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Rocky Mountain Research Station
Natural Resources Res. Ctr.
2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. A
Fort Collins, CO 80526-2098

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New To The Web - FY07
Journal Articles and Other Reports

Papers posted to the Web during the current fiscal year. A complete list of journal articles and online series publications are also available.

Predicting postfire Douglas-fir beetle attacks and tree mortality in the northern Rocky Mountains
Posted September 26, 2007

Winter habitat selection patterns of Merriam's turkeys in the southern Black Hills, South Dakota
Posted September 26, 2007

Postfire invasion potential of rush skeletonweed (Chondrilla juncea)
Posted September 20, 2007

Place and place-based planning
Posted September 20, 2007

Forest bioenergy system to reduce the hazard of wildfires: White Mountains, Arizona
Posted September 20, 2007

Recreation settings, scenery, and visitor experiences: A research assessment
Posted September 20, 2007

Evaluation of resource selection methods with different definitions of availability
Posted September 20, 2007

Population genetics and genotyping for mark-recapture studies of Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) on the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona
Posted September 20, 2007

Estimating the probability of mountain pine beetle red-attack damage
Posted September 8, 2007

Development of protocols to inventory or monitor wildlife, fish, or rare plants
Posted September 8, 2007

Effects of forest roads on habitat quality for Ovenbirds in a forested landscape
Posted September 8, 2007

Small mammal communities and habitat selection in Northern Rocky Mountain bunchgrass: Implications for exotic plant invasions
Posted September 8, 2007

Hydraulic analysis and double mass curves of the Middle Rio Grande from Cochiti to San Marcial, New Mexico
Posted September 8, 2007

Hydraulic modeling and meander migration of the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico
Posted September 8, 2007

Modeling forest planning trade-offs on the Colorado Front Range using MAGIS, an optimization, spatial decision support system
Posted September 8, 2007

Textural analysis of high resolution imagery to quantify bush encroachment in Madikwe Game Reserve, South Africa, 1955-1996
Posted September 8, 2007

Fire scar mapping in a southern African savanna
Posted September 8, 2007

Rangeland mismanagement in South Africa: Failure to apply ecological knowledge
Posted September 8, 2007

Deforestation in Mwanza District, Malawi, from 1981 to 1992 as determined from Landsat MSS imagery
Posted September 8, 2007

Textural analysis of historical aerial photography to characterize woody plant encroachment in South African savanna
Posted September 8, 2007

Linking the conservation of culture and nature: A case study of sacred forests in Zimbabwe
Posted September 8, 2007

Remote sensing of vegetation fires and its contribution to a fire management information system
Posted September 8, 2007

Predicting plot basal area and tree density in mixed-conifer forest from lidar and Advanced Land Imager (ALI) data
Posted September 8, 2007

Ergosterol content of fungi associated with Dendroctonus ponderosae and Dendroctonus rufipennis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae)
Posted September 8, 2007

Visitor and recreation impact monitoring: Is it lost in the gulf between science and management?
Posted September 8, 2007

Vitally important: The role of demography in assessing the current and future status of black-tailed prairie dogs
Posted September 8, 2007

Amphibians and wildfire in the U.S. Northwest
Posted September 8, 2007

Linking parasitic plant-induced host morphology to tritrophic interactions
Posted September 8, 2007

Hydraulic modeling analysis of the Middle Rio Grande River from Cochiti Dam to Galisteo Creek, New Mexico
Posted September 8, 2007

Half a century of research - Fort Valley Experimental Forest 1908-1958
Posted September 5, 2007

The applicability of Criterion 1 -- Conservation of Biological Diversity -- of the Montreal Process to rangeland sustainability
Posted August 31, 2007

Dam impacts on and restoration of an alluvial river-Rio Grande, New Mexico
Posted August 31, 2007

The Forest Vegetation Simulator: A review of its structure, content, and applications
Posted August 31, 2007

Interpreting, measuring, and modeling soil respiration
Posted August 31, 2007

Invasion by nonnative brook trout in Panther Creek, Idaho: Roles of habitat quality, connectivity, and biotic resistance
Posted August 31, 2007

