
James T. Muckerman
Senior Chemist
Theoretical dynamics of reactive collisions and photodissociation processes; laser control of molecular dynamics; grid methods in the solution of time-dependent problems in quantum mechanics; ab initio calculation of potential energy surfaces and vibronic transitions
B.A. Carleton College, 1965;
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 1969

Trevor J. Sears
Senior Chemist
Laser spectroscopy and kinetics
of short-lived species in gas
phase chemical reactions
B.Sc. Southampton University,
England, 1975;
Ph.D. Southampton University,
England, 1979

Gregory E. Hall
Senior Chemist
Chemical physics: gas phase reaction dynamics, energy transfer,  photofragmentation;
vector properties of molecular collisions and photodissociation
A.B. Cornell University, 1974;
M.Sc. University of Toronto, 1976;
Ph.D. University of Toronto, 1980

Hua-Gen Yu
Theory of chemical reaction dynamics; molecular vibrational states; potential
energy surfaces; ro-vibronic spectroscopy
B.A. Chengdu University of Science and Technology, China, 1985;
Ph.D. Göteborg University, Sweden, 2000

Ralph E. Weston, Jr.

Senior Chemist retired; Guest Scientist
Chemical kinetics, photochemistry,
molecular energy transfer
B.S. University of California,
Berkeley, 1946;
Ph.D. Stanford University, 1949

Zhong Wang
Research Associate

Suk Kyoung Lee
Research Associate

Michael Hause
Research Associate

 Last update on: April 16, 2008