Tolling and Pricing Program
photos of highway traffic and toll booths
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Tolling and Pricing Program

Program Announcements

Federal Register Notice, September 16, 2008 - Value Pricing Pilot Program Participation, Fiscal Year 2009 - The Value Pricing Pilot Program was reauthorized under SAFETEA-LU as an experimental program aimed at learning more about the potential of different pricing approaches for reducing congestion. Funds are available to support efforts by State and local governments or other public authorities to establish local value pricing pilot programs, to provide for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of value pricing projects, and to report on their effects. Approximately $12 million is expected to be available for allocation to projects in FY 2009. Of this amount, $3 million is set aside for pricing projects not involving tolls, and $5 million is set aside for metropolitan region-wide pricing studies. Grant applications are due no later than November 7, 2008.

  • Federal Register Notice: (HTML, PDF 67KB)

VPP Quarterly Report (April - June 2008) - Each quarter, projects authorized under the Value Pricing Pilot Program are updated to provide the most current VPP program information on active projects being studied as well as projects that have been implemented.

FHWA's Tool for Rush-Hour User Charge Evaluation (TRUCE) Revised - Version 3.0 is now available.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters Encourages States to Utilize Electronic Tolling to Relieve Congestion and Finance New Capacity
Press Release | Federal Register Notice February 4, 2008 (HTML, PDF 64KB)

This site is intended to provide information about the tolling and pricing programs and provisions available under Title 23 of the United States Code (23 U.S.C.), following enactment of Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), and to invite Expressions of Interest from States and/or other public entities. This site contains information on "getting started" by submitting an Expression of Interest for the available tolling authority. An agency can download an Expression of Interest template through this web page, complete it, and re-submit it electronically via e-mail. This site also provides key contacts and links to resources related to tolling and pricing that can be used to support an initiative. Through this site, agencies can understand the tolling and pricing opportunities that now exist and can communicate with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in order to assist them in effectively meeting their desired goal(s) for applying for tolling and pricing authority or funding.

Current Programs

The FHWA will work with an interested agency through the Tolling and Pricing Team. Wayne Berman is the contact:

Wayne Berman
1200 New Jersey Ave SW
FHWA-HOTM-1, Room E86-204
Washington, DC 20590