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ETA News Release: [06/28/2005]
Contact Name: David James or Mike Volpe
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676 or x3984
Release Number: 05-1153-KAN

U.S. Department of Labor Announces $850,000 Grant To Establish New Iowans Centers Project

Will Assist Immigrant Transition Into Workforce and Community

WASHINGTON-U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today announced an $850,000 demonstration grant to Iowa Workforce Development to establish three New Iowans Centers to help immigrants transition into their new communities and the workforce.

"One of the biggest and most immediate hurdles that many immigrants face when they arrive in our country is not being able to speak English. Knowing how to speak the language is essential to advancement in our economy," said Chao. "This $850,000 grant will establish New Iowans Centers which will help newcomers gain valuable language skills, job training, and job placement and other helpful services, while in the process help build strong communities."

The grant, awarded through the Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration, will establish New Iowans Centers at local One Stop Career Centers in Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines and Council Bluffs, Iowa. The centers will provide assistance with language and occupational training, resettlement, community service referrals and job placement with local area employers who are seeking skilled workers.

Over a three year period, the goals of the project are to speed the transition of new Americans into communities; promote stability and employment with good wages, and increase local economic development.

"These services will give new Americans who want to increase their marketable skills the ability to compete for good jobs in demand by businesses competing in the global economy," said Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Emily Stover DeRocco. "This demonstration will also help determine if projects like the one being announced today are expanded to assist other new Americans here to fulfill their dreams."

Supportive services, including documentation assistance, understanding civic responsibilities and legal assistance will also be available to help individuals become established and provide for their families.

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