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The Council generally holds 5 meetings a year.  Below are some of the summary references from the meeting.


Items FROM June meeting:
Seabird Motion; Arctic FMP motion; BSAI Salmon bycatch motion;
AM80 sector cooperative criteria motion; Crab management motion;
GOA Rockfish pilot program motion. 
GOA Pcod sector allocations motion;
Fixed gear recency motion;
AI POP and Atka mackerel processing sideboards motion;
AI Pcod processing sideboards motion;
Halibut subsistence motion

Items for the June 2008 meeting:
GOA sideboards for the AFA CV fleet
Increase community and Alaska Native participation and consultation discussion paper
Electronic Monitoring of Halibut Discards in GOA Rockfish Fishery
Rockfish Pilot Program Review

BSAI Salmon bycatch EIS, RIR, IRFA, Appendix C
2008 Crab SAFE
Rockfish Pilot Program CP July standown exemptions
Revise GOA crab sideboard exemptions
BSAI and GOA Percent Observed Catch, 2004-2007
Rural Definition Halibut Analysis
Pcod sector split; 6/08 fixed gear recency in GOA 6/08
Halibut excluder EFP 5/08

GOA salmon/crab bycatch discussion paper

Items FROM the April meeting:
NP Groundfish Observer program motion;
BSAI Crab Motion;
BSAI and GOA Trawl Recency Motion

BSAI Salmon bycatch motion 4/08 (revised)
Charter Halibut Catch Sharing Plan Motion

Items for the April 2008 meeting:
Scallop SAFE 2008, Appendix 1, Apendix 2
Enforcement Committee Minutes 2/08
Recovery plan for the Steller Sea Lions

Trawl LLP Recency proposed changes;
Observer Program regulatory changes

BSAI Salmon Bycatch Description of Alternatives
2C3A Halibut Catch Sharing Plan Analysis; supplement
VMS exemption for dinglebar gear Analysis
Crab sideboard exemptions in Pcod and Pollock GOA fishery
St. George cooling off period and first refusal
4/08; Arbitration package 4/08; Requirements for C shares 4/08
Evaluation of the 2006 ADF&G Charter Logbook 3/08 powerpoint presentation

Items from the February 2008 meeting
BSAI Salmon Bycatch Motion 2/08
Trawl LLP Recency Motion 2/08
AM 80 Post delivery transfers and rollovers Motion
Alternatives for analysis of Observer Program regulatory changes motion 2/08
BSAI Crab Motion
Strawman elements and options for revision of 90/10 A share B share split 2/08

Items for the February 2008 meeting
Revisions to the Observer Program 1/08
BSAI Amendment 90 1/08
Crab:  Community Provisions for St. George; C share active participation; Modifying Arbitration System; Analysis of Crab loan program 2/08 Crab Committee Report 1/08
Salmon Bycatch Management and Monitoring in the Bering Sea Pollock Fisheries

LLP Trawl Recency; Seabird Avoidance Measures; AI Fishery Ecosystem Plan; Other Species  ABC;   BSAI Salmon Bycatch discussion paper 1/08

Items from the December  2007 meeting
Pcod sector split motion; Charter Halibut interim measures motion
(revised); Salmon Bycatch motion
GOA sideboard motion; Crab Rationalization program motion (revised 12/27)
Integrated Weight Longlines with Paired Streamer Lines Paper 12/07

December Meeting 3-11, Anchorage Hilton, AGENDA
Items for the December 2007 meeting

BSAI King and Tanner Crab:
  AM24 -Overfishing Definitions
  AM26 - C Share Split
  AM27 - Custom Processing
  Use Cap Exemption

  AM28 - Post Delivery Transfer

GOA Pollock Trip limit
GOA AM78 Rockfish Post Delivery Transfer

Revisions to the Observer Program 11/07
Pcod sector split 11/07 Trawl Recency LLP

