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  • The Perceptions of Fairness in the Florida Courts Surveys have now ended:Thank you for participating!

    final report cover

    Standing Committee on Fairness
    and Diversity

    The Florida courts have been a leader in striving toward fairness in court operations.  After analyzing input from thousands of judges, court employees, attorneys, litigants, jurors, and other interested persons, the Standing Committee on Fairness and Diversity has issued a report that documents current perceptions of fairness in the court system.  The Committee was established to assist the courts in identifying and eliminating any bias based on race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, financial status, or any characteristic that is without legal relevance.

    Read the Final Report in Word or PDF.

    The Chief Justice of Florida created the Standing Committee on Fairness and Diversity by Administrative Order AOSC04-225 on November 19, 2004. On January 21, 2005, the Standing Committee held its first meeting in Miami, with The Photo of Chief Justice and Judge FreemanHonorable Gill Freeman presiding as Committee Chairperson. The committee was established to advance the State Courts System’s efforts to eliminate from court operations inappropriate bias based on race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, or socioeconomic status.

    Following are previous Florida committee reports, previous Florida Bar studies and national studies and articles on the subject of fairness and diversity. (Opening the following files requires that you have Adobe Acrobat loaded on your computer. Some of the files are large, so allow adequate download time.)

    New Work products of the Standing Committee

    Previous Florida Committee Reports

    Previous Bar Studies

    National Studies and Articles