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Our Nation's Highways: 2008

Figure 3-1. Numbers of Registered Vehicles-Automobiles, Trucks, and Buses, 1970-2006

The number of registered vehicles in the country has been growing since recordkeeping started, and the number of registered vehicles as compared to the number of licensed drivers has also been growing. Before 1975, the country had roughly 1.0 vehicle per licensed driver. Since then, the ownership of vehicles on a licensed driver basis has been increasing at an accelerating rate, reaching 1.2 at the end of 2006.

See paragraph above for explanation of this figure.

Data represented in the inset chart
Table in Excel format

Data Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Highway Policy Information, Highway Statistics.

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Tianjia Tang
Office of Highway Policy Information
E-mail Tianjia


United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration