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Compilation of the Social Security Laws, Vol II

Compilation Volume II Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  P.L. 75-162, Approved June 24, 1937 (50 Stat. 307)[1]

Railroad Retirement Act of 1974

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SEC. 2.[45 U.S.C. 231a] (a)(1) The following-described individuals, if they shall have completed ten years of service (or, for purposes of paragraphs (i), (iii), and (v), five years of service, all of which accrues after December 31, 1995) and shall have filed application for annuities, shall, subject to the conditions set forth in subsections (e), (f), and (h), be entitled to annuities in the amounts provided under section 3 of this Act—

(i) individuals who have attained retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act);

(ii) individuals who have attained the age of sixty and have completed thirty years of service;

(iii) individuals who have attained the age of sixty-two and have completed less than thirty years of service, but the annuity of such individuals shall be reduced by 1/180 for each of the first 36 months that he or she is under retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act) when the annuity begins to accrue and by 1/240 for each additional month that he or she is under retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act) when the annuity begins to accrue;

(iv) individuals who have a current connection with the railroad industry, whose permanent physical or mental condition is such as to be disabling for work in their regular occupation, and who (A) have completed twenty years of service or (B) have attained the age of sixty; and

(v) individuals whose permanent physical or mental condition is such that they are unable to engage in any regular employment.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (iv) of subdivision (1), the Board, with the cooperation of employers and employees, shall secure the establishment of standards determining the physical and mental conditions which permanently disqualify employees for work in the several occupations in the railroad industry, and the Board, employers, and employees shall cooperate in the promotion of the greatest practicable degree of uniformity in the standards applied by the several employers. An individual’s condition shall be deemed to be disabling for work in his regular occupation if he will have been disqualified by his employer for service in his regular occupation in accordance with the applicable standards so established; if the employee will not have been so disqualified by his employer, the Board shall determine whether his condition is disabling for work in his regular occupation in accordance with the standards generally established; and, if the employee’s regular occupation is not one with respect to which standards will have been established, the standards relating to a reasonably comparable occupation shall be used. If there is no such comparable occupation, the Board shall determine whether the employee’s condition is disabling for work in his regular occupation by determining whether under the practices generally prevailing in industries in which such occupation exists such condition is a permanent disqualification for work in such occupation. For purposes of this subdivision and paragraph (iv) of subdivision (1), an employee’s “regular occupation” shall be deemed to be the occupation in which he will have been engaged in more calendar months than the calendar months in which he will have been engaged in any other occupation during the last preceding five calendar years, whether or not consecutive, in each of which years he will have earned wages or salary, except that, if an employee establishes that during the last fifteen consecutive calendar years he will have been engaged in another occupation in one-half or more of all the months in which he will have earned wages or salary, he may claim such other occupation as his regular occupation.

(3) Such satisfactory proof shall be made from time to time as prescribed by the Board, of the disability provided for in paragraph (iv) or (v) of subdivision (1) and of the continuance of such disability (according to the standards applied in the establishment of such disability) until the employee attains retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act). If the individual fails to comply with the requirements prescribed by the Board as to proof of the continuance of the disability until he attains retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act), his right to an annuity by reason of such disability shall, except for good cause shown to the Board, cease, but without prejudice to his rights to any subsequent annuity to which he may be entitled.

(4) An individual who is entitled to an annuity under paragraph (v) of subdivision (1), but who does not have at least ten years of service, shall, prior to the month in which the individual attains age 62, be entitled only to an annuity amount computed under section 3(a) of this Act (without regard to section 3(a)(2) of this Act) or section 3(f)(3) of this Act. Upon attainment of age 62, such an individual may also be entitled to an annuity amount computed under section 3(b), but such annuity amount shall be reduced for early retirement in the same manner as if the individual were entitled to an annuity under section 2(a)(1)(iii).

(b) An individual who—

(i) has attained age 60 and completed thirty years of service or attained age 65;

(ii) has completed twenty-five years of service;

(iii) is entitled to the payment of an annuity under subsection (a)(1);

(iv) had a current connection with the railroad industry at the time such annuity began to accrue; and

(v) has performed compensated service in at least one month prior to October 1, 1981;

shall, subject to the conditions set forth in subsections (e) and (h), be entitled to a supplemental annuity in the amount provided under section 3 of this Act: Provided, however, That in cases where an individual’s annuity under subsection (a)(1) begins to accrue on other than the first day of the month, the amount of any supplemental annuity to which he is entitled for that month shall be reduced by one-thirtieth for each day with respect to which he is not entitled to an annuity under subsection (a)(1).

(c)(1) The spouse of an individual, if—

(i) such individual (A) is entitled to an annuity under subsection (a)(1) and (B) has attained the age of 60 and has completed thirty years of service or has attained the age of 62, and

(ii) such spouse (A) has attained retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act), or (B) has attained the age of 60 and such individual has completed thirty years of service, or (C), in the case of a wife, has in her care (individually or jointly with her husband) a child who meets the qualifications prescribed in paragraph (iii) of subsection (d)(1) (without regard to the provisions of clause (B) of such paragraph),

shall, subject to the conditions set forth in subsections (e), (f), and (h), be entitled to a spouse’s annuity, if he or she has filed application therefor, in the amount provided under section 4 of this Act.