Complex interactions shaping aspen dynamics in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Posted August 31, 2007

Constrained range expansion and climate change assessments
Posted August 31, 2007

Height growth determinants in pines: A case study of Pinus contorta and Pinus monticola
Posted August 31, 2007

Understanding place meanings for wilderness: Personal and community values at risk
Posted August 31, 2007

Application of two regression-based methods to estimate the effects harvest on forest structure using Landsat data
Posted August 31, 2007

Further advances in predicting species distributions
Posted August 31, 2007

Predicting tree species presence and basal area in Utah: A comparison of stochastic gradient boosting, generalized additive models, and tree-based methods
Posted August 31, 2007

Evidence of biased processing of natural resource-related information: A study of attitudes toward drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Posted August 31, 2007

Drought-related mortality in pinyon-juniper woodlands: A test case for the FIA annual inventory system
Posted August 30, 2007

Comparison of Tasseled Cap-based Landsat data strucutes for use in forest disturbance detection
Posted August 30, 2007

FIA Quality Assurance Program: Evaluation of a tree matching algorithm for paired forest inventory data
Posted August 30, 2007

Regional monitoring of nonnative plant invasions with the forest inventory and analysis program
Posted August 30, 2007

Models for estimation and simulation of crown and canopy cover
Posted August 30, 2007

Considerations in forest growth estimation between two measurements of mapped forest inventory plots
Posted August 30, 2007

Mountain pine beetle population sampling: Inferences from Lindgren pheromone traps and tree emergence cages
Posted August 30, 2007

Integrating social science into forestry in the wildland/urban interface
Posted August 30, 2007

Understanding the wicked nature of "unmanaged recreation" in Colorado's Front Range
Posted August 30, 2007

Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on amphibians: A review and prospectus
Posted August 30, 2007

Comparison of naturally and synthetically baited spruce beetle trapping systems in the central Rocky Mountains
Posted August 30, 2007

History of fire and Douglas-fir establishment in a savanna and sagebrush-grassland mosaic, southwestern Montana, USA
Posted August 30, 2007

Estimating volumes and costs of forest biomass in western Montana using forest inventory and geospatial data
Posted August 30, 2007

Consequences of ignoring geologic variation in evaluating grazing impacts
Posted August 30, 2007

Pedicularis and Castilleja are natural hosts of Cronartium ribicola in North America: A first report
Posted August 30, 2007

Emerging concepts for management of river ecosystems and challenges to applied integration of physical and biological sciences in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Posted August 30, 2007

Have brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) displaced bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) along longitudinal gradients in central Idaho streams?
Posted August 30, 2007

Protection from erosion following wildfire
Posted August 30, 2007

Altitudinal genetic variation among Pinus oocarpa populations in Michoacan, Mexico: implications for seed zoning, conservation, tree breeding and global warming
Posted August 30, 2007

A report on the potential use of USDA Forest Service forest inventory and analysis data by the Bureau of Land Management
Posted August 30, 2007

Augmenting the existing survey hierarchy for mountain pine beetle red-attack damage with satellite remotely sensed data
Posted August 30, 2007

Design and analysis for thematic map accuracy assessment: Fundamental principles
Posted August 28, 2007

Gene flow in complex landscapes: Testing multiple hypotheses with causal modeling
Posted August 28, 2007

Stand characteristics and Ips typographus (L.) (Col., Curculionidae, Scolytinae) infestation during outbreak in northeastern Poland
Posted August 28, 2007

Partitioning error components for accuracy-assessment of near-neighbor methods of imputation
Posted August 28, 2007

First report of the white pine blister rust fungus, Cronartium ribicola, on Pedicularis bracteosa
Posted August 28, 2007

Measuring the efficacy of a wildfire education program in Colorado Springs
Posted August 28, 2007

A comparison of sap flux-based evapotranspiration estimates with catchment-scale water balance
Posted August 28, 2007

Western gall rust -- A threat to Pinus radiata in New Zealand
Posted August 28, 2007

