Lyndel.lybarger@mail.state.ar.us
Web site: www.state.ar.us/dhs/dsb/NEWDSB

Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
Roy Albert
Assistant Commissioner
Phone: (501) 296-1642
E-mail: REAlbert@ARS.STATE.AR.US
Web site: www.arsinfo.org

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California Department of Rehabilitation
Lana Fraser
Assistant Deputy Director
Phone: (916) 263-8744
E-mail: lfraser@dor.ca.gov
Web site: www.rehab.cahwnet.gov

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Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Deborah Harvey
Phone: (303) 866-2144
E-mail: Deborah.Harvey@state.co.us
Web site: www.cdhs.state.co.us/dvr

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Connecticut Board of Education and Services for the Blind
Susan Monteleone
VR Counselor Coordinator
Phone: (860) 602-4013
E-mail: Susan.Monteleone@po.state.ct
Web site: www.besb.state.ct.us

Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitation Services
Kate Foley
Human Resource Counselor
Phone: (860) 859-5720
E-mail: Kathleen.Foley@PO.state.ct.us
Web site: www.dss.state.ct.us/svcs/rehab.htm

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Delaware Division for the Visually Impaired
Stacey Bragg
Employment Specialist
Phone: (302) 422-1570
E-mail: Stacey.bragg@state.de.us
Web site: www.state.de.us/dhss/dvi

Delaware Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Cynthia Fairwell
Program Specialist
Phone: (302) 761-8275
E-mail: cynthia.fairwell@state.de.us
Web site: www.delawareworks.com/dvr/welcome.shtml

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District of Columbia

District of Columbia Rehabilitation Services Administration
Lloyd H. Buckner
Chief, Marketing and Business Services
Phone: (202) 442-8461
E-mail: Lloyd.buckner@dc.gov
Web site: dhs.dc.gov

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Florida Division of Blind Services
Bill Murphy
Program Specialist
Phone: (727) 893-2341
E-mail: Bill_Murphy@dbs.doe.state.fl.us
Web site: www.state.fl.us/dbs

Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Eladio Amores
VR Administrator
Phone: (941)359-5670, ext. 217
E-mail: AmoresE@vr.doe.state.fl.us
Web site: www.rehabworks.org

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Georgia Department of Labor, Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Karen Boyer
Workforce Development Manager
Phone: (404) 235-0153
E-mail: Karen.boyer@dol.state.ga.us
Web site: www.vocrehabga.org

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Hawaii Vocational Rehabilitation and Services for the Blind Division
Joy Patterson
Program Specialist
Phone: (808) 692-7724
E-mail: jpatterson@dhs.hawaii.gov
Web site: www.state.hi.us/dhs

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Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Mike Blackaller
Rehabilitation Services Chief
Phone: (208) 334-3220
E-mail: mblackal@icbvi.state.id.us
Web site: www.icbvi.state.id.us

Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Renee Smith
Program Development Manager
Phone: (208) 287-6451
E-mail: Rsmith@idvr.state.id.us
Web site: www2.state.id.us/idvr/

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Illinois Department of Human Services
Tom Minta
Manager, Statewide Employment Services
Phone: (312) 814-4036
E-mail: Dhsd3232@dhs.state.il.us
Web site: www.dhs.state.il.us

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Indiana Division of Rehabilitative Services
Jonathan Kraeszig
Phone: (317) 232-1307
E-mail: jkraeszig@fssa.state.in.us
Web site: www.in.gov/fssa/servicedisabl/ddars

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Iowa Department for the Blind
Carl Shawhan
Phone: (515) 281-1256
E-mail: Shawhan.carl@blind.state.ia.us
Web site: www.blind.state.ia.us

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Kenda Jochimsen
Phone: (515) 281-4211
E-mail: kjochimsen@dvrs.state.ia.us
Web site: www.ivrs.iowa.gov

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Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services
Eunice Thompson
Program Support Public Services
Phone: (785) 267-5301
E-mail: eht@srskansas.org
Web site: www.srskansas.org

