
Table 42. Most commonly eaten invertebrate prey in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary by the 20 most common predators examined in this survey, in approximate order of their overall frequency of occurrence in the diets

Prey (common name)
Primary Predators (also eaten by other predators)
Crangon septemspinosa
(sevenspine bay shrimp or sand shrimp)
Commonly eaten by all but winter flounder and tautog for which they are minor prey.
Neomysis americana
(opossum shrimp)
Eaten by all but clearnose & winter skates, tautog, smooth dogfish, and American lobster.
Gammarus lawrencianus
(scud amphipod)
Eaten by windowpane, scup, red, spotted & silver hakes, weakfish, northern searobin, and northern kingfish.
Cancer irroratus
(Atlantic rock crab)
Mostly juveniles eaten by little, clearnose & winter skates, striped & northern searobin, black sea bass, tautog, smooth dogfish, grubby, American lobster, summer flounder, and red hake.
Ovalipes ocellatus
(lady crab or calico crab)
Juveniles mostly eaten by little, winter & clearnose skates, summer flounder, smooth dogfish, spotted hake, striped searobin, and striped bass.
Pagurus spp., P. longicarpus
(right-handed hermit crabs, longwrist hermit)
Commonly eaten by little skate, American lobster, tautog, smooth dogfish, and smallmouth flounder.
Ampelisca abdita
(four-eye amphipod)
Winter flounder, windowpane, scup, weakfish, striped searobin, black sea bass, spot, and silver hake commonly eat these.
Pseudodiaptomus coronatus
(red copepod)
Commonly eaten by windowpane, spotted hake, and spot.
Mytilus edulis
(blue mussel)
Adults eaten by winter skate and tautog; spat eaten by other predators.
Corophium tuberculatum
(tube amphipod)
Weakfish and grubby eat them.
Unciola sp. (tube amphipod) Eaten by winter flounder and northern searobin.
Dyspanopeus sayi
(Say mud crab or xanthid crab)
Eaten mostly by tautog, black sea bass, and smooth dogfish.
Ensis directus
(Atlantic jacknife or razor clam)
Siphons and whole clams eaten by little & clearnose skate, smooth dogfish, and tautog.
Callinectes sapidus
(blue crab)
Minor use of juveniles by several predators.
Palaemonetes sp., mostly P. vulgaris
(grass shrimps, marsh grass shrimp)
Found in striped bass and American lobster stomachs.
Dichelopandalus leptocerus
(bristled longbeak shrimp or red-beaked shrimp)
Eaten by red hake, with minor use by several other predators.
Asabellides oculata
(spaghetti worm)
Minor use only by several predators.
Pherusa affinis
(green bristlehead tube worm)
Minor use only by several predators.
Mercenaria mercenaria
(northern quahog or hard clam)
Only siphons eaten by winter flounder, and minor use by scup and little skate.
Spisula solidissima
(Atlantic surfclam)
Only siphons eaten by winter flounder, and meats by smooth dogfish.
Glycera sp.
(blood worm)
Minor use by winter flounder and smooth dogfish.

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(Modified Jun. 13 2008)