Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Ecosystem Processes Division
Oceanography Branch

ctd animation

Pic of CTD being recovered The Oceanography Branch is part of the Ecosystem Processes Division of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. The Branch has approximately 20 staff located at the Woods Hole, MA and Narragansett, RI laboratories. Two sub-units within the Branch are the Plankton Investigation at the Narragansett, RI laboratory (contact and the Recruitment Processes Group at the Woods Hole laboratory (contact

The Oceanography Branch analyzes data collected on the Northeast Continental Shelf ecosystem to understand how the components of the ecosystem influence the distribution, abundance, and productivity of living marine resources (LMRs). The Branch conducts process oriented research on LMRs. In addition, the Branch collects temperature and salinity data on almost all Northeast Fisheries Science Center cruises to monitor the seasonal and interannual variability in the water properties on the northeast continental shelf. Specific focus is given to studying the physical and biological processes which control the growth and survival of the early life stages of fish populations and of their zooplankton prey organisms.

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(Modified Oct. 16 2007)