(2) A spouse who would be entitled to an annuity under subdivision (1) or a divorced wife who would be entitled to an annuity under subdivision (4) if he or she had attained retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act) may elect upon or after attaining the age of 62 to receive such annuity, but the annuity in any such case shall be reduced by1/144 for each of the first 36 months that the spouse or divorced wife is under retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act) when the annuity begins to accrue and by 1/240 for each additional month that the spouse or divorced wife is under retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act) when the annuity begins to accrue, except that the annuity of a divorced wife who was previously entitled to a spouse annuity which was reduced under this subdivision shall be reduced by the same percentage as was applicable to the spouse annuity.

(3) For the purposes of this Act, the term “spouse” shall mean the wife or husband of an annuitant under subsection (a)(1) who (i) was married to such annuitant for a period of not less than one year immediately preceding the day on which the application for a spouse’s annuity is filed, or in the month prior to his or her marriage to such annuitant was eligible for an annuity under paragraph (i) or (iv) of subsection (d)(1) or, on the basis of disability, under paragraph (iii) thereof, or is the parent of such annuitant’s son or daughter; and (ii) in the case of a husband, was receiving at least one-half of his support from his wife at the time his wife’s annuity under subsection (a)(1) began.

(4) The “divorced wife” (as defined in section 216(d) of the Social Security Act) of an individual, if—

(i) such individual (A) is entitled to an annuity under subsection (a)(1) and (B) has attained the age 62;

(ii) such divorced wife (A) has attained retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act[2] and (B) is not married; and

(iii) such divorced wife would have been entitled to a benefit under section 202(b) of the Social Security Act as the divorced wife of such individual if all of such individual’s service as an employee after December 31, 1936, had been included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act;

shall, subject to the conditions set forth in subsections (e), (f), and (h), be entitled to a divorced wife’s annuity, if she has filed an application therefor, in the amount provided under section 4 of this Act.

(d)(1) The following described survivors of a deceased employee who will have completed ten years of service (or five years of service, all of which accrues after December 31, 1995) and will have had a current connection with the railroad industry at the time of his death shall, subject to the conditions set forth in subsections (g) and (h), be entitled to annuities, if they have filed application therefor, in the amounts provided under section 4 of this Act—

(i) a widow (as defined in section 216(c) and (k) of the Social Security Act) or widower (as defined in section 216(g) and (k) of the Social Security Act) of such a deceased employee who has not remarried and who (A) will have attained the age of sixty or (B) will have attained the age of fifty but will not have attained age sixty and is under a disability which began before the end of the period prescribed in subdivision (2), and who, in the case of a widower, was receiving at least one-half of his support from the deceased employee at the time of her death or at the time her annuity under subsection (a)(1) began;

(ii) a widow (as defined in section 216(c) and (k) of the Social Security Act) of such a deceased employee who has not remarried and who (A) is not entitled to an annuity under paragraph (i), and (B) at the time of filing an application for an annuity under this paragraph, will have in her care a child of such deceased employee, which child is entitled to an annuity under paragraph (iii) (other than an annuity payable to a child who has attained age 18 and is not under a disability);

(iii) a child (as defined in section 216(e) and (k) of the Social Security Act) of such a deceased employee who (A) will be less than eighteen years of age, or (B) will be less than nineteen years of age and a full-time elementary or secondary school student, or (C) will, without regard to his age, be under a disability which began before he attained age twenty-two or before the close of the eighty-fourth month following the month in which his most recent entitlement to an annuity under this paragraph terminated because he ceased to be under a disability, and who is unmarried and was dependent upon the employee at the time of the employee’s death;

(iv) a parent (as defined in section 202(h)(3) of the Social Security Act) of such a deceased employee who (A) will have attained the age of sixty and (B) will have received at least one-half of his or her support from such deceased employee at the time of the employees’ death and (C) will not have remarried after the employee’s death: Provided, however, That no parent will be entitled to an annuity under this paragraph on the basis of the deceased employee’s compensation and years of service in any case where such employee died leaving a widow or widower or a child who is, or who might in the future become, entitled to an annuity under this subsection, but neither this proviso nor clause (B) or (C) of this paragraph shall operate to deny any parent an annuity to the extent and in the amount of the benefit that such parent would have received under the Social Security Act if the service as an employee of the individual, with respect to which such parent would be eligible to receive an annuity under this Act except for this proviso and those clauses, were included in “employment” as defined in the Social Security Act; and

(v) The[3] widow (as defined in section 216(c) of the Social Security Act), who is married, or has been married after the death of the employee, the surviving divorced wife (as defined in section 216(d) of the Social Security Act), and a surviving divorced mother (as defined in section 216(d) of the Social Security Act) if such widow, surviving divorced wife, or surviving divorced mother would have been entitled to a benefit under section 202(e) or 202(g) of the Social Security Act as the widow, surviving divorced wife, or surviving divorced mother of the employee if all of his service as an employee after December 31, 1936, had been included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act. For the purpose of this paragraph, the reference in sections 202(e)(3) and 202(g)(3) of the Social Security Act to an individual entitled under section 202(f) of that Act shall include an individual entitled to an annuity under section 2(d)(1)(i) of this Act and an individual entitled to an annuity under section 2(d)(1)(ii) of this Act, and the reference in section 202(e)(3) and section 202(g)(3) of the Social Security Act to an individual entitled under section 202(d) or section 202(h) of that Act shall include an individual entitled to an annuity under section 2(d)(1)(iii) or section 2(d)(1)(iv) of this Act, and the references in section 202(g)(3) of the Social Security Act to an individual entitled under section 202(a) or section 223(a) of that Act shall include an individual entitled to an annuity under section 2(a)(1) of this Act.

