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External link Regulating Wax Removal Exit Disclaimer
Approximately 12 million people seek removal for compacted earwax a year in the United States. However, people seek services from a variety of medical physicians, prompting to publish national guidelines for an issue that affects 10 percent of adults, 5 percent of children and more than 33 percent of adults.
External link Diabetes Drugs May Pose Heart Risks Exit Disclaimer
In an online editorial in Heart, two Wake Forest University professors voice their concern for oral medications taken for Type 2 diabetes. The two believe a particular class of meds increases the risk of cardiovascular problems.
External link Growing Strong Bones Exit Disclaimer
A study released in the Aug. 26 edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explains the work of engineers at Georgia Tech University. The engineers used skin cells to create artificial bones and found that their slower development allowed the bones to blend better with ligaments and tendons.
External link Downside to Antiretrovirals Side effects Exit Disclaimer
In a study published in the September issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, researchers found that a popular antiretroviral used by people infected with HIV may also lead to more bone fractures.
External link Women's Changing Oral Health Exit Disclaimer
The Pennsylvania Dental Association is reminding women to be mindful of their oral health needs, which can change throughout the lifespan. Oral health is tied to women?s hormone levels.
External link Added Benefits of Magnesium Sulfate Exit Disclaimer
During a 10-year study involving 18 centers, researchers tried to see if there was a link between magnesium sulfate and cerebral palsy. What they found was that the offspring of women at risk for premature birth who received doses of magnesium sulfate, were 50 percent less likely to develop cerebral palsy.
External link Making the VA Mobile
Representatives of the Department of Veteran Affairs announced Wednesday, Aug. 27 that the VA will launch its new four-unit mobile clinic to serve veterans in rural areas. The units will circulate around 24 counties, offering primary care and mental health care.
External link Tobacco Control Program Saves Billions Exit Disclaimer
During a 15-year timeframe, the state of California saved $86 billion (in 2004 dollars), according to a study published in the Aug. 25, 2008 online issue of PLoS Medicine. The program, which cost $1.8 billion, translated into reductions in smoking, disease and expenditures on health care.
External link Scientists find link between infections and prematurity Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at Stanford University studied the amniotic fluid of women who had preterm labor only to find that 15 percent of the samples revealed evidence of bacteria and fungus. The more bacteria or fungus present in the fluid, the more likely a woman was to have a younger and sicker baby.
External link C-section Babies may have Increased Risks Exit Disclaimer
Researchers from the Queen’s University Belfast conducted a study of 10,000 children from 20 published studies and found the children had an increased chance of developing Type I diabetes if they were delivered via C-section.
External link Varied Factors Influence Cancer Type Exit Disclaimer
In a study published in the Oct. 1, 2008 issue of Cancer, the peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, researchers reported finding a link between factors, such as breastfeeding and age at the onset of menopause and the type of breast cancer identified during diagnosis.
External link Medication Sharing Exit Disclaimer
Apparently more than one-third of women, ages 18 to 44, share prescription medications and may be unaware of the side effects, according to a report published in the August 2008 issue of the Journal of Women’s Health.
External link Effects of Alcohol on Unborn Exit Disclaimer
Scientists at the Medical College of Georgia are looking to find out what quantity of alcohol and how the timeframe of the drinking leads to malformations of the face of babies born with fetal alcohol syndrome and other lifelong disabilities.
External link Alcohol dependence linked to delayed childbearing Exit Disclaimer
Researchers at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences have found a relationship between the amount of alcohol females consume and dysfunctions in their reproductive system.
Breastfeeding – A Healthy Start for Mom and Baby
The Office of Minority Health (OMH) needs your help in spreading the word about the benefits of breastfeeding. Today is a good time to start.

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