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Republic of Macedonia

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Sporting Spirit in Dolno Kojnare Community

Players and Fans of the Soccer Tournament
Soccer Tournament at New Playground
in Dolno Kojnare

On 1-4 May, 2003, the multiethnic community of Dolno Kojnare village, Kumanovo Municipality, held a soccer tournament at the USAID/CSHI-funded playground in their community. The residents raised $2000.00 through their own initiative, to fund this event. Sixteen teams from Skopje and Kumanovo participated in the tournament that was supported by more than 1200spectators. A star guest appearance was made by Vujadin Stanojkovic, one of the best-ever defense players in the former Yugoslavia, who played in the 1980’s and 90’s.

The playground where the tournament was held was revitalized through a USAID/CSHI project in collaboration with the Dolno Kojnare Sport Department in Kumanovo, and local sports enthusiasts. Prior to the implementation of this project, the youth of Dolno Kojnare and surrounding neighborhoods used to risk injury by playing with broken equipment and damaged asphalt surfaces. The project involved replacing the old and broken sports equipment with new equipment, painting the goal posts, laying new asphalt surfaces, marking the playground surfaces with courts, providing stands, fences, and lighting (total cost $23,747). Fifteen (15) young people volunteered their time and labor to complete these works. The objective of the project was to raise awareness and interest in sports and recreation, and provide a safe place to play. The beneficiaries of this project are the 3,000 multiethnic residents of Dolno Kojnare (45% Macedonian, 30% Serbian, 10% Albanian and 15% Roma).

This project is a fine example of what can be achieved through the strong will, hope and self-organization of community groups. The community of Dolno Kojnare continues its collaborative sporting initiatives with plans for a second tournament on June 28th, and two tournaments each year in the future.

The greatest benefit that this project-playground has brought to the young people of Dolno Kojnare is the chance to spend their spare-time enjoying and developing their skills in sports and recreational activities. As one member of the initiative board (Dragan Kuzmanovski) said: “We live for this playground, this is the most used sport field in Kumanovo, there no other place in whole region where you can’t find people that play soccer during the day and the night”.

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Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:23:39 -0500