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Balkan Trust for Democracy

Donors Leverage Funds to Solidify Democracy

USAID Administrator Natsios
USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios speaks at the Launch Event (Photo by USAID)

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation are pleased to announce a new $25 million initiative to support good governance in Southeastern Europe. The grant-making effort, called the Balkan Trust for Democracy, is a project of GMF made possible through a public-private partnership between GMF, USAID, and the Mott Foundation.

The Balkan Trust, to be headquartered in Belgrade, will begin operations in the summer of 2003 and will work in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, and Romania.

Nearly $2 million in grants will be awarded annually to civic groups, indigenous non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local and regional governments, educational institutions, and the media to support local initiatives that improve the connections between citizens and their governments. It will also go to grants for cross-border cooperation to promote the region-wide political and civil society development necessary for long-term stability in Southeastern Europe.

USAID and the GMF are each contributing $10 million to the venture, and the Mott Foundation is granting $5 million. GMF is also underwriting the Trust’s administrative expenses, so the full $25 million will be dispersed as grants. By design, USAID’s funds will last for ten years, after which the Trust will continue operating with funds from GMF and other sources. Additional donors are being sought as the initiative becomes operational.

“While Southeastern European countries have made great strides in establishing democracies, there is still work to be done to finish the complex transition from communism. The Balkan Trust for Democracy represents a long-term commitment by GMF and our partners to help these countries meet their goals of democratic consolidation and membership in NATO and the European Union,” said Craig Kennedy, President of GMF.

The Balkan Trust for Democracy has been established at a time when the countries of Southeastern Europe have begun the long process of gaining membership in the European Union, and Romania and Bulgaria have been invited to join NATO. While having stable democracy is a prerequisite to membership in these organizations, democracy remains fragile throughout the region and work is still needed to improve governmental accountability, transparency, and responsiveness to citizens.

“The Balkan Trust for Democracy will serve as a model of how public and private institutions can join together to help support good governance and civil society engagement throughout the world,” said USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios. “This is an excellent example of how USAID can deepen the impact we have throughout the world through public-private partnerships.”

“The strength of the Balkan Trust for Democracy lies in the excellent cooperation and shared vision among the three founding institutions. The Mott Foundation believes that this initiative will be a cornerstone for achieving the vision that we have for the region – stable and productive democracies and engaged citizenry throughout the Balkan peninsula,” said Mott Foundation President William S. White.

USAID is the principal foreign assistance agency of the U.S. government. The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is an American grantmaking and public policy institution founded in 1972 through a gift from Germany. Its mission is to promote transatlantic cooperation and understanding. The Mott Foundation, founded in 1926, is a private philanthropy committed to supporting projects that promote a just, equitable, and sustainable society.

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Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:23:43 -0500