Field assessment of wood stake decomposition in forest soil
Posted August 28, 2007

Cole, David N. 1995. Experimental trampling of vegetation. I. Relationship between trampling intensity and vegetation response
Posted August 27, 2007

Spatial optimization of prairie dog colonies for black-footed ferret recovery
Posted August 27, 2007

Paired comparison estimates of willingness to accept versus contingent valuation estimates of willingness to pay
Posted August 27, 2007

Basin-scale availability of salmonid spawning gravel as influenced by channel type and hydraulic roughness in mountain catchments
Posted August 27, 2007

Erosion, sedimentation, and cumulative effects in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Posted August 27, 2007

Modeling trade-offs between fire threat reduction and late-seral forest structure
Posted August 27, 2007

Re-sampling remotely sensed data to improve national and regional mapping of forest conditions with confidential field data
Posted August 27, 2007

Seasonal patterns in soil surface CO2 flux under snow cover in 50 and 300 year old subalpine forests
Posted August 27, 2007

Assessing surface area of coarse woody debris with line intersect and perpendicular distance sampling
Posted August 27, 2007

Decision support models for economically efficient integrated forest management
Posted August 27, 2007

Valley segments, stream reaches, and channel units
Posted July 20, 2007

Potential impact of two Aphthona spp. on a native, nontarget Euphorbia species
Posted July 19, 2007

Collecting a whitebark snag for visitor center display
Posted July 19, 2007

Influences of disturbance and vegetation on abundance of native and exotic detritivores in a southwestern riparian forest
Posted July 19, 2007

Soil nitrogen mineralization not affected by grass species traits
Posted July 19, 2007

Effects of fire exclusion on forest structure and composition in unlogged ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests
Posted July 19, 2007

Fine-scale natal homing and localized movement as shaped by sex and spawning habitat in Chinook salmon: insights from spatial autocorrelation analysis of individual genotypes
Posted July 19, 2007

The role of wildfire in the establishment and range expansion of nonnative plant species into natural areas: A review of current literature
Posted July 19, 2007

Characterizing stand-replacing harvest and fire disturbance patches in a forested landscape: A case study from Cooney Ridge, Montana
Posted July 19, 2007

Fire history of a western Montana ponderosa pine grassland: A pilot study
Posted July 19, 2007

Frequent fire alters nitrogen transformations in ponderosa pine stands of the inland Northwest
Posted July 19, 2007

Modeling fuel treatment costs on Forest Service Lands in the Western United States
Posted July 19, 2007

Efficacy of flea beetle control of leafy spurge in Montana and South Dakota
Posted July 19, 2007

BLM forest lands report -- 2006 status and condition
Posted July 19, 2007

Aquatic species and habitats
Posted July 19, 2007

Topographic, meteorologic, and canopy controls on the scaling characteristics of the spatial distribution of snow depth fields
Posted July 19, 2007

Contribution of actinorhizal shrubs to site fertility in a northern California mixed pine forest
Posted July 6, 2007

Private industrial foresters and Forest Service research--the relevancy question
Posted July 6, 2007

Application of the Nelson model to four timelag fuel classes using Oklahoma field observations: Model evaluation and comparison with national Fire Danger Rating System algorithms
Posted July 6, 2007

What makes Great Basin sagebrush ecosystems invasible by Bromus tectorum?
Posted July 6, 2007

Scaling-up the minimum requirements analysis for big wilderness issues
Posted July 6, 2007

The importance of archiving baseline wilderness data
Posted July 6, 2007

Be careful what you wish for: The legacy of Smokey Bear
Posted July 6, 2007

Microbial community structure and activity in a Colorado Rocky Mountain forest soil scarred by slash pile burning
Posted July 6, 2007

Shared community patterns following experimental fire in a semiarid grassland
Posted July 6, 2007

Fire danger rating in the United States of America: An evolution since 1916
Posted July 6, 2007

Benefits of treating old-growth stands
Posted July 6, 2007

Local-scale controls of a low-severity fire regime (1750-1950), southern British Columbia, Canada
Posted July 6, 2007

