
Press Release- Jan 23, 2007

TUESDAY, JAN. 23, 2007

Evan Dreyer, 303-866-6324 or 720-350-8370


Gov. Bill Ritter today nominated Ron Binz, who was Colorado's first utility consumer advocate, to a four-year post as chairman of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.

The appointment marks the first of thousands of board and commission nominations Ritter will make during the course of his term.

"Throughout his distinguished career, Ron has demonstrated a common-sense understanding of how public policy and utility-company operations intersect and impact the lives of ordinary people," Ritter said. "His fact-based approach allows him to see all perspectives. The people of Colorado and our utility industry will be well-served with Ron as chairman of the PUC."

From 1984 to 1995, Binz served as director of the Colorado Office of Consumer Counsel, the state's utility consumer advocate. He is currently president of Public Policy Consulting, specializing in telecommunications and energy-industry policy and regulatory issues.

"I'm honored that Gov. Ritter has invited me to take a leadership role in creating Colorado's New Energy Economy," Binz, 57, said. "We are at an energy crossroads, and I look forward to working with the industry, consumers and my fellow commissioners to bring the governor's vision to reality at the least possible cost to ratepayers."

Binz's nomination requires Senate approval. His term will begin upon confirmation. The annual salary is $104,000. The three-member commission regulates Colorado's investor-owned gas, electric and telecommunications utilities, including Qwest, Xcel Energy, railroads and motor carriers.

Binz, recognized as a national expert in regulatory policy, is a member of the Colorado Renewable Energy Society and has written three studies on the costs of renewable energy. He has served on two high-level advisory commissions to the Federal Communications Commission.

He obtained a bachelor's degree in philosophy from St. Louis University in 1971, a master's in mathematics from the University of Colorado in 1977 and completed course requirements for a master's in economics from CU in 1982.

Apart from his professional career, Binz owns a winery in Loveland, Trail Ridge Winery. Binz has served as chairman of the Colorado Wine Industry Development Board and as a board member of the national trade association WineAmerica.