(2) The period referred to in clause (B) of subdivision (1)(i) is the period (i) beginning with the latest of (A) the month of the employee’s death, (B) in the case of a widow, the last month for which she was entitled to an annuity under paragraph (ii) of subdivision (1) as the widow of the deceased employee, or (C) the month in which the widow’s or widower’s previous entitlement to an annuity as the widow or widower of the deceased employee terminated because her or his disability had ceased and (ii) ending with the month before the month in which she or he attains age sixty, or, if earlier, with the close of the eighty-fourth month following the month with which such period began.

(3) For purposes of paragraph (i) or (iii) of subdivision (1), a widow, widower, or child shall be under a disability if her or his permanent physical or mental condition is such that she or he is unable to engage in any regular employment. The provisions of subsection (a)(3) of this section as to the proof of disability shall apply with regard to determinations with respect to disability under subdivision (1).

(4) In determining for purposes of this subsection and subdivision (3) of subsection (c) whether an applicant is the wife, husband, widow, widower, child, or parent of a deceased employee as claimed, the rules set forth in section 216(h) of the Social Security Act shall be applied deeming, for this purpose, individuals entitled to an annuity under subsection (c) to be entitled to benefits under subsection (b) or (c) of section 202 of the Social Security Act and individuals entitled to an annuity under paragraph (i) or (ii) of subsection (d)(1) to be entitled to a benefit under subsection (e), (f), or (g) of section 202 of the Social Security Act. For purposes of paragraph (iii) of subdivision (1), a child shall be deemed to have been dependent upon his parent employee if the conditions set forth in section 202(d)(3), (4), or (9) of the Social Security Act are fulfilled. The provisions of paragraph (7) of section 202(d) of the Social Security Act (defining the terms “full-time elementary or secondary school student” and “elementary or secondary school”) shall be applied by the Board in the administration of this subsection as if the references therein to the Secretary were references to the Board. A child who attains age nineteen at a time when he is a full-time elementary or secondary school student (as defined in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (7) of section 202(d) of the Social Security Act and without the application of subparagraph (B) of such paragraph) but has not (at such time) completed the requirements for, or received, a diploma or equivalent certificate from a secondary school (as defined in section 202(d)(7)(c)(i)[4] of the Social Security Act) shall be deemed (for purposes of determining his continuing or initial entitlement to an annuity under this subsection) not to have attained such age until the first day of the first month following the end of the quarter or semester in which he is enrolled at such time (or, if the elementary or secondary school in which he is enrolled is not operated on a quarter or semester system, until the first day of the first month following the completion of the course in which he is enrolled or until the first day of the third month beginning after such time, whichever first occurs).

(e)(1) No individual shall be entitled to an annuity under subsection (a)(1) until he shall have ceased to render compensated service to an employer as defined in section 1(a).

(2) An annuity under subsection (a)(1) shall be paid only if the applicant shall have relinquished such rights as he may have to return to the service of an employer: Provided, however, That this requirement shall not apply to individuals mentioned in paragraphs (iv) and (v) of subsection (a)(1) prior to attaining retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act): Provided further, That, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding proviso and of clause (i) of subsection (c)(1) of this section, an annuity shall be paid to the spouse of an individual only if such individual shall have satisfied the requirements of this subdivision without regard to the preceding proviso: And provided further, That, notwithstanding the provisions of the first proviso of this subdivision and of clause (iii) of subsection (b)(1) of this section, a supplemental annuity shall be paid to an individual only if such individual shall have satisfied the requirements of this subdivision without regard to the first proviso thereof.

(3) No annuity under subsection (a)(1) or supplemental annuity under subsection (b)(1) shall be paid with respect to any month in which an individual in receipt of an annuity or supplemental annuity thereunder shall render compensated service to an employer. Individuals receiving annuities under subsection (a)(1) shall report to the Board immediately all such compensated service.

(4) No annuity under paragraph (iv) or (v) of subsection (a)(1) shall be paid to an individual with respect to any month in which the individual is under retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act) and is paid more than $400 in earnings (after deduction of disability related work expenses) from employment or self-employment of any form: Provided, however, That for purposes of this subdivision, if a payment in any one calendar month is for accruals in more than one calendar month, such payment shall be deemed to have been paid in each of the months in which accrued to the extent accrued in such month. Any such individual under the retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act) shall report to the Board any such payment of earnings for such employment or self-employment before receipt and acceptance of an annuity for the second month following the month of such payment. A deduction shall be imposed, with respect to any such individual who fails to make such report, in the annuity or annuities otherwise due the individual, in an amount equal to the amount of the annuity for each month in which he is paid such earnings in such employment or self-employment, except that the first deduction imposed pursuant to this sentence shall in no case exceed an amount equal to the amount of the annuity otherwise due for the first month with respect to which the deduction is imposed. If pursuant to the first sentence of this subdivision an annuity was not paid to an individual with respect to one or more months in any calendar year, and it is subsequently established that the total amount of such individual’s earnings during such year as determined in accordance with that sentence (but exclusive of earnings for services described in subdivision (3)) did not exceed $4,800 (after deduction of disability related work expenses), the annuity with respect to such month or months, and any deduction imposed by reason of the failure to report earnings for such month or months under the third sentence of this subdivision, shall then be payable. If the total amount of such individual’s earnings during such year (exclusive of earnings for services described in subdivision (3)) is in excess of $4,800 (after deduction of disability related work expenses), the number of months in such year with respect to which an annuity is not payable by reason of such first and third sentences shall not exceed one month for each $400 of such excess, treating the last $200 or more of such excess as $400; and if the amount of the annuity has changed during such year, any payments of annuities which become payable solely by reason of the limitations contained in this sentence shall be made first with respect to the month or months for which the annuity is larger.