Dwarf mistletoe effects on fuel loadings in ponderosa pine forests in northern Arizona
Posted July 6, 2007

Chinook salmon use of spawning patches: relative roles of habitat quality, size, and connectivity
Posted July 6, 2007

BEMRP: Conducting research, sharing results
Posted July 6, 2007

CCE fire regimes and their management
Posted July 6, 2007

Contingent Pacific-Atlantic Ocean influence on multicentury wildfire synchrony over western North America
Posted July 6, 2007

Avifaunal responses to fire in southwestern montane forests along a burn severity gradient
Posted July 6, 2007

Understanding forest ecology from the landscape to the project level
Posted July 6, 2007

Model-assisted estimation of forest resources with generalized additive models
Posted July 6, 2007

Impacts of invasive plants on songbirds: Using song structure as an indicator of habitat quality
Posted July 6, 2007

Soil productivity and harvest operations
Posted July 6, 2007

Factors affecting sustained smouldering in organic soils from pocasin and pond pine woodland wetlands
Posted July 6, 2007

Assessing host specialization among aecial and telial hosts of the white pine blister rust fungus, Cronartium ribicola
Posted July 6, 2007

Looking at emissions and economics of biomass use
Posted July 6, 2007

Aspen in the Sierra Nevada: Regional conservation of a continental species
Posted July 6, 2007

Scientific independence: A key to credibility
Posted July 6, 2007

Nest densities of cavity-nesting birds in relation to postfire salvage logging and time since wildfire
Posted July 6, 2007

Using models to provide a virtual test of forest treatments
Posted July 6, 2007

Wildland shrubs of the United States and its Territories: thamnic descriptions: volume 1
Posted April 12, 2007

Slope Stability Reference Guide for National Forests in the United States
Posted April 3, 2007

Restoration of Soldier Spring: an isolated habitat for native Apache trout
Posted March 30, 2007

Distribution of bark beetle attacks after whitebark pine restoration treatments: A case study
Posted March 30, 2007

Effective management strategies for sage-grouse and sagebrush: a question of triage?
Posted March 30, 2007

Communicating forest management science and practices through visualized and animated media approaches to community presentations: an exploration and assessment
Posted March 30, 2007

Fossils and fire: a study on the effects of fire on paleontological resources at Badlands National Park
Posted March 30, 2007

Comparison of the sensitivity of landscape-fire-succession models to variation in terrain, fuel pattern, climate and weather
Posted March 30, 2007

Wood CO2 efflux in a primary tropical rain forest
Posted March 30, 2007

Reconciling carbon-cycle concepts, terminology, and methodology
Posted March 30, 2007

A coupled upland-erosion and instream hydrodynamic-sediment transport model for evaluating sediment transport in forested watersheds
Posted March 30, 2007

Modeling precipitation runoff relationships to determine water yield
Posted March 30, 2007

Learning from escaped prescribed fires - lessons for high reliability
Posted March 30, 2007

Effects of sample survey design on the accuracy of classification tree models in species distribution models
Posted March 30, 2007

Plant species invasions along the latitudinal gradient in the United States: Reply
Posted March 30, 2007

Evaluation of funnel traps for estimating tree mortality and associated population phase of spruce beetle in Utah
Posted March 30, 2007

The complexity of managing fire-dependent ecosystems in wilderness: relict ponderosa pine in the Bob Marshall Wilderness
Posted March 30, 2007

Trends in public attitudes towards the use of wildland fire
Posted March 30, 2007

Developing wilderness character monitoring: A personal reflection
Posted March 30, 2007

A meteorological distribution system for high-resolution terrestrial modeling (MicroMet)
Posted March 30, 2007

Microsatellite variation reveals weak genetic structure and retention of genetic variability in threatened Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytcha) within a Snake River watershed
Posted March 30, 2007

Culturally scarred trees in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana, USA - Interpreting Native American historical forest use in a wilderness area
Posted March 30, 2007

