Office of Hearings and Appeals

Volume II

Transmittal No. II-6-13

Chapter: II-6-1 through II-6-11

Subject: Appeals Text Guide


In May 2002, Volume II, Part 6 (Appeals Text Guide) was posted to Policy Net. Subsequently, the Office of Appellate Operations (OAO) released the Document Generation System (DGS). OAO staff relies on the DGS system to create all Appeals Council notices and correspondence. During the last three years, OAO has added and revised many of the documents contained in Volume II of Part 6.

Explanation of Content and Changes

This transmittal represents an update of all OAO notices and correspondence as they now appear in the DGS system. We revised the headers of all documents to include the telephone number of the Division of Congressional and Public Inquiries (DCPI). We also updated all references to “cassette tapes” to “recordings” in multiple documents.

The following list contains specific documents that contain either major revisions or are being added to Part 6.

II-6-1-11 - Spanish Cover Notice for DEN 10 Letter added.

II-6-1-21 - Spanish Cover Notice for DEN 20 Letter added.

II-6-1-31 - Spanish Cover Notice for DEN 30 Letter added.

II-6-1-44 - SAMPLE Memo and Summary Sheet to Bias Complaint Officer (OCALJ) — Complaint of Bias, Misconduct or Unfair Hearing document was renamed and revised.

II-6-1-45 - DENSPS 6 Reissuing Denial of Request for Review of ALJ's Decision, Dismissal, or Decision and Dismissal — Title II and/or Title XVI added.

II-6-2-4 - DIS 1D Notices of AC Dismissal of Request for Review — Claimant/Representative and Improper Party (All Titles) added.

II-6-2-5 - DIS 1A — SP Spanish Cover Notice for DIS 1A and DIS 1D added.

II-6-2-6 - DIS 1B — SP Spanish Cover Notice for DIS 1B added.

II-6-2-7 - DIS 1C — SP Spanish Cover Notice for DSI 1C added.

II-6-3-2 - Spanish Notice of Order Remanding Case to an ALJ (All Titles) added.

II-6-4-12 - REV 10K Grant Review Notice — Propose to Vacate Favorable ALJ Decision and Remand — (11th Circuit Case) (All Titles) added.

II-6-4-13 - REV 11X Combined Grant Review and Reopening Notice (Subsequent Application) — Propose to Issue Partially Favorable Decision (Onset Date On or Before Date of ALJ's Decision) (All Titles) added.

II-6-4-32 - REV 4X Grant Review Notice — Combined Grant Review and Reopening Notice (Subsequent Application) — Propose to Remand (All Titles) added.

II-6-4-34 - REV 40 Notice Proposing to Issue AC Decision Adopting, Modifying, or Rejecting ALJ Recommended Decision — (All Titles) added.

II-6-4-44 - Interim — SP — Spanish Cover Notice Interim AC Action or Other Interim Correspondence (All Titles) added.

II-6-5-4 - DEC 1A Spanish Notice of AC Decision — Fully Favorable (All Titles) added.

II-6-5-5 - DEC 1B Spanish Notice of AC Decision — Partially Favorable (All Titles) added.

II-6-5-6 - DEC 1C Spanish Notice of AC Decision — Unfavorable (All Tiles) added.

II-6-6-29 - COR 30 — Deleted reference to HALLEX TI 5-1-8.

II-6-6-45 - SAMPLE 2 — Deleted reference to HALLEX TI 5-1-8.

II-6-6-49 - COR 49 — Deleted reference to HALLEX TI 5-1-8.

II-6-6-55 - COR 40C Request for Exhibits and/or Recordings Received but Not Associated Prior to Release of AC Denial of Request for Review added.

II-6-7-2 - CREM 01 — SP — Spanish Notice of Order Remanding Case to ALJ (Court Case) added.

II-6-8-11 - Title revised to SAMPLE Memo to Bias Complaint Officer (OCALJ) — Compliant of Bias, Misconduct or Unfair Hearing (Court Cases). The memo was revised and a Bias Summary Sheet added.

II-6-10-1 - Title revised to CDEC 1C-6 Notice of AC Unfavorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 6 Court Cases). Revised cover notice contains minor edits.

II-6-10-2 - Title revised to CDEC 1C-4 Notice of AC Unfavorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 4 Court Cases). Revised cover notice contains minor edits.

II-6-10-3 - Title revised to CDEC 1A Notice of AC Fully Favorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 4 and 6 Court Case). Revised cover notice contains minor edits.

II-6-10-4 - Title revised to CDEC 1B-6 Notice of AC Partially Favorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 6 Court Cases). Revised cover notice contains minor edits.

II-6-10-5 - Title revise to CDEC 1B4 Notice of AC Partially Favorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 4 Court Cases). Revised cover notice contains minor edits.

II-6-10-6 - CDEC 1C-6-SP — Spanish Notice of AC Unfavorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 6 Court Cases) added.

II-6-10-7 - CDEC 1C-4-SP- Spanish Notice of AC Unfavorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 4 Court Cases) added.

II-6-10-8 - CDEC 1A-SP — Spanish Notice of AC Fully Favorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 4 and 6 Court Cases) added.

II-6-10-9 - CDEC 1B-6-SP — Spanish Notice of AC Partially Favorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 6 Court Cases) added.

II-6-10-10 - CDEC 1B-4-SP — Spanish Notice of AC Partially Favorable Decision Following Court Remand (Sentence 4 Court Cases) added.

II-6-11-8 - CCOR 20 Incorrect Cover Notice Used for Final Decision of ALJ After Court Remand (Sentence 4 Case) added.

II-6-11-9 - CCOR 30 Incorrect Cover Notice Used for Final Decision of ALJ After Court Remand (Sentence 6 Case) added.

II-6-11-10 - CCOR 51 Granting Initial Extension of Time to File Civil Action (Final Decision of ALJ After Court Remand) added.

II-6-11-11 - CCOR 60 Exceptions Not Filed, Final Decision of ALJ After Court Remand Incorrectly Indicates This was a Sentence 6 Case (Sentence 4 Case) added.

Date: September 1, 2005