(5) The annuity of a spouse or divorced wife under subsection (c) shall, with respect to any month, be subject to the same provisions of this subsection as the individual’s annuity. In addition, the annuity of a spouse or divorced wife under subsection (c) shall not be payable for any month if the individual’s annuity under subsection (a)(1) is not payable for such month by reason of the provisions of this subsection.

(f)(1) That portion of the individual’s annuity as is computed under section 3(a) of this Act on the basis of (A) his compensation and years of service subsequent to December 31, 1974, and (B) his wages and self-employment income derived from employment and self-employment under the Social Security Act and that portion of the individual’s annuity as is computed under section 3(h) of this Act shall be subject to deductions on account of work pursuant to the provisions of section 203 of the Social Security Act in the same manner as if such portion of such annuity were a monthly insurance benefit under that Act: Provided, however, That the provisions of this subdivision shall be applicable to the annuity of an individual only if such individual would be fully insured under the Social Security Act on the basis of wages and self-employment income derived from employment and self-employment under that Act and on the basis of compensation derived from service as an employee after December 31, 1974, if such service as an employee had been included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act. Any person in receipt of an annuity subject to deduction under this subsection shall report to the Board the receipt of excess earnings as defined in paragraph (3) of section 203(f) of the Social Security Act.

(2) That portion of the spouse’s or divorced wife’s annuity under subsection (c) which is derived from the portion of the individual’s annuity subject to deductions under subdivision (1) and that portion of the spouse’s or divorced wife’s annuity as is computed under section 4(e) of this Act shall be subject to deductions on account of work pursuant to the provisions of section 203 of the Social Security Act in the same manner as if such portion of such spouse’s or divorced wife’s annuity were a monthly insurance benefit under that Act. In addition, such portion of the spouse’s or divorced wife’s annuity shall be subject to deductions if the individual’s annuity is subject to deductions under subdivision (1) in the same manner as if such portion of such spouse’s or divorced wife’s annuity were a monthly insurance benefit under the Social Security Act.

(3) Deductions shall not be made pursuant to subdivision (1) from that portion of an individual’s annuity as is computed under section 3(a) of this Act for any month in which the annuity of such individual is reduced pursuant to section 3(m) of this Act. This subdivision shall be disregarded in determining the applicability and amount of deductions in a spouse’s annuity pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection.

(4) Deductions shall not be made pursuant to subdivision (2) from that portion of a spouse’s annuity as is computed under section 4(a) of this Act for any month in which the annuity of such spouse is reduced due to entitlement to a benefit under title II of the Social Security Act.

(5) If an annuity begins to accrue on other than the first day of a month, subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection shall not apply in the year the annuity begins to accrue if the annuitant has no earnings in excess of the monthly exempt amount in such year after the annuity beginning date.

(6)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B)—

(i) that portion of the annuity for any month of an individual as is computed under section 3(b) and as adjusted under section 3(g), plus any supplemental amount for such month under section 3(e), and that portion of the annuity for any month of a spouse as is computed under section 4(b) and as adjusted under section 4(d), shall each be subject to a deduction of $1 for each $2 of compensation received by such individual from compensated service rendered in such month to the last person, or persons, by whom such individual was employed before the date on which the annuity of such individual under subsection (a)(1) began to accrue; and

(ii) that portion of the annuity for any month of a spouse as is computed under section 4(b) and as adjusted under section 4(d) shall be subject to a deduction of $1 for each $2 of compensation received by such spouse from compensated service rendered in such month to the last person, or persons, by whom such spouse was employed before the date on which the annuity of such spouse under subsection (c)(1) began to accrue.

(B) Any deductions imposed by this subdivision for any month shall not exceed 50 percent of the annuity amount for such month to which such deductions apply.

(g)(1) No annuity shall be paid to a survivor under subsection (d) with respect to any month in which such survivor renders service for compensation as an employee of an employer. Survivors receiving annuities under subsection (d) shall report to the Board immediately all such service for compensation.

(2) Deductions, in amounts and at such time or times as the Board shall determine, shall be made from any payments to which a survivor is entitled under subsection (d) until the total of such deductions equals such survivor’s annuity under that subsection for any month, if for such month such survivor would be charged with excess earnings under section 203(f) of the Social Security Act or, having engaged in any activity outside the United States, would be charged under such section 203(f) with any excess earnings derived from such activity if it had been an activity within the United States. For purposes of this subdivision the Board shall have the authority to take such actions and to make such determinations and such suspensions of payment of benefits in the manner and to the extent that the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare would be authorized to take or to make under section 203(h)(3) of the Social Security Act if the survivors were receiving the annuities to which this subdivision applies under section 202 of such Act: Provided, however, That in determining a survivor’s excess earnings for a year for the purposes of this subdivision there shall not be included his income from employment or self-employment during months beginning with the month with respect to which he ceases to be qualified for an annuity. Survivors receiving annuities under subsection (d) shall report to the Board the receipt of excess earnings described in this subdivision.

(h)(2) [5] The supplemental annuity provided an individual by subsection (b) shall, with respect to any month, be reduced by the amount of the supplemental pension, attributable to the employer’s contribution, that such individual is entitled to receive for that month under any other supplemental pension plan: Provided, however, That the maximum of such reduction shall be equal to the amount of the supplemental annuity less any amount by which the supplemental pension is reduced by reason of the supplemental annuity.