Aboveground sink strength in forests controls the allocation of carbon below ground and its [CO2]-induced enhancement
Posted March 30, 2007

Wilderness stewardship in an era of global changes
Posted March 30, 2007

Postfire logging in riparian areas
Posted March 30, 2007

Estimating canopy fuel characteristics in five conifer stands in the western United States using tree and stand measurements
Posted March 30, 2007

Open spaces, working places
Posted March 30, 2007

The global wilderness seminar for government agencies: a meeting at the crossroads of wildlands stewardship
Posted March 30, 2007

Channel changes after wildfire disturbance
Posted March 30, 2007

Best predictors for postfire mortality of ponderosa pine trees in the Intermountain West
Posted March 30, 2007

Dutchwoman Butte revisited: Examining paradigms for livestock grazing exclusion
Posted March 30, 2007

A methodology for assessing departure of current plant communities from historical conditions over large landscapes. Ecological Modelling
Posted March 30, 2007

Wilderness and backcountry site restoration guide
Posted March 30, 2007

Utility and validation of night snorkel counts for estimating bull trout abundance in first-to-third order streams
Posted March 30, 2007

Fine-scale genetic structure of bull trout at the southern limit of their distribution
Posted March 30, 2007

Comparison of different stomatal conductance algorithms for ozone flux modelling
Posted March 30, 2007

Influences of travertine dam formation on leaf litter decomposition and algal accrual
Posted March 30, 2007

The likely impact of elevated [CO2], nitrogen deposition, increased temperature and management on carbon sequestration in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems: a literature review
Posted March 30, 2007

Landscape-scale genetic variation in a forest outbreak species, the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae)
Posted March 30, 2007

A density management diagram for longleaf pine stands with application to red-cockaded woodpecker habitat
Posted March 30, 2007

Temperature determines symbiont abundance in a multipartite bark beetle-fungus ectosymbiosis
Posted March 30, 2007

Hyporheic exchange in gravel bed rivers with pool-riffle morphology: Laboratory experiments and three-dimensional modeling
Posted March 30, 2007

Hairy woodpecker winter ecology in ponderosa pine forests representing different ages since wildfire
Posted February 26, 2007

Snag longevity in relation to wildfire and postfire salvage logging
Posted February 26, 2007

Juvenile movement and natal dispersal on northern goshawks in Arizona
Posted February 26, 2007

Can a sample of Landsat sensor scenes reliably estimate the global extent of tropical deforestation?
Posted February 26, 2007

A distributed snow-evolution modeling system (SnowModel)
Posted February 26, 2007

The Effect of Fertilization on Sap flux and Canopy Conductance in a Eucalyptus saligna Experimental Forest
Posted February 26, 2007

An experimental test of the causes of forest growth decline with stand age
Posted February 26, 2007

Integration of lidar and Landsat ETM+ data for estimating and mapping forest canopy height
Posted February 16, 2007

Relationships between fire frequency and woody canopy cover in a semi-arid African savanna
Posted February 16, 2007

Woody overstorey effects on soil carbon and nitrogen pools in South African savanna
Posted February 16, 2007

The relationship of field burn severity measures to satellite-derived Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC) maps
Posted February 16, 2007

Field validation of Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC) products for post fire assessment
Posted February 16, 2007

Trends in fire patterns in a southern African savanna under alternative land use practices
Posted February 16, 2007

Mapping fire scars in a southern African savannah using Landsat imagery
Posted February 16, 2007

Comparison of regression and geostatistical methods for mapping Leaf Area Index (LAI) with Landsat ETM+ data over a boreal forest
Posted February 16, 2007

Sensitivity of Landsat image-derived burn severity indices to immediate post-fire effects
Posted February 16, 2007

Geographic variability in lidar predictions of forest stand structure in the Pacific Northwest
Posted February 16, 2007

Epidemiology for hazard rating of white pine blister rust
Posted January 19, 2007

Modeling the potential distribution of white pine blister rust in the central Rocky Mountains
Posted January 19, 2007

Red-tailed hawk dietary overlap with northern goshawks on the Kaibab Plateau, AZ
Posted January 19, 2007