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Kentucky Department for the Blind
Steve Deeley
Vocational Preparation Manager
Phone: (859) 246-2111
E-mail: SteveP.Deeley@mail.state.ky.us
Web site: blind.ky.gov

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Robin N. Ritter
Program Administrator
Phone: (502) 429-4460
E-mail: RobinN.Ritter@ky.gov
Web site: www.ovr.ky.gov

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Louisiana Department of Rehabilitation Services
Marsha Blackmon
Program Manager
Phone: (225) 925-4131
E-mail: mblackmo@dss.state.la.us
Web site: www.dss.state.la.us/departments/lrs

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Maine Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Paul E. Cote
Program Manager
Phone: (207) 624-5977
E-mail: Paul.E.Cote@Maine.gov
Web site: www.state.me.us/rehab/dbvi/dbvi_pgms.htm

Maine Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Arthur Jacobson
Assistant to the Director
Phone: (207) 624-5950
Web site: www.state.me.us/rehab

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Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services
Julie Proctor
Deputy Director, Field Services
Phone: (410) 554-9127
E-mail: jproctor@dors.state.md.us
Web site: www.dors.state.md.us

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Massachusetts Commission for the Blind
Janet Labreck
Regional Director
Phone: (508) 754-1148, x7106
E-mail: janet.labreck@state.ma.us
Web site: www.mass.gov/mcb

Lynn Paulson
Regional Director
Phone: (617) 626-7583
E-mail: Lynn.Paulson@state.ma.us
Web site: www.mass.gov/mcb

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
William Allen
Job Placement Specialist
Phone: (978) 345-1713
E-mail: William.Allen@MRC.state.ma.us
Web site: www.mass.gov/mrc

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Michigan Commission for the Blind
Shawnese Laury-Johnson
Rehabilitation Counselor
Phone: (313) 456-1957
E-mail: laury-johnsons@michigan.gov
Web site: www.Michigan.gov/MCB

Michigan Rehabilitation Services
Robert Moore
Manager, Business Services
Phone: (517) 373-8491
E-mail: moorer@michigan.gov
Web site: www.michigan.gov/mdcd

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Minnesota State Services for the Blind
Pam Gowan
Program Specialist
Phone: (651) 642-0778
E-mail: Pam.Gowan@state.mn.us
Web site: www.mnssb.org

Mike Newman
Regional Supervisor
Phone: (651)642-0843
E-mail: mnewman@ngwmail.des.state.mn.us
Web site: www.mnssb.org

Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Jerry Wood
Rehabilitation Specialist
Phone: (651) 296-5617
E-mail: Jerry.wood@state.mn.us
Web site: www.mnwfc.org/rehab

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Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services
Bob McDonald
Director, Job Development/Placement
Phone: (601) 853-5300
E-mail: bmcdonald@mdrs.state.ms.us
Web site: www.mdrs.state.ms.us

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Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Clarinda Unger
Phone: (573) 751-3901
E-mail: cunger@vr.dese.state.mo.us
Web site: vr.dese.mo.gov

Missouri Rehabilitation Services for the Blind
Mark Laird
Assistant Deputy Director
Phone: (816) 622-0622
E-mail: mark.laird@dss.mo.gov
Web site: www.dss.mo.gov/dfs/rehab

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Montana Vocational Rehabilitation
Brigitt Winfield
Phone: (406) 444-2590
E-mail: BWinfield@state.mt.us
Web site: www.dphhs.state.mt.us/dsd/govt_programs/vrp

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Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Carlos Servan
Deputy Director of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (402) 471-8100
E-mail: cservan@ncbvi.state.ne.us
Web site: www.ncbvi.state.ne.us

Nebraska Division of Rehabilitation Services
Jim Coyle
Director of Employment
Phone: (402) 471-0900
E-mail: j_coyle@vocrehab.state.ne.us
Web site: www.vocrehab.state.ne.us

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Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation
Howard Castle
Deputy Chief of Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: (702) 486-5230
E-mail: whcastle@nvdetr.org
Web site: detr.state.nv.us

