USDA Forest Service

Umpqua National Forest


Umpqua National Forest
2900 Stewart Parkway
Roseburg, OR 97471

(541) 672-6601

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Special Forest Products


[Photograph]: Squirrel posing for a picture.About ten percent of the population uses firewood as its primary source of heat.  In the Northwest, firewood comes from standing hardwood species or from slash left from timber sales.  The amount of slash available varies from year to year depending on the amount of timber sale activity and the demand for chips.  Wood should be cut early and stacked to dry so that it will burn cleanly and reduce air pollution.  Some communities restrict firewood use during times of poor air quality.

Chainsaws and splitting mauls are used most often to cut firewood.

On the Umpqua National Forest firewood availability is determined on an individual district basis.  The cost is $20.00 per permit (2 cords minimum).  A maximum of six cords of firewood per household per year.  Individual firewood area maps are required with every permit.

District Firewood Information

Cottage Grove Ranger District

Employees at the Cottage Grove Ranger District will take your name and phone number for the waiting list for firewood cutting. The district phone number is 541/767-5000

North Umpqua Ranger District

For the North Umpqua Ranger District in Glide, you must first locate the firewood and then fill out an application for the area. Someone from our district will check the area and if it is suitable, you will be sold a permit. The district phone number is 541/496-3532.

Tiller Ranger District

For the Tiller Ranger District, you must first locate the firewood and then fill out an application for the area. Someone from our district will check the area and if it’s suitable, you will be sold a permit. The district phone number is 541/825-3100.

Diamond Lake Ranger District

The Diamond Lake Ranger District has the only active year-round firewood cutting areas on the forest. You may cut only dead or down lodgepole pine as well as all species of live or dead hardwoods except oak. These areas are around Lemolo Lake and Thorn Prairie. The district phone number is 541/498-2531.

Incidental Firewood Use

Campers and hunters are not required to have a woodcutting permit if the wood is used at their camp site on the Umpqua National Forest (36 CFR 223.7).

Firewood for this purpose is limited to:

  1. Dead and down forest litter.
  2. Material less than 16 inches in diameter.
  3. Cutting of any standing live tree or any dead standing snag is strictly prohibited.

The amount to be hauled for incidental use at any one time is one-quarter of a cord.

USDA Forest Service - Umpqua National Forest
Last Modified: Thursday, 12 April 2007 at 17:37:56 EDT

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