Argonne National Laboratory Media Center

Image Library - Educational Programs

These images from Argonne's research image library are available for your use with an Argonne acknowledgement. They are provided here as 300 dpi jpegs. If you need other images or a higher quality image, please contact us at


A researcher instructs two students in X-ray scattering.


X-ray scanning school

Future X-ray researchers of America and the world gather at Argonne for two weeks of hands-on training each summer. Graduate students Angelica Sanchez and Jason McClure set up an experiment with Eugene Goremychkin (center) at the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source. Argonne is the only laboratory in the world with both neutron and X-ray facilities. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
A student receives hands-on training in Argonne's FaST program.
FaST program

Rakisha Nicholson peers through a microscope as Jasmin Feimster inserts a specimen into a test tube. They are both students at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University who participated in the Faculty and Student Teams summer program at Argonne. The program fosters collaboration between faculty and lab scientists while providing hands-on research training for students. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
A team runs its machine at Argonne's Rube Goldberg machine contest.
Rube Goldberg machine contest

High school students in Illinois compete each year to build the wackiest and most complicated machine to perform an assigned task. The event is the Rube Goldberg Contest, sponsored by Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004
A high school science teacher uses his Argonne training in his classroom.
Training for science teachers

Chicago-area high school physics teacher Jeff Rylander brings high-energy physics experience and teaching to his classroom after his on-the-job training in Argonne 's High Energy Physics Division. Argonne National Laboratory photo.

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Last Updated: July 15, 2004

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