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USAID's Community Development Support Project worked with local residents to make Topolevo a healthier, safer, and more active communityUSAID Partner Community in RFE Wins Quality of Life Contest

Topolevo, one of 16 communities receiving funding through USAID’s Community Development Support Program (CDSP), recently won first prize in a national contest for rural municipalities on healthy environment and quality of life... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Ukrainian study tour participants visit a laboratory at the Environmental Health and Safety Department at the Division of Health Services, University of Cincinnati.Alchevsk Study Tour Learns Waste Management Best Practices

Ten Alchevsk residents recently returned from a U.S. tour sponsored by the USAID Community Connections Program, ready to help their hometown to implement the best waste management practices they’ve learned... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Environment

Thomas F. Mefford, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia (center), pictured with Angelo Canale, Head of Italy's Department of Tourism (left) and Giandomenico Magliano, Director General for Economic Cooperation and Multilateral Finance, Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (right) at the MOU signing in Rome, establishing an international, public-private partnership to energize Southeast Europe's economy through development of its tourism sector.Italy Joins Partnership to Develop Balkan Region

With the signing of a memorandum of understanding in Rome on July 17, Italy joined the U.S. and Greece in an innovative public-private partnership to stimulate sustainable economic growth, energy security... Read More ...

Related Items: Business Development, Energy, Infrastructure, Environment

USAID LogoU.S.-Greece MoU to Expand Investment in Renewable Energy, Conservation

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on May 23, 2008, between Greece and the U.S. represents a "significant investment in renewable energy and conservation" in the member states of the Energy Community of Southeast Europe... Read More ...

Related Items: Environment

Karlo Amirgulashvili talks to journalists about his U.S. experience and the conference he organizedExchange Spurs Environmental Health Activism in Georgia

USAID’s Community Connections (CC) program alumnus Karlo Amirgulashvili, head of the Georgian Nature Lovers Society, credits his three-week CC visit to Ohio with helping him understand the importance of raising community awareness... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Environment

Over 20 amateur and professional photographers took part in the contest, capturing the beauty of Armenia's waters on filmPhoto Exhibition Draws Attention to South Caucasus Water Issues

The “Water Without Borders” photo contest, held in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, was recently organized by the USAID South Caucasus Water Program and Eurasia Partnership Foundation to draw public attention to transboundary water issues... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

Armenia's water resources are now better monitored as a result of USAID's efforts in the sectorArmenia Pilots Water Resources Coding

The development of a national water resources registry and water resources coding system are among the key achievements of USAID’s Program for Institutional and Regulatory Strengthening of Water Management in Armenia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Environment

Volunteering was a family affair for USAID/Bulgaria Mission Director Mike Fritz, who planted trees with his wife, Susan, and children, Kai and Cody, on April 5.U.S. Embassy Joins Local Volunteers to Make Stara Zagora Greener

On April 5, US embassy staff, American soldiers and hundreds of local volunteers planted 15,000 trees as part of the “Let’s Save the Forest” initiative in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Environment

USFS delegation works with Russian fire and climate specialists at the Sukachev Forestry InstituteUSAID, U.S. Forest Service Partner with Krasnoyarsk Regional Administration

During a U.S. Forest Service (USFS) visit to Krasnoyarsk February 22–March 4, 2008, USFS representatives agreed with USAID and the Krasnoyarsk Krai Administration to add a new program component assessing opportunities... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Biomonitoring provides people with 'the possibility to get the real picture of river pollution,' said workshop participant Dr. Susanna Hakobyan, a senior research fellow at Armenia’s Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology of the National Academy of SciencesHarmonizing Water Quality Monitoring in the South Caucasus

The USAID South Caucasus Water Program is facilitating the harmonization of water-quantity and water-quality monitoring capabilities among Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

Firefighters practice evacuated 'wounded victims' from schoolU.S. Offers Disaster Relief, Support to Serbia’s First Responders

The U.S. recently provided humanitarian assistance to flood victims and protective equipment for Serbia’s firefighters through USAID’s Preparedness and Planning Program... Read More ...

Related Items: Serbia, Environment

USAID Mission Director Michael Farbman (far left) and KCBS project’s Martin Wood and Valdet Osmani (middle) talk with workers and residents about the clean-up at a site behind an apartment building, where garbage was piled six feet high. Vushtrri/Vucitrn Mayor Bajram Bulalu (far right) listens.Kosovo Cleans Up

On January 15, USAID/Kosovo Mission Director Michael Farbman visited three garbage clean-up sites in Mitrovice/a, Skenderaj/Srbica, and Vushtrri/Vucitrn accompanied by the mayors of the respective municipalities... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Environment

Children in Strumica present an educational program on plastic recyclingChildren Play Key Role in Recycling Project

Understanding the importance of a clean environment begins at an early age. This is why children are the primary target audience for the USAID/Macedonia Plastic Recycling Project’s outreach campaign... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Environment

Recycling centers in the City of Skopje (with children) and Strumica“Ecological islands” to Clear Streets of Recyclable Waste

The USAID Plastic Recycling project, through public-private partnerships, has been setting up a program to collect and process recyclable plastic bottles, and to turn recycling into a viable business in Macedonia... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Environment

'I realized that we all - Armenians, Azeris, and Georgians - share many of the same problems, though we live in different countries. We all have aspirations for a peaceful and healthy future for our families and communities, and we, as women, need to do more to lead our communities to that goal,' said advocate Armenuhi AghababyanWomen Foster Regional Cooperation, Environmental Stewardship

A small town and copper mining site in the north of Armenia, Akhtala is situated on the left bank of the Debed River, which streams its waters to Georgia feeding the Kura, the largest watercourse in the South Caucasus... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

Workers remove trash from the river bed in Skenderaj/SrbicaProject Yields Much-Need Jobs, Cleaner Communities

Men wearing orange uniforms have been circling around the town of Skenderaj/Srbica, Kosovo, transforming it into a more beautiful place to live. The activity is part of a USAID initiative to assist with cleaning up... Read More ...

Related Items: Kosovo, Environment

Teenagers collect water samples from the Alazani River, and make inferences about the water quality based on the catch of the dayRiver Basin Serves as Classroom for Environmental Education

Until this summer, high school students in the town of Belokan, Azerbaijan on the country’s border with Georgia, never knew that spending a bright summer day on the river can be not only fun, but also a scientific experience... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Environment

Thousands of Tajik farmers increased their harvests through participation in the USAID-funded Water Users Associations Support ProgramWater Program Boosts Harvests, Earns Official Praise

On September 13, 2007, the Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan met with members of seven USAID-supported water user associations... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Environment

This cardboard will be recycled and used againKotor Cleans Up with USAID Support

As Montenegro seeks to develop its economy with an emphasis on tourism, the preservation of the “wild beauty” that attracts visitors must be given priority consideration... Read More ...

Related Items: Montenegro, Environment

Senior government officials from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia came together to discuss regional water management issuesViewers Tune In to Televised Water Discussions

In June 2007, USAID’s South Caucasus Water Program organized a television show to highlight regional water issues. This marks the first time that senior government officials from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia participated in a televised discussion... Read More ...

Related Items: Environment

Composting site near a Bulgarian villageComposting for a Cleaner Bulgaria

The Bulgarian government has passed new legislation making widely used, improvised dumpsites at village outskirts illegal. Local governments have been charged with finding new ways to collect and dispose of household waste... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Environment

Fire-fighting equipment will help local brigades contain fires which threaten dozens of municipalities, as well as major urban areasU.S. Donation Helps Macedonia Battle Wildfires

The U.S. Government, through USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), provided fire-fighting equipment valued at $50,000 to aid the Government of Macedonia (GOM) in responding to extensive wildfires burning... Read More ...

Related Items: Macedonia, Environment

Reporters from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia learned about regional water issues and received hands-on trainingSouth Caucasus Water Issues Receive Growing Media Interest

Water does not recognize political boundaries, a fact for the South Caucasus region, where the countries are tightly linked geopolitically, historically, culturally, and economically... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Environment

(From right) Head of Armenian State Hydromet, Mr. Vardanyan and deputy heads of Azerbaijani and Georgian hydromets, Messrs. Khalilov and Chitanava, discuss the text of the joint statementSouth Caucasus Leaders Commit to Regional Water Cooperation

The USAID South Caucasus Water Program recently organized a workshop dedicated to the monitoring and forecasting of water resources in the South Caucasus. Harmonizing monitoring procedures and facilitating data exchange... Read More ...

