
Table 3. Cost-Earnings Data Sources
Harvesting Sectors Data Sources
1. Inshore Lobster Variable costs, fixed costs, and crew payments from focus group surveys conducted by URI study (see Anonymous, 1995).
2. Offshore Lobster Variable costs, fixed costs, and crew payments from focus group surveys conducted by URI study (see Anonymous, 1995).
3. Large Bottom Trawl Variable costs from Northeast observer data, 2001 adjusted fixed costs from raw URI CMER study data (see Lallemand et. al. 1998 and Lallemand et. al. 1999), and gross stock estimates from Northeast dealer data that pertained only to those vessels that were surveyed by the CMER study 
4. Medium Bottom Trawl
5. Small Bottom Trawl
6. Large Scallop Dredge All cost and earnings data obtained from UMASS Dartmouth study (see Georgianna, Cass, and Amaral 1999). 
7. Medium Scallop Dredge
8. Small Scallop Dredge
9. Surfclam, Ocean Quahog Dredge Medium scallop dredge cost-earnings data as proxy
10. Sink Gillnet Variable costs from Northeast observer data, fixed costs and value-added proportions from bottom longline data
11. Diving Gear Southern inshore lobster as proxy
12. Midwater Trawl Medium bottom trawl as proxy
13. Fish Pots and Traps Southern inshore lobster as proxy
14. Bottom Longline Variable costs from Northeast observer data, 2001 adjusted fixed costs from raw UMASS CMER study data (see Georgianna et. al. 1998), and gross stock estimates from Northeast dealer data that pertained only to those vessels that were surveyed by the CMER study   
15. Other Mobile Gear Medium bottom trawl as proxy
16. Other Fixed Gear Sink gillnet as proxy
17. Hand Gear All cost and earnings data obtained from raw UMASS CMER study data (see Georgianna et. al. 1998)
18. Small Dredge Small scallop dredge as proxy
Wholesale Seafood Dealers Production function obtained from VIMS CMER study (see Kirkley, Ryan, and Duberg 2004)
Fish Exchanges/Auctions 2001 adjusted variable costs, fixed costs, and value-added proportions estimated for Fulton Market in the VIMS CMER study (see Kirkley, Ryan, and Duberg 2004)
Seafood Processors 2001 sub-regional defaults for IMPLAN sector 71 (seafood product preparation and packaging)

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(Modified Jun. 17 2008)