
Table 13. Summary of other red hake diet studies for the coastal Middle Atlantic Bight. (Major prey taxa ranked in relative order of importance by: mean percent frequency of occurrence (FO), mean percent contribution to total stomach content volume (TV), mean percent contribution to total stomach content weight (TW), mean percent contribution to total number of individual items in the stomach (TN), and an index of relative importance (IRI), as available from each source.)

Study Area
(month(s), season(s),
and/or frequency)

No. Examined
(size [TL cm]) or
age range, mean size)

Primary Prey in Order of Importance
by FO, IRI, TDW, TN, TV, and/or TW

Richards (1963) Long Island Sound 1956-57 (seasonally) Sand station - 21 (9-20) FO -- Polychaetes (Glycera sp.), amphipods (Ampelisca sp. and Leptocheirus pinguis), Neomysis, Heteromysis formosa, and Crangon.
Steimle and Ogren (1982) New York Bight 1966-67 (Jul-Aug) 31 (mostly 33-36) TV -- Crangon, unidentified tunicate, Atlantic rock crab, unidentified fish, and Nereis sp.
Steimle (1985) New York Bight 1968-70 (summer) 219 (mostly 17-25) FO -- Crangon, polychaetes (Pherusa affinis and Nephtys incisa), Neomysis, and amphipods (Unciola sp. and L. pinguis).
Vinogradov (1984) Southern New England 1968-74 (spring/fall?) 1,892 (unreported) TW -- Sipunculids, unidentified fish, crabs, squid, "shrimp," gammaridean amphipods, and bivalve mollusks.
Bowman et al. (1987) Southern New England 1973-76 (spring/ fall) "208" (<10)

Part of above (10-20)

TW -- Crustaceans (Dichelopandalus leptocerus), chaetognaths, amphipods, and decapod crustaceans.
TW -- Crustaceans, amphipods (Gammarus sp.), decapod crustaceans (Crangon), and euphausids.
Steimle (unpubl. data) Raritan Bay

1976 (Mar-Jun) 45 (Subadult) FO -- Crangon.
Sedberry (1983) New York Bight 1976-77 (seasonally) 716 (5-20)
425 (25-50)
IRI -- Amphipods (Unciola irrorata) and copepods.
IRI -- Amphipods (U. irrorata), Atlantic rock crab, fish, and ocean scallops.
Luczkovich and Olla (1983) Coastal New Jersey 1979-80 (1 yr, monthly) 130 (2-9) FO -- Unidentified crustaceans, decapod crustaceans (Crangon), amphipods (Unciola sp., L. pinguis, Monoculodes sp., and Ericthonius sp.), calanoid copepods, and mysids.
Steimle and Terranova (1991) New York Bight apex 1982-85 (seasonally) 144 (not noted) FO -- Crangon, P. affinis, juvenile Atlantic rock crab, sand lance (Ammodytes sp.), and D. leptocerus.
Steimle (1994) New York Bight apex 1986-89 (monthly) 1,047 (10-34, mostly >17) FO -- P. affinis, Crangon, D. leptocerus, Atlantic rock crab, and N. incisa.
Rachlin and Warkentine (1988) Central New Jersey Unreported 133 (6-32, mostly subadults) TN -- Neomysis, decapod crustaceans (Crangon), nematodes, copepods, amphipods, isopods, and fish.

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