Subsistence Harvests of Pacific Halibut in Alaska, 2006

Items from the October 2007 Meeting
Salmon Bycatch Motion
Crab Motion;
GOA Pcod Sector Split Motion
Fixed Gear Recency Motion;
Arctic FMP Motion;
GOA pollock trip limits motion

Halibut Motion 10/07;
SSL EIS motion 10/07

Items for the October 2007 Meeting
Recreational Catch of Pacific Halibut, Demersal Shelf Rockfish, and Sharks 9/07
Halibut Re-Allocation Analysis
Halibut discard mortality in rec. fisheries discussion paper

Area 3A GHL analysis; supplement (revised 9/14)
AM80 Post-delivery Transfers Discussion paper; Gulf Latent LLPs discussion paper; Socioeconomic data collection discussion paper;
Allocation of Pcod among sectors in GOA 9/07
BSAI Trawl LLP analysis 9/07
Impacts of other species mgmt

KTC Post delivery transfer of shares; KTC processor use cap exemptions; KTC C-share exemptions; GOA post delivery transfers in rockfish pilot program
WGOA Pollock trip limit 9/07

Special August 2007 meeting
CIE SSL reviews, North Pacific Research Board Review of the 2007 Draft Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan, July 2007, SSC report; Council Motion; NPFMC comments on Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan 8/07

Items from the June 2007 meeting, June 2007 Newsletter
Alternatives for analysis of Observer Program regulatory changes 6/07 Motion
External review guidelines for Scallop, Crab, Groundfish
2007 Research Priorities
Statement of Organization, Practices and Procedures 6/07
BSAI Salmon bycatch motion

Halibut motions:  2CGHL; Compensated Reallocation
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation motion, map
Arctic FMP motion
Trawl LLP recency motion
Crab Motion; CGOA rockfish post delivery transfers

Items for the June 2007 meeting, AGENDA
Crab Advisory Committee info
CrabAM 24:  Revise overfishing definitions BSAI King and Tanner Crab
Area 2C Halibut GHL EA/RIR/IRFA

Observer Program Revisions 5/07
Arctic Ocean FMP Discussion Paper 5/07
BSAI AM#89, Bering Sea Habitat Conservation
AI FEP May 2007
CDQ regulation of harvests EA

Arrowtooth MRA EA 5/07
Report of the Pcod technical workgroup 4/07
LLP Trawl Groundfish Recency Discussion paper 5/07
BSAI Crab C shares; Crab processing caps; Crab, rockfish post delivery transfers

Observer Advisory Committee Report, May 2007
CDQ Legal Opinion 6/07

Items from the April 2007 meeting, Newsletter
Crab 18 month review motion
GOA Groundfish motion 4/07
Trawl LLP recency motion 4/07
EFH motion
BSHC alternatives

Halibut Motions:
Charter Moratorium motion

Compensated Reallocation motion; GHL Motion; Allocation motion
Socioeconomic Data Discussion paper 4/07

March/April 2007 March/April Agenda, March 26-April 3, 2007, Anchorage Hilton
Items FOR the March meeting:
Observer Program Revisions
18 Month Review of Crab Rationalization Program
Halibut Charter Moratorium, Halibut GHL Analysis

Arctic FMP Discussion Paper
AI Habitat Conservation Area EA
NMFS letter on partial approval of BSAI Am. 85 (3/7/07)
Aleutian Island Fishery Ecosystem Plan

Dark Rockfish Management EA/RIR/IRFA 4/07
Salmon Bycatch Workshop AGENDA

Scallop SAFE

Items from the February 2007 meeting:
Revised Groundfish Workplan - Council Motion

Seabird Motion
Halibut Charter Moratorium Motion, Alternatives; updated 2/07
Trawl LLP recency motion

Gulf sector split and LLP recency
Salmon bycatch discussion paper 2/07
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Motion, Alts 2/07
Items for the February 2007 Meeting
SSL Proposal Ranking Tool

