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NOAA Fisheries


Observer Program

At the core of the North Pacific monitoring system is a comprehensive, industry-funded, on-board observer program, coupled with requirements for total weight measurement of most fish harvested. Except for small vessels less than 60 feet and halibut vessels, all vessels fishing for groundfish in federal waters are required to carry observers, at their own expense, for at least a portion of their fishing time. The largest vessels, those over 125 feet, are generally required to carry observers 100% of the time, with multiple observers required on catcher/processors and in certain fisheries.

Used in conjunction with reporting and weighing requirements, the information collected by observers provides the foundation for in-season management and for tracking species-specific catch and bycatch amounts. The Council and NOAA Fisheries are currently developing amendments to the fishery management plans that are designed to better ensure ongoing collection and quality observer data.

Observer Advisory Committee Report, March 2008
BSAI and GOA Percent Observed Catch, 2004-2007 5/08
Analysis of Observer Program regulatory changes 4/08, Motion;
Alternatives for analysis of Observer Program regulatory changes motion 2/08
Revisions to the Observer Program 1/08
Alternatives for analysis of Observer Program regulatory changes 6/07 Motion
Observer Advisory Committee Report, May 2007
Observer Program Revisions 5/07, Observer Program Revisions 4/07
NMFS Video Monitoring Discussion Paper 6/06
Observer Restructuring 6/06
Observer Motion, February 2006; Observer Advisory Committee Report 1/06
Problem Statement and Alternatives for an FMP Amendment to establish a
new funding and deployment mechanism for the NPGOP, UPDATED June 8, 2005
Observer Advisory Committee report,  5/12/05 FINAL
Problem Statement and Alternatives for an FMP Amendment to establish a new funding and deployment mechanism for the NPGOP, UPDATED 5/05
EA/RIR/IRFA for a Fishery Management Plan Amendment to Establish a New Program for Observer Procurement and Deployment in the North Pacific 11/04
Observer Program Discussion Paper, 6/1/04

Observer Program Discussion  Paper 3/04

Observer Restructuring 11/03
Observer links: 
North Pacific Groundfish Observer Program


605 West 4th, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2252 • Phone: (907)271-2809 • Fax: (907) 271-2817
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