(3) If a spouse or divorced wife entitled to an annuity under subsection (c) or a survivor entitled to an annuity under subsection (d) for any month is also entitled to annuity under subsection (a)(1) for such month, the annuity under subsection (c) or (d) shall be reduced, but not below zero, by an amount equal to the annuity under subsection (a)(1): Provided, however, That the provisions of this subdivision shall not apply if either the spouse or survivor or the individual upon whose earnings record the spouse’s or survivor’s annuity under subsection (c) or (d) is based rendered service as an employee to an employer, or as an employee representative, prior to January 1, 1975.

(4) If an annuitant is entitled to more than one annuity under subsections (c) and (d) for a month, such annuitant shall be entitled to only the larger of such annuities for such month, except that, if such annuitant so elects, he shall instead be entitled to only the smaller of such annuities for such month.

(i) An individual entitled to an annuity under this section who has completed five years of service, all of which accrues after 1995, but who has not completed ten years of service, and the spouse, divorced spouse, and survivors of such individual, shall not be entitled to an annuity amount provided under section 3(a), section 4(a), or section 4(f) of this Act unless the individual, or the individual’s spouse, divorced spouse, or survivors, would be entitled to a benefit under title II of the Social Security Act on the basis of the individual’s employment record under both this Act and title II of the Social Security Act.


Sec. 3.[45 U.S.C. 231b] (a)(1) The annuity of an individual under section 2(a)(1) of this Act shall be in an amount equal to the amount (before any reduction on account of age and before any deductions on account of work) of the old-age insurance benefit or disability insurance benefit to which such individual would have been entitled under the Social Security Act if all of his or her service as an employee after December 31, 1936, had been included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act.

(2) For purposes of this subsection, individuals entitled to an annuity under paragraph (iv) or (v) of section 2(a)(1) of this Act shall be deemed to be entitled to a disability insurance benefit under section 223 of the Social Security Act. For purposes of this subsection, individuals entitled to an annuity under section 2(a)(1)(ii) of this Act shall, except for the purposes of recomputations in accordance with section 215(f) of the Social Security Act, be deemed to have attained retirement age (as defined by section 216(l) of the Social Security Act).

(3) If a spouse entitled to an annuity under section 2(c)(1)(ii)(A), section 2(c)(1)(ii)(C), or section 2(c)(2) of this Act or a divorced spouse entitled to an annuity under section 2(c)(4) of this Act on the basis of the employment record of an employee who will have completed less than 10 years of service is entitled to a benefit under section 202(a), section 202(b), or section 202(c) of the Social Security Act which began to accrue before the annuity under section 2(c)(1)(ii)(A), section 2(c)(1)(ii)(C), section 2(c)(2), or section 2(c)(4) of this Act, the annuity amount provided under this subsection shall be computed as though the annuity under this Act began to accrue on the later of (A) the date on which the benefit under section 202(a), section 202(b), or section 202(c) of the Social Security Act began or (B) the first date on which the annuitant met the conditions for entitlement to an age reduced annuity under this Act other than the conditions set forth in sections 2(e)(1) and 2(e)(2) of this Act and the requirement that an application be filed.

(i)(1) The “years of service” of an individual shall include all his service subsequent to December 31, 1936.

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(2) The “years of service” of an individual shall also include his voluntary or involuntary military service, within or without the United States, during any war service period: Provided, however , That such military service shall be included only if, prior to the beginning of his military service and in the same calendar year in which such military service began, or in the next preceding calendar year, the individual rendered service for compensation to an employer or to a person service to which is otherwise creditable under this Act, or lost time as an employee for which he received remuneration, or was serving as an employee representative: Provided further, That such military service shall be included only subject to and in accordance with the provisions of subdivisions (1) and (3) of this subsection in the same manner as though military service were service rendered as an employee: And provided further, That such military service rendered after December 1956 shall not be included with respect to any month if (A) any benefits are payable for that month under the Social Security Act on the basis of such individual’s wages and self-employment income, (B) such military service was included in the computation of such benefits, and (C) the inclusion of such military service in the computation of such benefits resulted (for that month) in benefits not otherwise payable or in an increase in the benefits otherwise payable: And provided further, That an individual who entered military service prior to a war service period shall not be regarded as having been in military service in a war service period with respect to any part of the period for which he entered such military service.

(3) The “years of service” of an individual who was an employee on August 29, 1935, shall, if the total number of his “years of service” as determined under subdivisions (1) and (2) is less than thirty, also include his service prior to January 1, 1937, but not so as to make his total years of service exceed thirty: Provided, however, That with respect to any such individual who rendered service to any employer subsequent to December 31, 1936, and who on August 29, 1935, was not an employee of an employer conducting the principal part of its business in the United States, no greater proportion of his service rendered prior to January 1, 1937, shall be included in his “years of service” than the proportion which his total compensation (without regard to any limitation on the amount of compensation otherwise provided in this Act) for service subsequent to December 31, 1936, rendered anywhere to an employer conducting the principal part of its business in the United States or rendered in the United States to any other employer bears to his total compensation (without regard to any limitation on the amount of compensation otherwise provided in this Act) for service rendered anywhere to an employer subsequent to December 31, 1936. Where the “years of service” include only part of the service prior to January 1, 1937, the part included shall be taken in reverse order beginning with the last calendar month of such service.

(4) Where for any calendar year after 1984 an individual has performed service for compensation in less than twelve months of the calendar year but has received compensation in excess of an amount determined by multiplying the number of months in the year in which such individual performed service for compensation by an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable “wages” as defined in section 3121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the individual shall be deemed to have rendered service for compensation in that number of months in the calendar year, but not to exceed twelve, which is equal to the quotient of the amount of such individual’s compensation for the calendar year divided by an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable “wages” as defined in section 3121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 with any remainder produced by this computation increasing the quotient by one, but an individual shall not be deemed under this subdivision to have rendered service for compensation in any month in which such individual was neither in an employment relation to one or more employers nor an employee representative.

