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Greg Shirah

Movie   ID   Title
An animation of the NAMMA mission aircraft flights out of Sal, Cape Verde with satellite flight tracks indicated.   3419   NAMMA Aircraft Flights from Cape Verde
Composite still   3413   Towers in the Tempest
Fly over North America to Greenland (fisheye lens render)   3400   Dynamic Earth Dome Protoype: Fly Around
Hemisphere view of the global biosphere (fisheye lens render)   3399   Dynamic Earth Dome Prototype: Hemisphere
THEMIS ASI Gound Station Array visualization   3398   THEMIS ASI Ground Station Array
Current SST data for the Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic coast.   3397   Current Sea Surface Temperatures Rising in the Gulf of Mexico
This animation shows AMSR-E sea surface temperature and MODIS seasonal landcover from the beginning of 2005 to December, 2006.   3390   AMSR-E Sea Surface Temperature
This animation shows snow cover, sea ice, clouds, sea surface temperature and biosphere while the view moves from North America across the Atlantic Ocean to Northern Africa and Europe.   3383   Sequence of Clouds, Snow Cover, Sea Ice, Sea Surface Temperature and Biosphere
A seamless zoom from the ground to space, using data from Terra-MODIS, Landsat-ETM+, and IKONOS, and starting at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois.   3381   Great Zoom out of Chicago, IL: The Adler Planetarium
A seamless zoom from space to the ground, using data from Terra-MODIS, Landsat-ETM+, and IKONOS, and ending at the
Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois.   3380   Great Zoom into Chicago, IL: The Adler Planetarium
Arctic Sea ice from Sep 21, 1979   3378   Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Concentration for 1979-2006
NASA scientists are using high resolution models to try to understand the rainfall structure observed by the TRMM satellite.   3377   A Hurricane Model
This is the most recent Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data available for the Gulf of Mexico region and the Atlantic Coast region.  This data is used by scientists for studying hurricanes.  For more information please <a href=''> click here.</a>   3376   Current Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures
This animation shows the flow of the Jakobshavn glacier in 2000, followed by a time series of the glacier's retreat from 2001 through 2006.  A colored line and date marks the position of the glacier's calving front each year.   3374   Jakobshavn Glacier Flow in the year 2000 and Calving Front Retreat from 2001 to 2006
This animation shows the three-year moving average September mean sea ice concentration in the northern hemisphere from 1979-1981 through 2003-2005. A date bar indicates the range of years averaged to compute the September mean shown.   3371   Three-Year Average September Minimum Sea Ice Concentration 1979 - 2005
Arctic sea ice maximum extent 1979-2006   3370   Arctic Sea Ice Maximum Concentrations 1979-2006
NASA researchers studied several elements during Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
The top left window shows sea surface temperature and clouds.  The bottom left window shows wind analysis model data.   The top right window shows Rainfall Accumulation.  The bottom right window shows Hurricane Katrina's Hot Towers.   3362   NASA Scientists Research Tropical Cyclones
2008 Atlantic hurricanes and storms   3361   Atlantic Hurricane/Storm Summary
The animation shows the wind analysis data from August 23 through 31, 2005 from  NASA's Modeling, Analysis and Prediciton Program 2005.  This preview image shows Hurricane Katrina's winds just before  landfall on August 29, 2005. At this point, the storm has sustained winds near 145 mph.   3360   MAP '05 Models Hurricane Katrina's Winds from August 23, 2005 through August 31, 2005
August 29, 2005 at 06Zulu.  Hurricane Katrina was classified as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 155 mph.    3359   MAP '05 Models Hurricane Katrina's Winds on August 29, 2005
SST anomalies derived from NOAA-14/AVHRR SST data.  This data is a 10 day average spanning 2/1/99 to 2/10/99 which was collected during the 1998-1999 La Nina event.  An earlier animation of this La Nina event can be seen <a href=''>here</a>.
  3358   Comparing the 1998-1999 La Nina event to the corresponding 2006 Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Conditions
SST data for the Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic coast on October 31, 2006.   3357   2006 Sea Surface Temperatures Rising in the Gulf of Mexico
The short version of the Cryosphere Tour, with narration and music.   3355   A Short Tour of the Cryosphere
Full version with audio and annotations   3354   27 Storms: Arlene to Zeta
Final animation composite showing both land-based photographs of seasonal vegetation change alongside satellite data of NDVI over the United States.  The animation first starts with photographs of Tamarisk at the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument in Utah.  These photos then cycle through time showing the changing seasons.  They then pull away to reveal NDVI data over the western U.S.  The NDVI data continues to cycle through the seasons in synchronization with the photos.  Finally, the cycling NDVI data is combined with land cover classification data to create the Tamarisk suitability map.   3332   Deriving the Tamarisk Suitability Map: The Complete Story

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