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New Hampshire

New Hampshire Division of Adult Learning and Rehabilitation
Paul K. Leather
Phone: (603) 271-3801
E-mail: Pleather@ed.state.nh.us
Web site: www.ed.state.nh.us/education/doe/organization/

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New Jersey

New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
John Walsh
Supervising Program Development Specialist
Phone: (973) 648-3594
E-mail: john.walsh@dhs.state.nj.us
Web site: www.state.nj.us/humanservices/cbvi

New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Program Development Specialist
Phone: (609) 633-9833
E-mail: elayne.lipkin@dol.state.nj.us
Web site: www.nj.gov/labor/dvrs/vrsindex.htm

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New Mexico

New Mexico Commission for the Blind
Victoria Vigil
Administrative Services Manager
Phone: 505-425-3546
E-mail: Victoria.Vigil@state.nm.us
Web site: http://www.cfb.state.nm.us

New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Catherine Cross Maple
Assistant Secretary for Vocational Rehabilitation
Phone: 800-224-7005
E-mail: Cmaple@state.nm.us
Web site: www.dvrgetsjobs.com

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New York

New York Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped
Mary Ann van Alstyne
Associate Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Phone: (518) 473-1774
E-mail: Maryann.vanalstyne@dfa.state.ny.us
Web site: www.ocfs.state.ny.us/main/cbvh

New York State Education Department/VESID
Tobi Bickweat
Statewide Coordinator, Workforce Development and Marketing
Phone: (518) 473-7630
Web site: www.vesid.nysed.gov/do/home.html

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North Carolina

North Carolina Division of Services for the Blind
Craig Respess
Employment Services Director
Phone: (919) 733-9822
E-mail: craig.respess@ncmail.net
Web site: www.dhhs.state.nc.us/dsb

North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Stephanie Vinson
Specialist for Employment Services
Phone: (919) 855-3541
E-mail: stephanie.vinson@ncmail.net
Web site: www.dhhs.state.nc.us/docs/divinfo/dvr.htm

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North Dakota

North Dakota Disability Services Division
Harley Engelman
Program Administrator
Phone: (701) 328-8957
E-mail: SOENGH@state.nd.us
Web site: www.state.nd.us/humanservices

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Northern Mariana Islands

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Felicitas Abraham
Phone: (670) 664-6538
E-mail: voc.rehab@saipan.com

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Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
Connie O'Brien
Employers Services, Manager
Phone: (614) 781-8713
E-mail: connie.obrien@rsc.state.oh.us
Web site: www.rsc.ohio.gov

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Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
Lynda Collins
DVR Administrator
Phone: (405) 951-3400
E-mail: lcollins@drs.state.ok.us
Web site: www.okrehab.org

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Oregon Commission for the Blind
Leah Hurst
Employment Development Coordinator
Phone: (503) 731-3221
E-mail: Leah.Hurst@state.or.us
Web site: www.cfb.state.or.us

Oregon Department of Human Services
Kris Kennedy
Program Specialist
Phone: (503) 945-5880
E-mail: Kristina.Kennedy@state.or.us
Web site: www.dhs.state.or.us

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Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Stephanie Parker
Employer Marketing Specialist
Phone: (717) 787-5123
E-mail: stparker@state.pa.us
Web site: www.dli.state.pa.us

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Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Vocational Rehabilitation Administration
Dorcas Hernandez
Phone: (787) 728-6620
E-mail: DORCAS@vra.gobierno.pr
Web site: http://www.gobierno.pr/gprportal/inicio

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Rhode Island

Rhode Island Office of Rehabilitation Services
Monica Dzialo
Workforce Development Supervisor
Phone: (401) 421-7005, ext. 421
E-mail: MonicaD@ors.state.ri.us
Web site: www.ors.state.ri.us

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South Carolina

South Carolina Commission for the Blind
Ed Bible
Director of Training and Employment
Phone: (803) 898-8786
E-mail: ebible@sccb.sc.gov
Web site: www.sccb.state.sc.us

