
Table 3. Summary of other winter flounder diet studies for the coastal Middle Atlantic Bight. (Major prey taxa ranked in relative order of importance by: mean percent frequency of occurrence (FO), mean percent contribution to total stomach content volume (TV), mean percent contribution to total stomach content weight (TW), and mean percent contribution to total stomach content dry weight (TDW), as available from each source.)

Study Area
(month(s), season(s),
and/or frequency)
No. Examined
(size [TL cm]) or age range, mean size)

Primary Prey in Order of Importance
by FO, IRI, TDW, TN, TV, and/or TW

Linton (1921) Woods Hole, MA 1915-16 (May-Nov) 398 (2-22.5, ~8) TV -- amphipods, copepods, ostracods, isopods, and "shrimp."
Tressler and Bere (1938) Southern Long Island, NY 1938 (Jul-Aug) 120 (3-15) FO -- copepods, amphipods, nematodes, ostracods, polychaetes, and isopods.
Smith (1950) Block Island Sound, RI 1948-49 (seasonally) Unknown TW -- Leptocheirus pinguis, Unciola irrorata, and Obelia sp.
Richards (1963) Long Island Sound - sandy site 1956-57 (monthly) 287 (4-17) FO? -- nemertean, Ampharete sp., L. pinguis, Neomysis, Nereis succinea, and hydroids.
Richards (1963) Long Island Sound - muddy site 1956-57 (monthly) 86 (8-16) FO? -- Nephtys incisa, L. pinguis, and Melinna cristata.
de Sylva et al. (1962) Delaware Bay shore 1958 (bimonthly) 95 (3-13) FO? -- polychaetes, detritus, Edotea sp., and other isopods.
Pearcy (1962) Long Island Sound (Mystic River, CT) 1958-59 (monthly) 359 (1-16) TV (YOY) -- copepods to amphipods.
TV (ages 1+) -- amphipods to polychaetes.
Mulkana (1966) Coastal Rhode Island ponds and rivers 1962 (Jul-Oct) 124 (3-8) FO -- varies per estuary, mainly isopods (Edotea sp.), tanaids (Leptochelia sp.), polychaetes (Nereis sp. and spionids), and amphipods (Ampelisca sp. and Lembos sp.).
Lux et al. (1996) Woods Hole, MA Sep 1961 - Dec 1962 (weekly) 1,248 (12-42, mostly 22-38) TW -- Nereis sp., Glycera sp., Capitella sp., Macoma sp., Solemya sp., softshell siphons, Pagurus sp., Crangon, and Ampelisca sp.
Frame (1974) Buzzards Bay, MA 1968-69 (seasonally) 176 (ages 1+) FO -- polychaetes, amphipods, and mollusks (Nucula proxima, Tellina agilis, and Yoldia sp.).
Steimle (1985) New York Bight apex 1969-70 (summer) 196 (9-39, mostly 17-25) FO -- Pherusa affinis, Nephtys incisa, amphipods, unidentified clam siphons, and isopods.
Festa (1979) Little Egg Harbor, NJ 1972-77 (spring-fall) 97 (3-21) TV -- Palaemonetes sp., polychaetes, clam siphons, and nemerteans.
45 (22-33) TV -- detritus, clam siphons, polychaetes, and Ampelisca sp.
Kurtz (1975) Southern Long Island (NY) bays Oct 1973 - Jun 1974 679 (13-28) TW -- polychaetes (sabellids and terebellids), amphipods, and clam siphons.

Allen et al. (1978)
Hereford Inlet, NJ 1973-77 (biweekly/monthly) 106 (4-30) FO -- polychaetes, amphipods, bivalve mollusks, Crangon, and isopods.
Steimle (unpubl. data) Raritan Bay, NJ (Strata 1-4) 1976 (Mar-Jun ) 84 (8-25) FO -- Asabellides oculata, spionid polychaetes, hydroids, blue mussel spat, Glycera sp., and juvenile Ensis directus.
Homer and Boynton (1978) Chesapeake Bay, MD 1977 (May-Jun) 168 (2-15) TW -- Scolecolepides viridis, Corophium lacustra, softshells, Macoma sp., and Nereis succinea.
Lawler, Matusky & Skelly Engineers (1980) Hudson River, NY 1979-80 (seasonally) 89 (mean = 170) TV -- polychaetes and clam siphons.
Worobec (1984) Charles Pond, RI 1979-80 (spring-summer) 181 (11-26) TDW -- detritus, polychaetes, nematodes, and amphipods.
Conover et al. (1985) Raritan Bay, NY 1982 (monthly) 409 (15-18) TW -- A. oculata, Gammarus sp., algae, and other amphipods.
Steimle and Terranova (1991) New York Bight apex 1982-85 (seasonally) 389 (mean = ~26) FO -- Ceriantheopsis americanus, Pherusa affinis, Lumbrineris sp., and Nephtys sp.
Scarlett and Giust (1989) Manasquan River, NJ 1984-86 (monthly) 273 (11-40, mean = ~25) TV -- Nereis succinea, detritus, sand lance, clam siphons, hydroids, Crangon, and polychaetes.
Scarlett (1986, 1988) Central New Jersey estuaries 1985-87 (winter-spring, monthly) 176 (12-37, means = 26-30) TV -- Nereis sp., detritus, Glycera sp., other polychaetes, hydroids, Cyathura sp., and clam siphons.
Steimle et al. (1994) New York Bight apex 1986-89 (monthly) 3,556 (18-30) TV -- P. affinis, Ceriantheopsis americanus, Nephtys incisa, and A. oculata.
Bharadwaj (1988) Narragansett Bay, RI 1987 (Nov) 266 (12-38) FO -- N. incisa, C. americanus, P. affinis, and Nereis sp.
Carlson (1991) New Haven Harbor, CT Sep 1989 - Nov 1990 32 (10-15) TW -- hydroids, crustaceans, and polychaetes.
65 (16-20)

TW -- hydroids, snail feet, mysids, and polychaetes.

31 (21-25) TW -- Streblospio sp., hydroids, and Ampelisca sp.
19 (26-29) TW -- Crangon, Ampelisca abdita, and hydroids.
Timmons (1995) Rehoboth Bay, DE 1994 (Aug) 36 (mean = 10) TV -- polychaetes, detritus, and polychaete tubes.
Stehlik and Meise (2000) Navesink River and Sandy Hook Bay, NJ 1996-98 (May, Jul, and Oct) 1,399 (1.0-45.0, mean = 10) TV -- Ampelisca sp., softshell siphons, spionid and other polychaetes, copepods, mysids, and Crangon.

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