Extended elements are documented in the Metadata Reference Information section at XPath /metadata/metainfo/metextns. If the local extensions are utilized, please provide the information below (red text) in the metadata content.

Metadata Extensions:
Online Linkage:
Profile Name:
NGDC Extensions to FGDC Metadata

List of Extensions

The following are the extended elements added to the hierarchical structure of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata. They are an option in the NMMR metadata template for metadata managers and may or may not be present in the metadata content.

CI_OnlineResource added to Citation Information and Network Address (NOAA ISO Extensions)

    Extension_Information =
      Type: compound
      Child: Linkage
      Child: Protocol
      Child: Application Profile
      Child: Name
      Child: Description
      Child: Function
      Parent: Citation_Information
      Parent: Network_Address
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: >=1
      Definition: Information about online sources from which the dataset, specification, or community profile name and extended metadata elements can be contained.
      Rationale: To take advantage of ISO 19115 standard and to provide more information about a URL.
      Source: Adopted from ISO19115. For more information email: ngdc.metadata-support@noaa.gov.
      XPath: */citeinfo/CI_OnlineResource
      XPath: /metadata/distinfo/stdorder/digform/digtopt/onlinopt/computer/networka/CI_OnlineResource
    Extension_Information =
      Name: Linkage
      Short_Name: linkage
      Type: Free Text
      Parent: CI_OnlineResource
      Optionality: Mandatory
      Repeatability: =1
      Definition: Location (address) for online access using a Uniform Resource. For example: http://www.statkart.no/isotc211.
    Extension_Information =
      Name: Protocol
      Short_Name: protocol
      Type: Free_Text
      Parent: CI_OnlineResource
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: =1
      Definition: Connection protocol to be used, such as http or ftp.
    Extension Information =
      Name: Application_Profile
      Short_Name: applicationProfile
      Type: Free_Text
      Parent: CI_OnlineResource
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: =1
      Definition: Name of an application profile that can be used with the online resource. For example: web browser or PDF reader.
    Extension Information =
      Name: Name
      Short_Name: name
      Type: Free_Text
      Parent: CI_OnlineResource
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: =1
      Definition: Name of the online resource.
    Extension Information =
      Name: Description
      Short_Name: description
      Type: Free_Text
      Parent: CI_OnlineResource
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: =1
      Definition: Detailed text description of what the online resource is/does.
    Extension Information =
      Name: Function
      Short_Name: function
      Type: text
      Domain: "download" "information" "offlineAccess" "order" "search"
      Parent: CI_OnlineResource
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: =1
      Definition: Code for function performed by the online resource.

Citation Identifier in Citation Information

    Extension_Information =
      Name: identifier
      Short_Name: citId
      Type: Free_Text
      Parent: Citation_Information
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: =1
      Definition: Value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace.
      Rationale: To provide unique identification within a Citation_Information component record.
      Source: For more information email: ngdc.metadata-support@noaa.gov.
      XPath: */citeinfo/citId

Instrument Full Name in Instrument Information (Local Extension to RSE)

    Extension_Information =
      Name: Instrument Full Name
      Short_Name: instflnm
      Type: text
      Domain: free text
      Parent: Instrument Information
      Optionality: Optional
      Definition: The full name by which an instrument is known.
      Rationale: To identify the instrument described. It is helpful when there is more than one Instrument Information section included in a metadata record.
      Source: For more information email: ngdc.metadata-support@noaa.gov.
      XPath: /metadata/instinfo/instflnm

Mission Name in Mission Information (Local Extension to RSE)

    Extension_Information =
      Name: Mission_Name
      Short Name: missname
      Type: text
      Domain: free text
      Parent: Mission_Information
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: =1
      Definition: The full name by which a mission is known.
      Rationale: To identify the Mission described. It is helpful when there is more than one Mission_Information section included in a metadata record.
      Source: For more information email: ngdc.metadata-support@noaa.gov.
      XPath: /metadata/plamiinfo/missinfo/missname

Platform Full Name in Platform Information (Local Extension to RSE)

    Extension_Information =
      Name: Platform Full Name
      Short_Name: platflnm
      Type: text
      Domain: free text
      Parent: Platform_Information
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: =1
      Definition: The name by which the platform is known.
      Rationale: To identify the Platform described. It is helpful when there is more than one Platform_Information section included in a metadata record.
      Source: For more information email: ngdc.metadata-support@noaa.gov.
      XPath: /metadata/plamiinfo/platinfo/platflnm

Resource Description in Standard Order Process

    Extension_Information =
      Name: Resource Description
      Short_Name: resdesc
      Type: text
      Domain: free text
      Parent: stdorder
      Optionality: Optional
      Repeatability: = 1
      Definition: The identifier by which the distributor knows the data set. For example, a label by which a data set can be requested from a distributor such as a catalog number.
      Rationale: To take full advantage of identifying different products related to a dataset.
      Source: For more information email: ngdc.metadata-support@noaa.gov.
      XPath: /metadata/distinfo/stdorder/resdesc