Office of Hearings and Appeals

Volume I

Transmittal No. I-2-07

Chapter: I-2-500 and I-2-700

Subject: Securing Evidence and Posthearing Actions

Explanation of Content and Changes

This issuance revises sections I-2-578, I-2-590 and I-2-790 in Volume I, Division 2 of HALLEX.

Section I-2-578 discusses subpoenas. We revised this section to reflect the requirement in 20 CFR §§ 404.950(d)(2) and 416.1450(d)(2) that a claimant who wishes an Administrative Law Judge to subpoena documents or witnesses must file a written request at least 5 days before the hearing date. We also revised sample language in sections I-2-590 and I-2-790 which advises representatives and unrepresented claimants of the subpoena request requirements.


Remove from Chapter I-2-500:

I-2-576 D. cont., dated October 30, 1990, through I-2-578 B. cont., dated October 30, 1990 (2 pages).

I-2-590 Sample 2, dated October 30, 1990, through I-2-590 Sample 3 cont., dated October 30, 1990 (4 pages).

Remove from Chapter I-2-700:

I-2-790 Sample 2, dated October 30, 1990, through I-2-790 Sample 3 cont., dated October 30, 1990 (4 pages).


Insert in Chapter I-2-500:

I-2-576 D. cont., dated March 6, 1992, through I-2-578 B. cont., dated March 6, 1992 (2 pages).

I-2-590 Sample 2, dated March 6, 1992, through I-2-590 Sample 3 cont., dated March 6, 1992 (4 pages).

Insert in Chapter I-2-700:

I-2-790 Sample 2, dated March 3, 1992, through I-2-790 Sample 3 cont., dated March 6, 1992 (4 pages).

Date: March 6, 1992