Cohen's Kappa and classification table metrics 2.0: an ArcView 3.x extension for accuracy assessment of spatially explicit models: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF 2005-1363
Posted January 19, 2007

Empirical Analyses of Plant-Climate Relationships for the Western United States
Posted January 19, 2007

Characterizing gene responses to drought stress in fourwing saltbush [Atriplex canescens (Pursh.) Nutt.)
Posted November 28, 2006

A density management diagram for even-aged ponderosa pine stands
Posted November 21, 2006

Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) annual inventory answers the question: What is happening to pinyon-juniper woodlands?
Posted November 21, 2006

Reineke's Stand Density Index: Where are we and where do we go from here?
Posted November 21, 2006

Benefits of a strategic national forest inventory to science and society: the USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis program
Posted November 21, 2006

Population-wide changes in pinyon-juniper woodlands caused by drought in the American Southwest: Effects on structure, composition, and distribution
Posted November 21, 2006

Accuracy assessment of the vegetation continuous field tree cover product using 3954 ground plots in the southwestern USA
Posted November 21, 2006

Multiple species inventory and monitoring technical guide
Posted November 20, 2006

Northern goshawk inventory and monitoring technical guide
Posted November 20, 2006

Effects of dormant- vs. growing-season fire in shortgrass steppe: Biological soil crust and perennial grass responses
Posted November 17, 2006

Local calibration of the Forest Vegetation simulator (FVS) using custom inventory data
Posted November 17, 2006

Research agenda for integrated landscape modeling
Posted October 25, 2006

How to recover more value from small pine trees: Essential oils and resins
Posted October 25, 2006

A site-specific approach for assessing the fire risk to structures at the wildland/urban interface
Posted October 25, 2006

Structure Ignition Assessment can help reduce fire damages in the W-UI
Posted October 25, 2006

Modeling potential structure ignitions from flame radiation exposure with implications for wildland/urban interface fire management
Posted October 25, 2006

Reducing the wildland fire threat to homes: Where and how much?
Posted October 25, 2006

Examination of the home destruction in Los Alamos associated with the Cerro Grande Fire - July 10, 2000
Posted October 25, 2006

Preventing disaster: Home ignitability in the wildland-urban interface
Posted October 25, 2006

What is the wildland fire threat to homes?
Posted October 25, 2006

Decline of quaking aspen in the Interior West - examples from Utah
Posted October 23, 2006

Feeding ecology of sharp-shinned hawks in deciduous and coniferous forests in Colorado
Posted October 23, 2006

Northern goshawk broadcast surveys: hawk response variables and survey cost
Posted October 23, 2006

Territories of flammulated owls (Otus flammeolus): Is occupancy a measure of habitat quality?
Posted October 23, 2006

Distribution, territory occupancy, dispersal, and demography of northern goshawks on the Kaibab Plateau, Arizona
Posted October 23, 2006

Advective transport of CO2 in permeable media induced by atmospheric pressure fluctuations: 1. An analytical model
Posted October 17, 2006

Advective transport of CO2 in permeable media induced by atmospheric pressure fluctuations: 2. Observational evidence under snowpacks
Posted October 17, 2006

Modelling dwarf mistletoe at three scales: life history, ballistics and contagion
Posted October 17, 2006

Landscape scale attributes of elk centers of activity in the central Black Hills of South Dakota
Posted October 3, 2006

Evaluation of novel thermally enhanced spectral indices for mapping fire perimeters and comparisons with fire atlas data
Posted October 3, 2006

Estimating combustion of large downed woody debris from residual white ash
Posted October 3, 2006

Automated estimation of individual conifer tree height and crown diameter via Two-dimensional spatial wavelet analysis of lidar data
Posted October 3, 2006

Regression modeling and mapping of coniferous forest basal area and tree density from discrete-return lidar and multispectral data
Posted October 3, 2006

Remote sensing techniques to assess active fire characteristics and post-fire effects
Posted October 3, 2006

USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Research Station Publications
Last Modified: September 26, 2007

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