Office of Hearings and Appeals

Volume I

Transmittal No. I-2-18

Chapter: I-2-800

Subject: Administrative Law Judge Decisions


On July 17, 1992, the Associate Commissioner amended the delegations of authority regarding fees for representation of claimants and raised the maximum amount an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) or Hearing Office Chief ALJ may authorize from $4,000 to $5,000.

Explanation of Content and Changes

We revised I-2-818 C. to reflect that the maximum representative fee amount an ALJ or Hearing Office Chief ALJ may authorize is raised from $4,000 to $5,000. In addition, we revised I-2-818 C. to clarify that the Social Security Administration does not adjudicate fee petitions or award representative's fees; rather, SSA authorizes representative's fees.


Remove from Chapter I-2-800:

I-2-818 B. 10. b. (4) cont., dated October 30, 1990, through I-2-818 B. 11. a. (2) cont., dated May 5, 1991 (2 pages).


Insert in Chapter I-2-800:

I-2-818 B. 10. cont., dated October 30, 1990, through I-2-818 B. 11. cont., dated February 19, 1993 (2 pages).

Date: February 19, 1993