18 Low Avenue
Concord, NH 03301-4971
1-800-834-1721 V/TTY
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DRC does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or veteran status in its programs or activities. More information on requesting a reasonable accommodation from DRC due to a disability







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Settlement between Concord Hospital and Deaf clients
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The Power of Persuasion
Judy Hallam's gentle persuasion has convinced several stores to put in automatic doors. Read the article from the Valley News.


The Disabilities Rights Center is dedicated to eliminating barriers existing in New Hampshire to the full and equal enjoyment of civil and other legal rights by people with disabilities.  

The Disabilities Rights Center (DRC) is New Hampshire's designated Protection and Advocacy agency and authorized by federal statute "to pursue legal, administrative and other appropriate remedies" on behalf of individuals with disabilities. The DRC is a statewide organization that is independent from state government or service providers.

The DRC provides information, referral, advice, and legal representation and advocacy to individuals with disabilities on a wide range of disability-related problems. We can help advocate for legal rights in the areas of:

Mary Schuh, Board President
Katherine Davis, PAIMI Advisory Council Chairperson
Richard A. Cohen, Esq., Executive Director
Amy Messer, Esq., Legal Director

National Disability Rights Network logo

The Disabilities Rights Center is a member of the National Disability Rights Network.

This website has been made possible by grants from the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services; The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services; The Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources Services Administration; The U.S. Social Security Administration; The U.S. Department of Education, Offices of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services.
The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the Disabilities Rights Center, Inc. and do not represent the official views of the federal grantors.

The Disabilities Rights Center is funded, in part, by the New Hampshire Bar Foundation.

New Hampshire Bar Foundation logo

Last Updated: 10/7/08