Office of Hearings and Appeals

Volume I

Transmittal No. I-2-12

Chapter: I-2-100 and I-2-500

Subject: Prehearing Case Analysis and Workup and Securing Evidence


The former Office of Hearings and Appeals Handbook contained procedures for requesting a district office (DO) employee to appear and testify as a witness at a hearing. These procedures were not included in HALLEX, but they continue to be the correct procedures. The Chief Administrative Law Judge summarized these procedures in his Reminders memorandum issued on July 22, 1991; specifically, in the reminder item “District Office (DO) Employee as a Witness.”

Explanation of Content and Changes

This transmittal incorporates said procedures into HALLEX by adding new HALLEX section I-2-571, Field Office Employee as a Witness. It also adds a cross-reference to the new HALLEX section in section I-2-105, Conducting Prehearing Case Analysis and Workup. In the interest of consistency, the term “Field Office” is used instead of “District Office.”


Remove from Chapter I-2-100:

I-2-101, Prehearing Case Analysis and Workup — General and I-2-105 cont., dated October 30, 1990 (2 pages).

Remove from Chapter I-2-500:

Table of Contents I-2-501 through I-2-590, dated March 9, 1992 (2 pages).

I-2-570 A. cont., and I-2-576, Obtaining Assistance in Processing Foreign Claims and Evidence, dated October 30, 1990 (2 pages).


Insert in Chapter I-2-100:

I-2-101, Prehearing Case Analysis and Workup — General, dated October 30, 1990 and I-2-105 cont., dated June 5, 1992 (2 pages).

Insert in Chapter I-2-500:

Table of Contents I-2-501 through I-2-542, dated March 9, 1992, and I-2-544 through I-2-590, dated June 5, 1992 (2 pages).

I-2-570 A. cont., and I-2-574, Securing Earnings Record Information, dated June 5, 1992 (2 pages).

Date: June 5, 1992