Related Items: Georgia, Environment

Women and children affected by landslide receive lentils and vegetable seedsU.S. Humanitarian Aid Reaches Villages after Natural Disaster

Mercy Corps is implementing a USAID-funded Direct Assistance Program (DAP) in the Rasht Valley, a highly mountainous area in the northern region of Tajikistan a very fragile environment that is prone to natural disasters... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Environment

Campaigns teach children and adults to take care of their water resourcesCampaigns Teach Public to Protect Environment

Over the past year, the USAID-funded Water User Association Support Program (WUASP) implemented by Winrock International organized 14 campaigns on “How to avoid pollution in canals” at local schools... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Environment

Participants learn to assess timing for application of pest and fungus prevention measuresOrchard Management Project Promotes Organic Methods

In March, 40 agricultural service providers graduated from the first phase of a 12-month training provided through the Home Orchard Protection Project. The Project is implemented by USAID’s Collaborative Development Initiative... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Environment

WETI volunteers, biology students from a nearby university, take soil samples near a cracked container to test for pesticidesEnvironmental Pollutants Finally Marked for Removal

For Stepan Vasylechko, head of the Syanky Village Council, December 2006 was the moment he tasted victory. After six years of struggle, it was finally decided at that time that 13 tons of unusable hazardous pesticides... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Environment

Boyukagha learns through puzzles at a personalized session aimed to improve his cognitive developmentAzerbaijani Community Takes Ownership of Environmental Issue

There is an Azerbaijani proverb that says: “Every man must build a house, bring up a son and plant tree plant in his life”. In Azerbaijan, taking care of nature and one’s family is part of life... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Environment

Participants in the USAID Community Connections 'Improving the Educational Environment' exchange program traveled from Baku State University to Jackson State University to learn about building an environmental studies departmentExchange Alumna Creates Path for Environmental Studies

Gulheyran Rahimova, Head of International Academic Education Programs at Baku State University, drew upon her experience in the USAID-funded Community Connections program to create a partnership with Jackson State University... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Environment

A woman from Andrijevica enjoys the sceneryTourists Gain Access to Montenegro's Wild Beauty

The mountainous region in the north of the country is a perfect example of the wild beauty Montenegro proudly promotes in its global tourism campaign... Read More ...

Related Items: Montenegro, Environment

On the lake: A bird-watching excursionMontenegro Looks to the Sky for Tourism Opportunities

With an unsurpassed diversity of terrain, including an abundance of unspoiled natural areas, Montenegro, and in particular the Skadar lake region, is a haven for a spectacular variety of birds throughout the year... Read More ...

Related Items: Montenegro, Environment

BEFORE: The River mill in 1902; traditional milling died in the 1980sFloating Mill Restored to Life

During the last century, over 90 river mills were used to grind corn, wheat and rye for entire villages on the Mura river, located in northern Croatia. By 1980, this local tradition disappeared all together... Read More ...

Related Items: Croatia, Environment

Association of Fruit Growers Bubamara present their climate station that will help fruit growers in Velika Gorica to develop an integrated system for fruit productionCroatian Climate Station Bears Fruit

Like many farmers around the world, fruit growers in the City of Velika Gorica, situated near Zagreb, struggle with adverse conditions that affect production and quality such as heavy rain, hail, frost, insects and plant diseases... Read More ...

Related Items: Croatia, Environment

USAID/Russia Mission Director Terry Myers and EuroChem Administrative Director Kirill Kravchanko agreed to create a partnership designed to improve the quality of life for citizens of a community that is home to one of the company's largest facilitiesUSAID, EuroChem Establish Global Development Alliance

On May 23, 2006, USAID/Russia Director Terry Myers and EuroChem Administrative Director Kirill Kravchenko signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a Global Development Alliance (GDA)... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Food and necessities valued at US$8,000 were distributed to 138 families within 2 hours in OstrovUSAID Partner Reaches Out to Romanian Flood Victims

When the mayor of Ostrov requested aid for 423 local flood victims, USAID implementing partner CHF International (CHF) leapt into action, gathering food and necessities valued at... Read More ...

