
Table 9. Summary of other scup diet studies for the coastal Middle Atlantic Bight. (Major prey taxa ranked in relative order of importance by: mean percent frequency of occurrence (FO), mean percent contribution to total stomach content volume (TV), mean percent contribution to total stomach content weight (TW),mean percent contribution to total stomach content dry weight (TDW), and an index of relative importance (IRI), as available from each source.)

Study Area
(month(s), season(s),
and/or frequency)
No. Examined
(size [TL cm]) or
age range, mean size)

Primary Prey in Order of Importance
by FO, IRI, TDW, TN, TV, and/or TW

Linton (1901) Woods Hole, MA 1896-99 (summer) 51 ("YOY") FO? -- Copepods and small crustaceans.
58 ("adults") FO? -- Small fish, squid, polychaetes, crabs, shrimp, amphipods, mollusks, and hydroids.
Richards (1963) Long Island Sound - sand station 1956-57 (seasonally) 167 (2-15) FO -- Polychaetes (Ampharete sp.), copepods (Pseudodiaptomus coronatus), and amphipods (Photis sp. and Leptocheirus pinguis).
Bowman et al. (1987) Southern New England 1973-76 (spring/fall) 367 (<15) TW -- Polychaetes, amphipods, decapod crustaceans (Atlantic rock crab), and squid.
Sedberry (1983) New York Bight 1976-77 (seasonally) 138 (5-15)

IRI -- Amphipods (hyperids and gammarids) and polychaetes (Potamilla reniforma and Glycera)

102 (15-30)

IRI - Polychaetes, gammarid amphipods (Ericthonius sp.), and decapod crustaceans (Atlantic rock crab)
Steimle (unpubl. data) Raritan Bay 1976 (Mar-Jun) 13 (YOY) FO -- Asabellides oculata, copepods, polydorid polychaetes, Mulinia lateralis, blue mussel spat, and hydroids.
Michelman (1988) Narragansett Bay, RI 1987 (seasonally) 66 ("juveniles") TDW -- Polychaetes (maldanids, Nephtys incisa, Nereis sp., and Pherusa affinis), Pagurus sp., Neomysis, amphipods (L. pinguis, etc.), mollusks, Ceriantheopsis americanus, and fish larvae.
Steimle et al. (unpubl. data) Delaware Bay 1989-94 (May/Jun, Aug/Sep) 246 (9.0-28.0, mean = 14.2) TV -- blue mussels, Ensis directus, unidentified mollusks, Metridium senile, Dyspanopeus sayi, Neomysis, Atlantic rock crab, and unidentified fish remains.

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