VMS Analysis
Groundfish WorkPlan
Seabird Avoidance EA
AI Habitat Conservation
Crab Overfishing Definitions
LLP revisions
Gulf Sector Split
BSAI/GOA Dark Rockfish
Halibut Charter Moratorium Analysis
Crab Coop vessel use caps Discussion paper
Exemption from custom processing crab caps Discussion Paper

Items from the December 2006 Council meeting 
AGENDA December 4 - 12, Anchorage Hilton
Letter to IPHC from NPFMC regarding  charter halibut GHL
Arctic Ocean FMP discussion paper

Seabird Protection measures motion 12/06
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation Alternatives Motion 12/06
Halibut Charter Motions 12/06
Area 2C GHL Alts
Permanent Solution

Items for the December 2006 Meeting:
GOA Rationalization Overview; Motion
Halibut Charter Items
5 Fish Annual Limit
Halibut Act Paper
Separate Accountability
Moratorium Discussion Paper
Allocation Paper Part 1
Allocation Paper Part 2
ADF&G GHL status
Committee Minutes
Committee Moratorium Alts
Committee Allocation Alts

Items from the October 2006 Meeting:
BSAI/GOA Trawl LLP Recency
Trawl CP MRA analysis

Items for the October 2006 Meeting:
Meeting in Dutch Harbor, October 2-10, 2006 AGENDA

Socioeconomic and economic data collection paper
Crab Coop vessel use caps
Decision ranking tool to evaluate SSL protection measures
CDQ MSA Amendments in the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act

Items from the June 2006 Meeting:
June 5-13, 2006, Kodiak  AGENDA  
IRIU Amendment 80 motion 6/06
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation motion 6/06
CV Trawl Eligibility
Halibut motions:  Moratorium; Permanent Solution 6/06

Items for the June 2006 Meeting:
GOA Groundfish Public Hearing 6/6/06 INFO
Changes to Halibut/Sablefish IFQ program (Omnibus V)
Observer Restructuring
IRIU AM80, appendices  Errata 5/25/06
Halibut Charter Stakeholder Moratorium Recommendations, Solution Alternatives and options 4/06
Steller Sea Lion Recovery Plan

NMFS Video Monitoring Discussion Paper 6/06

Items for the April 2006 Meeting AGENDA:
BSAI 85 P.cod Allocations
CDQ Eligibility
IRIU Amendment 80
GHL Halibut 3/06
GOA Rationalization Documents:  Skipper and Crew Discussion paper; MSA Authority & Anti-trust paper, Annotated motion

Fishery Ecosystem Plan for the Aleutian Islands
GOA 67 Dark Rockfish EA

SSC workshop on Salmon Bycatch

Motions from the April 2006 meeting
GOA Rationalization: 
1) Council motion from April
2) complete Council motion, showing changes from April
3) complete Council motion without markup
BSAI AM 85 Council Motion

BSAI AM80 Council Motion|
Salmon Bycatch info
Scallop SAFE
Halibut Moratorium Alternative 4/06

VMS Motion

Motions from the February 06 meeting
GOA Groundfish Rationalization Council Motion, Full marked up motion

IRIU Amendment 80 Motion
P.cod alternatives, Motion
Observer Motion, Observer Advisory Committee Report 1/06

Items for the February 2006 Meeting at SEATAC Doubletree February 6-14 Agenda
2/8/06 SSC Workshop on Biophysical Modeling AGENDA
Halibut PSC Allocations under BSAI Amendment 80 and Amendment 85
BSAI Crab AM 21-Crab Arbitration
GOA Rationalization motion from December 05
Halibut Stakeholder committee appointed
GOA Groundfish Rationalization Alternatives
Observer Program AM.86/76
Amendment 80/IRIU EA
Halibut GHL

Amendment 85:  Pacific Cod Allocations


Items for the December Meeting December 5-13th,  AGENDA
MRA Trip Discussion Paper