Related Items: Romania, Environment

Community members donated the trees and participated in their plantingEnvironmental Protection Project Brings Tajik Communities Together

Recently, USAID’s Peaceful Community Initiative, implemented by Mercy Corps, completed a project to plant 4,400 new trees in public spaces in Hurmi and Sughd Oblasts... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Environment

Residents negotiate waters in a flooded village near the DanubeUSAID Provides Support to the Flooded Areas near the Danube

Since April 12, 2006, the Danube River has flooded several settlements on the Bulgarian side of the river causing damage similar in size and economic impact to the devastations from last year... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Environment

More than 120 students from the Vyazemsk Forest College attended the USAID- sponsored educational sessionStudents Headed for a Career in Forestry Learn How to Control Illegal Logging

On April 2-6, 2006, the Russia Far East Forest Certification Center, under the auspices of USAID’s FOREST Project, held an educational public hearing... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Aerial photo of the Sasyk EstuarySasyk Estuary Experiences “Rebirth,” Thanks to Ukrainian NGO

“During Soviet times, one had two things to fear – militarization and meliorism.” This bitter joke comes from Iryna Vykhrystiuk, leader of Vidrodzhennya (Rebirth)... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Environment

A local official explains his position at a roundtable organized to discuss the proposed mercury disposal siteUSAID-Funded NGOs Lead a Successful Environmental Advocacy Campaign

A public advocacy campaign by the Karaganda Civil Society Support Center (CSSC) EcoCenter and the NGO Reflection has recently resulted in a government decision to delay the construction... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Environment

A TV Crew interviews an environmental activist at a garbage dump in Lviv OblastProtecting the Carpathian Mountains

The Carpathian Mountains are a unique 1,500-kilometer ecosystem stretching across seven European countries, including Ukraine... Read More ...

Related Items: Ukraine, Enviroment

Mountain huts dot the Vranica Mountainside surrounding Prokosko LakeCampaign Helps Saves “Human Fish” from Extinction

Most locals call it the “human fish.”  But unlike humans, the Triton Salamandar can be found on only a tiny sliver of the earth—Prokosko Lake near Fojnica in BiH.... Read More ...

Related Items: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Environment

Deputy Chief of Mission Jeff Levine accepts the honor on behalf of the U.S. EmbassyU.S. Government Receives 2005 Benefactor of the Year Award for Work in Bulgaria

The Benefactor Foundation presented the US Government and US Agency for International Development with a 2005 Benefactor of Bulgaria Award for assistance and support to the Bulgarian people during the floods of 2005... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Environment

Screenshot of http:www.ForestLaw.ruWorld Wild Fund Launches Forest Law Website

In October 2005, USAID’s FOREST II project, in cooperation with WWF Moscow office, launched a website dedicated to the development of Russia’s new Forest Code... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Khabarovskiy Kray Applies New Fire Prevention Advocacy Knowledge

Khabarovsk region has suffered from many forest fires during this year; the south-east and central part of the region have been damaged by large forest fires... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

House caught in the floods USAID Provides $2.5 Million to Romania in Continuing Flood Relief

On August 11, 2005, U.S. Embassy Charge D’Affaires Mark Taplin traveled to the village of Crampoia to meet Mayor Ilie Ciobanu as part of a flood relief program implemented by USAID... Read More ...

Related Items: Romania, Environment

USAID Agribusiness Specialist, Paul Trupo, unloads Pioneer seed in Timiosara U.S. Responds To Romania Flood Disaster

Two persons were killed and thousands of others displaced when extreme flooding wreaked havoc in Romania in late April. More than 3,700 homes were damaged and $7.5 million in crops ravaged as a result of this disaster... Read More ...

Related Items: Romania, Environment

conference USAID Yields Productive Models for Non-Timber Forest Product Training in the Russian Far East

During the month of February, the Russian Far East (RFE) Association of Non Timber Forest Product (NTFP) Producers and the Khabarovskiy Krai Bee-Keepers Society jointly organized special courses... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Russian Exhibitor Eco-Tourism Expands To Russia’s Far East

During January 18-30, 2005, USAID’s Enhanced Small and Medium Enterprise Development (ESD) Project led a team of six company representatives from Russian Far East (RFE) eco-tourism companies located... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

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Mon, 04 Aug 2008 17:29:45 -0500