South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department
Laura Spears
Business Relations Consultant
Phone: (803) 896-6529
E-mail: Lspears@scvrd.state.sc.us
Web site: www.scvrd.net

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South Dakota

South Dakota Division of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired
Gary Mettler
Employment Consultant
Phone: (605) 367-5260
E-mail: Gary.Mettler@state.sd.us
Web site: www.state.sd.us/dhs/sbvi

South Dakota Division of Rehabilitation Services
Jerry Raabe
District Supervisor
Phone: (605) 688-4280
E-mail: Jerry.Raabe@state.sd.us
Web site: www.state.sd.us/dhs/drs

Ronda Williams
Program Specialist
Phone: (605) 773-5989
E-mail: Ronda.Williams@state.sd.us
Web site: www.state.sd.us/dhs/drs

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Tennessee Division of Rehabilitation Services
Regena Burrow
Program Manager
Phone: (615) 313-4893
E-mail: Regena.Burrow@state.tn.us
Web site: www.state.tn.us/humanserv/rehab/vrs.htm

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Texas Division of Blind Services
Darlene West
Employment Assistance Services Manager
Phone: (512) 377-0570
E-mail: darlene.west@dars.state.tx.us
Web site: www.dars.state.tx.us/dbs

Texas Rehabilitation Commission
Douglas Gullickson
Program Specialist, Employment and Community Rehabilitation Program
Phone: (512) 424-4219
E-mail: Douglas.Gullickson@dars.state.tx.us
Web site: www.dars.state.tx.us

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Utah State Office of Rehabilitation
Russ Thelin
Program Director Administrative Services
Phone: (801) 538-7530
E-mail: RThelin@utah.gov
Web site: www.usor.utah.gov

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Vermont Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Fred Jones
Phone: (802) 241-2132
E-mail: fred.jones@dail.state.vt.us
Web site: www.dad.state.vt.us/dbvi

Vermont Vocational Rehabilitation Division
Lori Yarrow
Training Coordinator
Phone: (802) 241-2201
E-mail: lori.yarrow@dail.state.vt.us
Web site: www.vocrehabvermont.org

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Virgin Islands

Division for Disabilities and Rehabilitation Services
Beverly Plaskett
Phone: (340) 774-0930, x4190
E-mail: plaskettb@islands.vi

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Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
Susan Payne
VR Program Director
Phone: (804) 371-3184
E-mail: paynesd@dbvi.state.va.us
Web site: www.vdbvi.org

Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services
John Phelps
Field Services Director
Phone: (804) 662-7531
E-mail: john.phelps@drs.virginia.gov
Web site: www.vadrs.org

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Washington Department of Services for the Blind
Mark Adreon
Business Relations
Phone: (206) 721-6410
E-mail: maradreon@dsb.wa.gov
Web site: www.dsb.wa.gov

Washington Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
John Evans
Corporate Consultant
Phone: (800) 325-0954 (pager)
E-mail: evansjp@dshs.wa.gov
Web site: www1.dshs.wa.gov/dvr

Jan Holler
Corporate Consultant
Phone: (360) 407-0624
E-mail: hollerj@dshs.wa.gov
Web site: www1.dshs.wa.gov/dvr

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West Virginia

West Virginia Department of Rehabilitation Services
Nancy Daugherty
Program Supervisor
Phone: (304) 766-4612
E-mail: nancyd@mail.drs.state.wv.us
Web site: www.wvdrs.org

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Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Randy Sommerfeld
Workforce Development Area Specialist
Phone: (715) 232-7380, ext. 120
E-mail: randy.sommerfeld@dwd.state.wi.us
Web site: www.dwd.state.wi.us/dvr

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Wyoming Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Jeff Graham
Area Manager
Phone: (307) 777-7364
E-mail: jgraha1@state.wy.us
Web site: www.wyomingworkforce.org

Kirk McKinney
Assistant Administrator, Field Services
Phone: (307) 777-7389
E-mail: kmckin@state.wy.us
Web site: www.wyomingworkforce.org

Last Modified: 01/10/2007