
Table 27. Summary of other bluefish diet studies for the coastal Middle Atlantic Bight. (Major prey taxa ranked in relative order of importance by: mean percent frequency of occurrence (FO), mean percent contribution to total stomach content volume (TV), and mean percent contribution to total stomach content weight (TW), as available from each source.)

Study Area
(month(s), season(s),
and/or frequency)
No. Examined
(size [TL cm]) or
age range, mean size)
Primary Prey in Order of Importance
by FO, IRI, TDW, TN, TV, and/or TW
Peck (1896) Woods Hole, MA 1893 (Jul-Aug) 38 (?) FO -- Atlantic menhaden, butterfish, herring, squid, and YOY fish.
Breder (1922a) Atlantic City, NJ 1920 (Aug) 31 (14-21) TV -- Butterfish, juvenile spot, unidentified fish, and plant material.
Grant (1962) Indian River, DE 1956-58 (summer) 262 (3-24) TV -- Mummichog, juvenile Atlantic menhaden, Menidia, bay anchovy, and unidentified fish.
FO -- Unidentified fish, juvenile Atlantic menhaden, Menidia, mummichog, and polychaetes.
de Sylva et al. (1962) Delaware Bay shore 1958-60 (summer) 152 (4-23) FO -- Unidentified fish, Menidia, Neomysis, Crangon, herring, and bay anchovy.
Festa (1979) Little Egg Harbor, NJ 1972-77 (summer/fall) 16 (6-10)

TV -- Palaemonetes sp., unidentified fish, Nereis sp., Nephtys sp., and Menidia.
FO -- Unidentified fish, crab larvae, and Nereis sp.
62 (11-20) TV -- Unidentified fish, mummichog, Menidia, juvenile blue crab, and bay anchovy.
FO -- Unidentified fish, Crangon, detritus, bay anchovy, Menidia, and Neomysis.
Allen et al. (1978) Hereford Inlet, NJ 1973-77 (biweekly/monthly) 301 (3-18) FO -- Unidentified fish, Crangon, Menidia, crab larvae, juvenile spot, and shrimp larvae.
Bason et al. (1976) Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, DE 1975 (spring-summer) 201 (5-33) TV -- Bay anchovy, juvenile Atlantic menhaden, juvenile weakfish, unidentified fish, Menidia, and juvenile bluefish.
Lynch et al. (1977) Raritan River and Bay 1976-77 (Apr-Mar) 10 (3-22) FO? -- Mummichog, bay anchovy, Menidia, Crangon, Palaemonetes sp., and fish.
39 (39+) FO? -- Atlantic menhaden, spot, bay anchovy, and Crangon.
Friedland et al. (1988) Sandy Hook Bay, NJ 1981-84 (spring-summer) 1,079 (9-18) TW -- Bay anchovy, Crangon, Menidia, Neomysis, striped killifish, and Palaemonetes sp.
FO -- Crangon, Neomysis, bay anchovy, Menidia, Palaemonetes sp., and striped killifish.
Scarlett and Giust (1989) Manasquan River, NJ 1984-86 (summer) 211 (9-29, mean = ~15) TV -- Bay anchovy, Menidia, Crangon, unidentified fish, Gammarus sp., and juvenile weakfish.
Juanes et al. (1993) Hudson River, NY 1989 (Jul-Oct) 374 (YOY) TW -- Atlantic tomcod, unidentified fish, juvenile striped bass, juvenile bluefish, and bay anchovy.
Juanes and Conover Great South Bay, NY 1989 (Jun-Jul) 256 (YOY) TW (Jun) -- Menidia, "shrimp," other fish, and bay
Hartman and Brandt (1995) Chesapeake Bay 1990-92 (bimonthly) 100 (age 0)
TW -- Bay anchovy, juvenile Atlantic menhaden, Menidia.
132 (age 1) TW -- Spot, juvenile Atlantic menhaden, and other fish.

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