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Criminal Victimization in the United States - Statistical Tables Index
Table Index
  Property crimes (See also Definition)

      Victims (head of household)
              Value of loss

Table 16: Number of victimizations and victimization rates by type of crime and race of head of household
 2006: Acrobat file (22K)  |  Spreadsheet (4K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (79K)

Table 21: Victimization rates by race of head of household, annual family income and type of household burglary
 2006: Acrobat file (17K)  |  Spreadsheet (3K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (73K)

Table 22: Victimization rates by race of head of household, annual family income and type of theft
 2006: Acrobat file (17K)  |  Spreadsheet (3K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (73K)

Table 23: Victimization rates by race of head of household, annual family income and type of motor vehicle theft
 2006: Acrobat file (17K)  |  Spreadsheet (3K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (71K)

Table 55: Victimization rates by locality of residence, race of head of household and type of crime
 Data is not available for this table in 2006
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (55K)

Table 56: Victimization rates by type of crime, form of tenure, race of head of household, and locality of residence
 Data is not available for this table in 2006
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (118K)

Table 85: Percent distribution of victimizations resulting in theft loss, by race of victims, type of crime and value of loss
 2006: Acrobat file (21K)  |  Spreadsheet (4K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (96K)

Table 86: Percent distribution of victimizations resulting in theft loss, by race of victims, type of crime and proportion of loss recovered
 2006: Acrobat file (18K)  |  Spreadsheet (4K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (131K)

Table 88: Percent of victimizations resulting in loss of time from work, by type of crime and race of victims
 2006: Acrobat file (17K)  |  Spreadsheet (3K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (108K)

Table 90: Percent distribution of victimizations resulting in loss of time from work, by race of victims, type of crime, and number of days lost
 2006: Acrobat file (18K)  |  Spreadsheet (3K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (81K)

Table 97: Percent of victimizations reported to the police, by type of crime, form of tenure, and race and ethnicity of head of household
 2006: Acrobat file (17K)  |  Spreadsheet (4K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (91K)

Table 105: Percent of reasons for not reporting victimizations to the police, by race of head of household and type of crime
 2006: Acrobat file (18K)  |  Spreadsheet (4K)
 1996-2005: Acrobat file (87K)

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