Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated
Group Air Station Astoria Banner

Burial at Sea Requests

All burials at sea conducted within the Thriteenth Coast Guard District are limited to the scattering of cremains (cremated remains) only. Requests are coordinated through Integrated Support Center Seattle. Local assistance can be given by your local Coast Guard station or by calling the Group Astoria Command Center Supervisor at (503) 861-6201. You can fax a request to the command center at (503) 861-6360 and we will attempt to meet your needs. Burials at sea are conducted as operations and weather permit. If you have a specific date requested, please understand the need to be flexible. There may be opportunity for next of kin to accompany the Coast Guard during the burial but this is highly dependent on weather and availability of resources.

Burial at sea of cremains is authorized only for the following deceased:

Proper documentation must be provided by the next of kin.

References applicable to burials at sea include:


Last Modified 8/11/2008