(j) The “average monthly compensation” shall be computed in the manner specified in section 3(b) of this Act, except (1) that with respect to service prior to January 1, 1937, the monthly compensation shall be the average compensation paid to an employee with respect to calendar months included in his years of service in the years 1924-1931, and (2) the amount of compensation paid or attributable as paid to him with respect to each month of service before September 1941 as a station employee whose duties consisted of or included the carrying of passengers’ hand baggage and otherwise assisting passengers at passenger stations and whose remuneration for service to the employer was, in whole or in substantial part, in the forms of tips, shall be the monthly average of the compensation paid to him as a station employee in his months of service in the period September 1940 through August 1941: Provided, however, That where service in the period 1924 through 1931 in the one case, or in the period September 1940 through August 1941 in the other case, is, in the judgment of the Board, insufficient to constitute a fair and equitable basis for determing[6] the amount of compensation paid or attributable as paid to him in each month of service before 1937, or September 1941, respectively, the Board shall determine the amount of such compensation for each such month in such manner as in its judgment shall be fair and equitable. In computing the monthly compensation, no part of any month’s compensation in excess of $300 for any month before July 1, 1954, or in excess of $350 for any month after June 30, 1954, and before June 1, 1959, or in excess of $400 for any month after May 31, 1959, and before November 1, 1963, or in excess of $450 for any month after October 31, 1963, and before October 1, 1965, or in excess of (i) $450, or (ii) an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable “wages” as defined in section 3121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, whichever is greater, for any month after September 30, 1965, shall be recognized. If for any calendar year after 1984 an employee has received compensation of less than one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable “wages” as defined in section 3121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 in one or more months of the calendar year, the total compensation paid such employee in the calendar year (without regard to the limitation on the amount of compensation provided in the preceding sentence) shall be deemed to have been paid in equal proportions with respect to all months in the year in which the employee will have been in the service of one or more employers for compensation or will have performed service for compensation as an employee representative, but this sentence shall not operate to increase the employee’s compensation for any month above an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable “wages” as defined in section 3121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. If the employee earned compensation in service after June 30, 1937, and after the last day of the calendar year in which he attained age sixty-five, such compensation and service shall be disregarded in computing the average monthly compensation if the result of taking such compensation into account in such computation would be to diminish his annuity. Where an employee claims credit for months of service rendered within two years prior to his retirement from the service of an employer, with respect to which the employer’s return pursuant to section 9 of this Act has not been entered on the records of the Board before the employee’s annuity could otherwise be certified for payment, the Board may, in its discretion (subject to subsequent adjustment at the request of the employee) include such months in the computation of the annuity without further verification and may consider the compensation for such months to be the average of the compensation for months in the last period for which the employer has filed a return of the compensation of such employee and such return has been entered on the records of the Board.

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Sec. 4. [45 U.S.C. 231c] (a)(1) The annuity of a spouse or divorced wife of an individual under section 2(c) of this Act shall be in an amount equal to the amount (before any reduction on account of age and before any deductions on account of work) of the wife’s insurance benefit or the husband’s insurance benefit to which such spouse or divorced wife would have been entitled under the Social Security Act if such individual’s service as an employee after December 31, 1936, had been included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act.

(2) For purposes of this subsection, a spouse entitled to an annuity under section 2(c)(1)(ii)(B) of this Act which did not begin to accrue before such individual attained age 62, the spouse of such individual entitled to an annuity under clause (B) of paragraph (ii) of section 2(c)(1) of this Act shall be deemed to have attained retirement age (as defined in section 216(l) of the Social Security Act[7] .

(3) If a spouse entitled to an annuity under section 2(c)(1)(ii)(A), section 2(c)(1)(ii)(C), or section 2(c)(2) of this Act or a divorced spouse entitled to an annuity under section 2(c)(4) of this Act on the basis of the employment record of an employee who will have completed less than 10 years of service is entitled to a benefit under section 202(a), section 202(b), or section 202(c) of the Social Security Act which began to accrue before the annuity under section 2(c)(1)(ii)(A), section 2(c)(1)(ii)(C), section 2(c)(2), or section 2(c)(4) of this Act, the annuity amount provided under this subsection shall be computed as though the annuity under this Act began to accrue on the later of (A) the date on which the benefit under section 202(a), section 202(b), or section 202(c) of the Social Security Act began or (B) the first date on which the annuitant met the conditions for entitlement to an age reduced annuity under this Act other than the conditions set forth in sections 2(e)(1) and 2(e)(2) of this Act and the requirement that an application be filed.

(4) In the case of an individual entitled to an annuity under paragraph (iv) or (v) of section 2(a)(1) of this Act, the annuity of the spouse of such individual entitled to an annuity under section 2(c)(1)(ii)(B) of this Act shall, in lieu of an annuity amount provided under subdivision (1), be in an amount equal to the amount (after any reduction on account of age but before any deductions on account of work) of the wife’s insurance benefit or the husband’s insurance benefit to which such spouse would have been entitled under the Social Security Act if the individual’s service as an employee after December 31, 1936, had been included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act. For purposes of this subdivision, spouses who have not attained age 62 shall be deemed to have attained age 62.

