I-1-2-44. Administrative Review of the Fee Amount Determined Under a Fee Agreement — Overview

Last Update: 1/28/03 (Transmittal I-1-44)

A. Filing the Request

When a claimant, affected auxiliary beneficiary, representative, or decision maker disagrees with the Social Security Administration's (SSA's) fee determination under a fee agreement, he/she may protest that determination by requesting an administrative review.

The party requesting administrative review must do so in writing within 15 days of receiving the notice of the determination authorizing the amount of the fee. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, assume receipt within 5 days of the date of the notice. In foreign cases, assume receipt within 14 days of the date of the notice.


If the representative files a fee petition within 15 days of receiving SSA's notice of the fee amount, and asks for a higher fee than that shown in the notice, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) or Administrative Appeals Judge (AAJ) who approved the fee agreement will:

If the representative files the fee petition beyond the period for filing a timely request for administrative review, refer to I-1-2-41(C.).

1. Claimant, Affected Auxiliary or Representative Requests Review

A claimant, affected auxiliary or representative has an unqualified right to request administrative review of the amount of the fee approved under the fee agreement process.

2. Decision Maker Requests Review

A decision maker may request administrative review only when there is evidence that the representative did not represent the claimant's interests adequately, or that the fee is clearly excessive in light of the services provided.

B. Reviewing Official

The following officials are delegated the authority to conduct administrative review of the fee amount determined under the fee agreement:

1. Hearing Level

Individual Requesting Review Reviewing Official
Claimant, an affected auxiliary or the representative ALJ
ALJ Regional Chief ALJ (RCALJ) who has jurisdiction over the claimant's servicing hearing office (HO)
Regional Chief ALJ Deputy Chief ALJ or Chief ALJ

If the claimant or representative requests administrative review of the fee authorized based on a fee agreement an ALJ approved, the ALJ who made the favorable determination will conduct the review. Upon completion of the review, the ALJ shall affirm or modify the amount that would otherwise be the maximum fee (i.e., he/she may review the fee amount and authorize a reasonable fee, affirming, lowering or raising the original fee).

If the ALJ with jurisdiction over the request for administrative review is unavailable for a period of 30 days or more, to avoid inordinate delays in processing the request, the HO Chief ALJ will review the request and make a determination or delegate that responsibility to another ALJ.

2. Appeals Council Level

Individual Requesting Review Reviewing Official
Claimant, an affected auxiliary, or representative Attorney Fee Officer in the Attorney Fee Branch
AAJ Deputy Chair, Appeals Council (AC)
Deputy Chair, AC Chair, AC


If the claimant or representative and the ALJ or AAJ, as the decision maker, request administrative review, the reviewing official is the RCALJ or the Deputy Chair, AC, respectively. The RCALJ or Deputy Chair issues a single determination resolving all the issues raised in the requests for administrative review. This applies even if the reviewing official will not act on the decision maker's request because it was untimely.

C. Informing the Parties

The reviewing official must:

Refer to I-1-2-46(C.) for guidance on the notice content.

To attempt to prevent the release of past-due benefits (in cases in which SSA has not already made direct payment and released excess past-due benefits), the reviewing official also must notify the decision effectuating component that SSA has received a request for administrative review. To notify a processing center, use the Fax Cover Sheet at I-1-2-114(B.)

D. Review of the Fee Amount Determination

The review mechanism enables the Commissioner to redress situations in which the fee set under the agreement does not represent reasonable compensation for the services provided in the case. It does not compel changes to the fee set under the agreement. The reviewing official will review the authorized fee and set a reasonable fee, affirming, lowering or raising the original fee, when through a request for administrative review:


Refer to I-1-1-40 for rules governing the conduct of representatives and I-1-1-50 for information on processing an alleged violation, if a conduct or violation issue is raised.


  1. An ALJ found the claimant entitled to a period of disability and to disability insurance benefits after a hearing at which the claimant was unrepresented. Just before the hearing office issued the favorable decision, it received the claimant's appointment of representative and a fee agreement specifying a fee of the lesser of 25 percent of past-due benefits or $5,300. The ALJ approved the fee agreement because it met the statutory conditions and no exception applied. After reviewing a copy of the claimant's Notice of Award, the ALJ requested a reduction of the amount of the fee because the fee under the agreement was clearly excessive for the services involved, which consisted of meeting with the claimant, reviewing the initial and reconsidered decision, and requesting a copy of the hearing cassette.

  2. The claimant appointed a representative to pursue her claim and signed the fee agreement two months before the representative filed, on her behalf, a letter of intent to claim benefits. This delay resulted in a loss of two months' retroactive benefits. The ALJ who approved the fee agreement requested a reduction of the amount of the fee because the representative failed to represent the claimant's interest adequately.

E. Review of the Determination of the Fee Amount in Concurrent Titles II and XVI Claims or When There Are One or More Affected Title II Auxiliaries

1. SSA Has Determined the Total Fee Under the Agreement

The reviewing official must consider the total fee for all services when reviewing a request for administrative review of the determination of the fee amount.

2. SSA Has Not Determined the Total Fee Under the Agreement

When a party requests administrative review and SSA has not determined the total fee under the agreement, the reviewing official must:

3. Affected Auxiliary Beneficiary Objects to Sharing in the Fee Payment

If an affected auxiliary beneficiary objects to sharing in the fee payment and/or alleges that the representative did not represent him/her, notify the parties that:

F. Notice of Determination on Administrative Review

The reviewing official must mail a written notice of the determination made on administrative review to:

The notice will advise the parties that the determination is not subject to further review.

Refer to I-1-2-46(C.) for information on the notice content.