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Family Information & Resources

Family Information & Resources

A Handbook for Injured Service Members and Their Families

A service member recovering from a serious wartime injury may face a long and difficult process that is both physically and emotionally challenging for the service member and his or her family. Once the service member is out of harm’s way and receiving proper medical care, he or she must begin to consider the future. During the healing process, service members and their families will face a host of practical issues ranging from the military disability evaluation system and continuation of military service to the possible transition back into civilian life.

Fortunately, the United States Armed Forces, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and an array of other government and private organizations are committed to meeting the needs of our wounded service members and helping them and their families through this difficult time. In recognition of their service and sacrifice, these organizations and federal and local laws provide a number of benefits and rights for service members and their families to help with financial, medical, educational, employment and other needs.

The firm of Davis Polk & Wardwell has compiled information on these various benefits into a concise handbook and made it available online below at no cost.

The purpose of this handbook is to assist injured service members and their families by providing information about what lies ahead, an overview of resources at their disposal, and a discussion of certain issues they are likely to confront. It is designed to supplement the information provided directly by the various branches of the military, as well as governmental and nongovernmental organizations.

To view the handbook online click on the link below:

 A Handbook for Injured Service Members and Their Families

Handbook individual chapters:

 Chapter 1 - Immediate Concerns
 Chapter 2 - Disability Evaluation System
 Chapter 3 - Disability Rating System
 Chapter 4 - Disability Compensation
 Chapter 5 - Health Care
 Chapter 6 - Education and Employment Benefits
 Chapter 7 - Other Federal Benefits
 Chapter 8 - Federal Tax Issues
 Chapter 9 - Legal Rights
 Chapter 10 - Legal Assistance
 Chapter 11 - State Resources

A Survivor's Guide: Handbook for Families of Deceased Military Personnel

One can never really prepare adequately for the loss of a loved one. Unfortunately, while dealing with the tragedy of the loss of a service member, surviving family members often must confront a range of issues relating to matters involving the deceased’s estate, living arrangements, and financial and personal affairs. The United States Armed Forces are deeply concerned about the needs of surviving family members and, in response, offer numerous family support assistance programs, including direct financial assistance. Further, in recognition of the enormous contribution and sacrifice made by the service member, survivors are also eligible for a number of benefits offered through other governmental and non-governmental sources.

The purpose of the below handbook is to assist survivors by providing a brief summary of the resources available from the military and other government and private institutions, and a discussion of certain issues surviving family members are likely to confront. It is designed to supplement the information provided directly by the various branches of the military, in large part through their casualty assistance officer programs.

This handbook has been compiled at no cost to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund by our freinds at Davis Polk & Wardwell. A printed copy will be avaiable to families of deceased military personnel on request. To order a copy of this handbook please click here.

To view the handbook online click on the link below:

 A Survivor's Guide: Handbook for Families of Deceased Military Personnel

Handbook individual chapters:

 Introduction and Contents
 Estate Matters
 Deceased Service Member's Estate
 Financial Assistance and Benefits
 Life Insurance
 Social Security
 Education Benefits
 Retirement Benefits
 Health and Dental Care
 Grief Support, Mental Health and Other Health Resources
 Additional Resources
 Federal Tax Issues
 Legal Assistance
 State Resources

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