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(f)(1) The annuity of a survivor of a deceased employee under section 2(d) of this Act shall be in an amount equal to the amount (before any deductions on account of work) of the widow’s insurance benefit, widower’s insurance benefit, mother’s insurance benefit, parent’s insurance benefit, or child’s insurance benefit, whichever is applicable, to which he or she would have been entitled under the Social Security Act if such deceased employee’s service as an employee after December 31, 1936, had been included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act. In the case of a widow or widower who is entitled to an annuity under section 2(d) of this Act solely on the basis of railroad service which was performed prior to January 1, 1937, the amount provided under this section with respect to any month shall not be less than the first amount appearing in column IV of the table appearing in section 215(a) of the Social Security Act as in effect on December 31, 1974, after reduction in accordance with the provisions of section 202(k) and 202(q) of that Act in the same manner as would be applicable to a widow’s insurance benefit or widower’s insurance benefit payable under section 202(e) or 202(f) of that Act.

(2) For purposes of this subsection—

(i) a widow or widower or a parent who is entitled to an annuity based on age under section 2(d)(1) of this Act and who has not attained age 62 shall be deemed to be age 62: Provided, however, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply in the case of a widow or widower who was entitled to an annuity under section 2(d)(1) on the basis of disability for the month before the month in which he or she attained age 60,

(ii) a widow or widower or a child who is entitled to an annuity under section 2(d)(1) of this Act on the basis of disability shall be deemed to be entitled to a widow’s insurance benefit, a widower’s insurance benefit, or a child’s insurance benefit under the Social Security Act on the basis of disability, and

(iii) The[8] provisions of paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this subdivision shall not apply to the annuity of a widow, surviving divorced wife, or surviving divorced mother who is entitled to such annuity on the basis of the provisions of section 2(d)(1)(v) of this Act.

(3) The annuity amount provided to a widow or widower under last sentence of subdivision (1) shall be increased by the same percentage or percentages as insurance benefits payable under section 202 of the Social Security Act are increased after the date on which such annuity begins to accrue.

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Sec. 6. [45 U.S.C. 231e]

(b)(1) Upon the death of an individual who will have completed ten years of service prior to January 1, 1975, and will have had a current connection with the railroad industry at the time of his death, a lump-sum payment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of section 5(f)(1) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 as in effect on December 31, 1974, in an amount, if any, which would have been payable under such section 5(f)(1) on the basis of (A) the individual’s compensation after December 31, 1936, and prior to January 1, 1975, and (B) the individual’s wages (as defined in section 209 of the Social Security Act) prior to January 1, 1975. Any lump sum payable under this subdivision shall be in an amount computed as if the individual had died on January 1, 1975. No lump sum shall be payable under this subdivision if the employee died leaving a surviving divorced wife who would on proper application therefore be entitled to receive an annuity under section 2(d) of this Act for the month in which the employee’s death occurred.

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(2) Upon the death of an individual who will not have completed ten years of service prior to January 1, 1975, but who (i) will have completed ten years of service at the time of his death, (ii) will have had a current connection with the railroad industry at the time of his death, and (iii) will have died leaving no widow, surviving divorced wife, widower, child, or parent who would on proper application therefor be entitled to receive an annuity under section 2(d) of this Act for the month in which such death occurred, a lump-sum death payment shall be made in accordance with the provisions of section 202(i) of the Social Security Act in an amount equal to the amount which would have been payable under such section 202(i) if such individual’s service as an employee after December 31, 1936, were included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act. If a lump sum would be payable to a widow or widower under this subdivision except for the fact that a survivor will have been entitled to receive an annuity for the month in which the individual will have died, but within one year after the individual’s death there will not have accrued to survivors of the individual, by reason of his death, annuities which, after all deductions pursuant to sections 2(g) and 2(h) of this Act, are equal to such lump sum, a payment equal to the amount by which such lump sum exceeds such annuities so accrued after such deductions shall then nevertheless be made under this subdivision to the widow or widower to whom a lump sum would have been payable under this subdivision except for the fact that a monthly benefit under section 2(d) of this Act was payable for the month in which the individual died, if such widow or widower will not have died before receiving payment of such lump sum.

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Sec. 7. [45 U.S.C. 231f]

(b) * * *

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(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall furnish the Board certified reports of wages, self-employment income, and periods of service and of other records in his possession, or which he may secure, pertinent to the administration of this Act, the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, the Milwaukee Railroad Restructuring Act, and the Rock Island Railroad Transition and Employee Assistance Act..[9] The Board shall furnish the Secretary of Health and Human Services certified reports of records of compensation and periods of service reported to it pursuant to section 9 of this Act, of determinations under section 2 of this Act, and of other records in its possession, or which it may secure, pertinent to subsection (c) of this section or to the administration of the Social Security Act as affected by section 18 of this Act. Such certified reports shall be conclusive in adjudication as to the matters covered therein: Provided, however, That if the Board or the Secretary of Health and Human Services receives evidence inconsistent with a certified report and the application involved is still in course of adjudication or otherwise open for such evidence such recertification of such report shall be made as, in the judgment of the Board or the Secretary of Health and Human Services, whichever made the original certification, the evidence warrants. Such recertification and any subsequent recertification shall be treated in the same manner and be subject to the same conditions as an original certification.

