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Republic of Macedonia

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Water Means Life in Macedonia

A boy drinks from a fountain provided by USAID
A boy drinks from a fountain provided by USAID

Before the Veles water supply project was implemented, the homes of the town’s happy children were at times without water for days at a time, and even when water was available it was usually insufficient due to lack of water pressure in that hilly neighborhood.

This project involved the replacement of the original water supply lines for a portion of the water supply system in Veles, which were more than 70 years old and never before repaired. The pipes were replaced with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes for a section of 590m in the streets “Vladimir Nazor” and “Dimko Najdov”, and an additional 952m in the adjacent streets of: “ 9th of November,” “Kiril I Metodij,” “Braka Popjordanovi,” “Kliment Ohridski” and Maxim Gorki.

Prior to this initiative, citizens living on these streets lacked drinking water in their homes. The amount of non-drinkable running water they did receive was minimal, and the supply, irregular. The very old pipes leaked significantly. The shortage of water also presented a health hazard, because the people couldn’t practice proper personal hygiene. They also faced additional financial expenses because their household appliances such as washing machines and water boilers often broke down due to the lack of water. The community groups from these areas made several appeals to the public enterprise “Derven” and to the City Council to solve the water supply problems, but neither of them had sufficient resources to perform the reconstruction of the water pipelines.

CSHI coordinated with the community groups, the public enterprise “Derven” and the local government in the planning and implementation of the replacement of the pipes. The public enterprise “Derven”, who is responsible for delivering drinking water to all the citizens of Veles, participated in this project by providing for the removal of the asphalt from the streets, the digging out the old pipes, and the installation of the HDPE pipes that CSHI provided. The total value of their participation was $34,000. The citizens themselves participated by digging the necessary trenches in their own properties.

USAID through the CSHI Program was responsible for the purchase and delivery of 1,537 meters of HDPE pipes, fittings and valves. The total value of the USAID/CSHI Contribution was $44,109. The local construction company “Izgrev” won the public tender to perform these works: preparing the trenches for pipes, burying the pipes, constructing the manholes, and repairing the street surface afterwards.

Thanks to the joint efforts of the citizens of the Veles Municipality, the public enterprise “Derven” and USAID’s CSHI Program, 3650 residents now enjoy a more efficient water supply system; the water loss has been overcome, they receive a sufficient and regular daily supply of water in their homes, and their level of personal hygiene has improved.

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Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:23:29 -0500