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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Fishing gear, photo: MGC, AFSC

NOAA Fisheries News Releases

May 30, 2001
Carol Tocco, Public Affairs NMFS
(907) 586-7032


Agency Balances Protection With Whale Watch Opportunities

Officials with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service announce the completion of a final rule to protect humpback whales in Alaskan waters from disturbance by vessels. The regulations will take effect on July 2.

"We worked closely with the public and the whale watching industry to balance protection of the whales with public demand for enjoyable whale watching opportunities," said Jim Balsiger, Alaska Regional Administrator for NOAA fisheries. "The regulations are designed to protect the whales and to provide an enforcement tool to respond to situations that may threaten this endangered species."

The rule limits the minimum approach distance to 100 yards, requires a "slow, safe speed" when near a humpback whale, and prohibits disruption of a whale's normal behavior or prior activity.

In response to public comment, the minimum approach distance was reduced from the proposed 200 yards to 100 yards. This makes the distance consistent with the 1996 voluntary Marine Mammal Viewing Guidelines and with approach regulations for protecting whales in Hawaiian waters.

The agency agreed with public comments that supported a few exemptions for certain vessel types and activities, including fishing vessels actively engaged in commercial fishing, vessels limited in their ability to maneuver, and government vessels engaged in official duty.

The regulation will be published in the Federal Register on May 31 and text available at www.fakr.noaa.gov.

The voluntary Marine Mammal Viewing Guidelines, that will remain in place as additional guidance for vessel operators, contain more suggested protective measures when around whales and other marine mammals.

NOAA fisheries conducts scientific research and provides services and products to support domestic and international fisheries management, fisheries development, trade and industry assistance, enforcement, and protected species and habitat conservation programs.

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