Amendments to Halibut/ Sablefish IFQ Program (OmnibusV)
BSAI Pcod Amendment 85 discussion paper
CDQ Amendment 71 Discussion Paper updated 11/21
Modify CDQ Program EA/RIR
GOA Rationalization Alternatives, Community Provisions

Salmon and Crab bycatch paper, maps

Motions from the December 2005 Council Meeting
CDQ motion
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation motion

P.cod allocations
GOA Rationalization community provisions
Council recommended specs for 2006-2007 BSAI and GOA groundfish fisheries
Halibut Charter IFQ motion

December 2005 Newsletter
Right Whale Critical Habitat letter 12/19/05

Items for the October Meeting October 3-11, 2005 Anchorage Hilton AGENDA
GOA Rationalization Overview of Alternatives and Preliminary Analysis
Bairdi Amendment 20

C-6 GOA Groundfish Ratz
    (a) Community Provisions
    (b) Alternatives/Options
    (c) Crab/Salmon Bycatch

BSAI Amendment 80, IRIU
large file (5MB)
BSAI Amendment 85 P.cod allocations
BSAI Amendment 84 Salmon bycatch
(large file 20MB, call our office for a hardcopy if you can't download it) Executive Summary,
GOA Rationalization Overview of Alternatives and Preliminary Analysis
BSKTC Amendment 20, Bairdi crab

Motions from the meeting:
IRIU Motion - Amendment 80
CDQ Motion, 10/05
Salmon bycatch motion 10/05
Council motion on BSAI Am. 85 – Pacific cod sector
allocations, Alternatives and options for BSAI FMP Am. 85 to revise the BSAI Pacific cod allocations
October 2005 Newsletter
Halibut summary

Items for the June Meeting: AGENDA
• GOA Groundfish Community Committee recommendations

Observer Program EA/RIR; Observer Advisory Committee report, 5/12/05
Disc. paper to establish a new funding and deployment mechanism for the NPGOP
• Pcod Allocations discussion paper, Hard/Soft caps discussion paper
GOA Rockfish EA/RIR
Bairdi Crab EA/RIR
Amendment 80 IRIU
BSAI Salmon Bycatch EA/RIR, maps
Items from the June Council Meeting: 
•  GOA Rationalization Community Provisions (suite of options), Motion
•  Pcod Allocations: Motion,  Alternatives
•  BSAI Amendment 80 Council motion, elements and options
•  GOA Rockfish Pilot Program Elements and Options
(updated 6/20)
•  BSAI Salmon bycatch motion
June 2005 Newsletter

April Agenda
Items for the April 05 Council Meeting:
BSAI Pcod allocations paper

Rockfish Discussion Paper
Items and Motions from the April 05 Council Meeting:

April 2005 Newsletter
Central GOA Rockfish Pilot Program Motion 4/05
BSAI Salmon Bycatch Motion
Enforcement Considerations
Gulf rationalization community committee report 3/30/05- FINAL
Ecosystem Management Discussion Paper 4/05
Council motion on BSAI Pacific cod allocations and Elements and options for BSAI Pacific cod allocations (updated as of 4/8/05)
Council motion on the CDQ Program

February Agenda
BSAI Pcod allocations discussion paper 1/05

(large file, 5MB)
Motions and items from the February Council meeting:
HAPC/EFH motion and maps
IFQ actions
GOA community provisions
IRIU Amendment 80 motion
Pacific cod allocations
February 2005 Newsletter
Ecosystem Committee 2/05 minutes
BSAI Salmon bycatch motion

BSAI Salmon bycatch discussion paper
Rockfish Pilot Program motion Clean version, Strikeout version


December Agenda
Items for the December meeting:
Halibut Subsistence III
Changes to the Halibut/Sablefish IFQ program Area 4C/4D, Regulatory package
Pacific Cod Allocations Discussion paper
EA/RIR Observer Restructuring, 11/04
GOA Groundfish Rationalization annotated motions for 12/04 meeting

Items and motions from the December meeting: 

Council recommended Specs for BSAI and GOA
Motion: BSAI Pacific cod sector allocations
Council Comments to NMFS on Crab Rationalization proposed rule
IFQ Program Changes
IRIU Motion
Halibut Subsistence Motion
GOA Rationalization Motion
     Clean Copy
     Markup Copy
     Rockfish Motion
     Rockfish Pilot Program
December 04 NEWSLETTER

October Agenda
DRAFT revised FMP's
(both 2.5 MB)
EFH Maps and Letter
IFQ/CDQ Halibut 4C 4D
GOA Rockfish Discussion paper

GOA Groundfish Rationalization Disc. Paper
Halibut Subsistence III

IRIU Amendment 80 Discussion paper, Effects of Amendment 80 on the Parallel Fisheries, Subdividing TACs
Crab SAFE executive summary

Halibut Subsistence, IFQ, CDQ, Rockfish, GOA Groundfish, PSEIS Workplan
IRIU, October newsletter

AI Pollock Fishery newsletter clarification

June Agenda
June 7-15, 2004, Portland, ORHalibut Subsistence, IFQ, CDQ, Rockfish, GOA Groundfish, PSEIS Workplan
IRIU, October newsletter

AI Pollock Fishery newsletter clarification
Agenda - Minutes - Newsletter
IRIU Discussion Paper
Adak Pollock EA BSAI Amendment 82
Modifying CDQ program Management of CDQ Reserves
Scallop LLP EA, Amendment 10 to the Scallop FMP
Non-Target Species Paper
IFQ Discussion Paper
Subsistence Halibut Trailing Amendments
Crab arbitration system legal opinion 5/04
Rockfish Vessel List

HAPC Alternatives and Maps
June Motions:
IRIU 80 Comp.and Options
Aleutian Islands Pollock
Observer Program
CDQ Program

SSL Changes in GOA
Rockfish Motion 6/04
Entire Rockfish program with June additions/changes

March 29th to April 6, 2004
Agenda - Minutes - Newsletter
Plan Team Review of HAPC proposals
Initial Review Draft EA/RIR for Amendment 82 to the BSAI FMP and regulatory amendments to allow the allocation of future Aleutian Islands pollock specifications to the Aleut Corporation as required by Statute, March 2004
Observer Program Discussion  Paper 3/04
Draft Comment Analysis Report for the groundfish PSEIS is now available
April 2004 Council motions on HAPC, PGSEIS, AI Pollock. Observer issues, CDQ Program GOA Groundfish motions: RockfishState Waters, Updated: Groundfish motion, BOF GOA Groundfish Alternatives (6/04)
Programmatic SEIS Timeline, worksheet, and Preferred Alternative

February 2-10, Anchorage Hilton
Agenda - Newsletter - Minutes
February Motions:
IRIU, Observer Issues, GOA Rationalization, tables, AI Pollock, BSAI Crab

GOA Groundfish Rationalization discussion paper


December 8-12 , Anchorage Hilton
Agenda - Newsletter - Minutes
BSAI Crab EIS 11/03
Observer Restructuring 11/03
December information on GOA Groundfish Rationalization

Motions and Decisions:
GOA Groundfish Rationalization Elements and Options
IRIU December 03 Motion
2004 AP and SSC Appointments
GOA and BSAI Presentations

Stephanie Madsen elected Chair of the Council

October 6-15, 2003, Anchorage Sheraton
Agenda - Newsletter - Minutes 

GOA Groundfish Rationalization
EFH Motion
HAPC Proposal

GOA Amendment 66 Community IFQ proposed rule

IRIU Motion






605 West 4th, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2252 • Phone: (907)271-2809 • Fax: (907) 271-2817
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