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(d)(1) The Board shall, for purposes of this subsection, have the same authority to determine the rights of individuals described in subdivision (2) to have payments made on their behalf for hospital insurance benefits consisting of inpatient hospital services, posthospital extended care services, home health services, hospice care, and outpatient hospital diagnostic services (all hereinafter referred to as “services”) under section 226, and parts A and D[10] of title XVIII, of the Social Security Act as the Secretary of Health and Human Services has under such section and such parts with respect to individuals to whom such sections and such parts apply. For purposes of section 8, a determination with respect to the rights of an individual under this subsection shall, except in the case of a provider of services, be considered to be a decision with respect to an annuity.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, every person who—

(i) has attained age 65 and (A) is entitled to an annuity under this Act or (B) would be entitled to such an annuity had he ceased compensated service and, in the case of a spouse or divorced wife, had such spouse’s husband or wife ceased compensated service or (C) bears a relationship to an employee which, by reason of section 3(f)(2) of this Act, has been, or would be, taken into account in calculating the amount of the annuity of such employee; or

(ii) has not attained age 65 and (A) has been entitled to an annuity under section 2 of this Act, or under the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 and section 2 of this Act, or could have been includible in the computation of an annuity under section 3(f)(2) of this Act, for not less than 24 months and (B) could have been entitled for 24 calendar months, and could currently be entitled, to monthly insurance benefits under section 223 of the Social Security Act or under section 202 of that Act on the basis of disability if service as an employee after December 31, 1936, had been included in the term “employment” as defined in that Act and if an application for disability benefits had been filed,

shall be certified to the Secretary of Health and Human Services as a qualified railroad retirement beneficiary under section 226 of the Social Security Act.

(3) If an individual entitled to an annuity under paragraph (iv) or (v) of section 2(a)(1) of this Act would have been insured for disability insurance benefits as determined under section 223(c)(1) of the Social Security Act at the time such annuity began, he shall be deemed, solely for purposes of paragraph (ii) of subdivision (2), to be entitled to a disability insurance benefit under section 223 of the Social Security Act for each month, and beginning with the first month, in which he would meet the requirements for entitlement to such a benefit, other than the requirement of being insured for disability insurance benefits, if service as an employee after December 31, 1936, had been included in the term “employment” as defined in the Social Security Act and if an application for disability benefits had been filed.

(4) The rights of individuals described in subdivision (2) of this subsection to have payment made on their behalf for the services referred to in subdivision (1) but provided in Canada shall be the same as those of individuals to whom section 226 and part A of title XVIII of the Social Security Act apply, and this subdivision shall be administered by the Board as if the provisions of section 226 and part A of title XVIII of the Social Security Act were applicable, as if references to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare were to the Board, as if references to the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund were to the Railroad Retirement Account, as if references to the United States or a State included Canada or a subdivision thereof, and as if the provisions of sections 1862(a)(4), 1863, 1864, 1868, 1869, 1874(b), and 1875 were not included in such title. The payments for services herein provided for in Canada shall be made from the Railroad Retirement Account (in accordance with, and subject to, the conditions applicable under section 7(b), in making payment of other benefits) to the hospital, extended care facility, or home health agency providing such services in Canada to individuals to whom subdivision (2) of this subsection applies, but only to the extent that the amount of payments for services otherwise hereunder provided for an individual exceeds the amount payable for like services provided pursuant to the law in effect in the place in Canada where such services are furnished. For the purposes of section 10 of this Act, any overpayment under this subdivision shall be treated as if it were an overpayment of an annuity.

(5) The Board and the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall furnish each other with such information, records, and documents as may be considered necessary to the administration of this subsection or section 226, and part A of title XVIII, of the Social Security Act.

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Sec. 18. [45 U.S.C. 231q]

(2) For the purpose of determining (i) monthly insurance benefits under the Social Security Act to an employee who will have completed less than ten years of service (or less than five years of service, all of which accrues after December 31, 1995) and to others deriving from him or her during his or her life and (ii) monthly insurance benefits and lump-sum death benefits under such Act with respect to the death of an employee who (A) will have completed less than ten years of service (or less than five years of service, all of which accrues after December 31, 1995) or (B) will have completed ten or more years of service (or five or more years of service, all of which accrues after December 31, 1995) but will not have had a current connection with the railroad industry at the time of his death, and for the purposes of section 203 and section 216(i) of that Act, section 210(a)(9) of the Social Security Act and subdivision (1) of this section shall not operate to exclude from “employment” under the Social Security Act service which would otherwise be included in such “employment” but for such sections. For such purpose, compensation paid in a calendar year shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be presumed to have been paid in equal proportions with respect to all months in the year in which the employee will have been in service as an employee. In the application of the Social Security Act pursuant to this subdivision to service as an employee, all service as defined in section 1(d) of this Act shall be deemed to have been performed within the United States.

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[Internal References.—SSAct §§202(t), 205(c) and (i), 215(a) and (d), and 228(h) cite the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, 202(l) and (t), 205(c), (i), and (o), 210(l), 215(a) and (d), 216(b), (c), (f), and (g), 226(b), (d), and (f), 226A(a), 1839(f), 1840(b), 1842(g), 1843(b) and (d), 1870(b), and 1874(a) cite the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974.]

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[1] P.L. 93-445, §101, amended the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 in its entirety.

[2] As in original; no closing parenthesis.

[3] As in original. Should be “the”.

[4] As in original. Probably should be “202(d)(7)(C)(i)”.

[5] As in original. P.L. 98-76, §414(a)(1), struck out paragraph (1) and §414(a)(2) inserted “(h)”.

[6] As in original. Possibly should be “determining”.

[7] As in original; no closing parenthesis.

[8] As in original. Probably should be “the”.

[9] As in original. One period should be stricken.

[10] P.L. 108-173, §101(c)(1), provides that any reference in law to part D of title XVIII of the Social Security Act before December 8, 2003 is deemed a reference to part E of such title, as in effect after December 8, 2003.

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